hadoop DistCpSync 源码

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haddop DistCpSync 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.tools;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.VisibleForTesting;
import org.apache.hadoop.HadoopIllegalArgumentException;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtilClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.SnapshotDiffReport;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.web.WebHdfsFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.tools.CopyListing.InvalidInputException;

import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Collections;

 * This class provides the basic functionality to sync two FileSystems based on
 * the snapshot diff report. More specifically, we have the following settings:
 * 1. Both the source and target FileSystem must be DistributedFileSystem or
 * (s)WebHdfsFileSystem
 * 2. Two snapshots (e.g., s1 and s2) have been created on the source FS.
 * The diff between these two snapshots will be copied to the target FS.
 * 3. The target has the same snapshot s1. No changes have been made on the
 * target since s1. All the files/directories in the target are the same with
 * source.s1
class DistCpSync {
  private DistCpContext context;
  private Configuration conf;
  // diffMap maps snapshot diff op type to a list of diff ops.
  // It's initially created based on the snapshot diff. Then the individual
  // diff stored there maybe modified instead of copied by the distcp algorithm
  // afterwards, for better performance.
  private EnumMap<SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType, List<DiffInfo>> diffMap;
  private DiffInfo[] renameDiffs;
  // entries which are marked deleted because of rename to a excluded target
  // path
  private List<DiffInfo> deletedByExclusionDiffs;
  private CopyFilter copyFilter;

  DistCpSync(DistCpContext context, Configuration conf) {
    this.context = context;
    this.conf = conf;
    this.copyFilter = CopyFilter.getCopyFilter(conf);

  public void setCopyFilter(CopyFilter copyFilter) {
    this.copyFilter = copyFilter;

  private boolean isRdiff() {
    return context.shouldUseRdiff();

   * Check if three conditions are met before sync.
   * 1. Only one source directory.
   * 2. Both source and target file system are DFS or WebHdfs.
   * 3. There is no change between from and the current status in target
   *    file system.
   *  Throw exceptions if first two aren't met, and return false to fallback to
   *  default distcp if the third condition isn't met.
  private boolean preSyncCheck() throws IOException {
    List<Path> sourcePaths = context.getSourcePaths();
    if (sourcePaths.size() != 1) {
      // we only support one source dir which must be a snapshottable directory
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(sourcePaths.size()
          + " source paths are provided");
    final Path sourceDir = sourcePaths.get(0);
    final Path targetDir = context.getTargetPath();

    final FileSystem srcFs = sourceDir.getFileSystem(conf);
    final FileSystem tgtFs = targetDir.getFileSystem(conf);
    final FileSystem snapshotDiffFs = isRdiff() ? tgtFs : srcFs;
    final Path snapshotDiffDir = isRdiff() ? targetDir : sourceDir;

    // currently we require both the source and the target file system are
    // DistributedFileSystem or (S)WebHdfsFileSystem.
    if (!(srcFs instanceof DistributedFileSystem
            || srcFs instanceof WebHdfsFileSystem)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported source file system: "
          + srcFs.getScheme() + "://. " +
          "Supported file systems: hdfs://, webhdfs:// and swebhdfs://.");
    if (!(tgtFs instanceof DistributedFileSystem
        || tgtFs instanceof WebHdfsFileSystem)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported target file system: "
          + tgtFs.getScheme() + "://. " +
          "Supported file systems: hdfs://, webhdfs:// and swebhdfs://.");

    // make sure targetFS has no change between from and the current states
    if (!checkNoChange(tgtFs, targetDir)) {
      // set the source path using the snapshot path
      return false;

    final String from = getSnapshotName(
    final String to = getSnapshotName(

    try {
      final FileStatus fromSnapshotStat =
          snapshotDiffFs.getFileStatus(getSnapshotPath(snapshotDiffDir, from));

      final FileStatus toSnapshotStat =
          snapshotDiffFs.getFileStatus(getSnapshotPath(snapshotDiffDir, to));

      if (isRdiff()) {
        // If fromSnapshot isn't current dir then do a time check
        if (!from.equals("")
            && fromSnapshotStat.getModificationTime() < toSnapshotStat
            .getModificationTime()) {
          throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("Snapshot " + from
              + " should be newer than " + to);
      } else {
        // If toSnapshot isn't current dir then do a time check
            && fromSnapshotStat.getModificationTime() > toSnapshotStat
            .getModificationTime()) {
          throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("Snapshot " + to
              + " should be newer than " + from);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException nfe) {
      throw new InvalidInputException("Input snapshot is not found", nfe);

    return true;

  public boolean sync() throws IOException {
    if (!preSyncCheck()) {
      return false;

    if (!getAllDiffs()) {
      return false;

    List<Path> sourcePaths = context.getSourcePaths();
    final Path sourceDir = sourcePaths.get(0);
    final Path targetDir = context.getTargetPath();
    final FileSystem tfs = targetDir.getFileSystem(conf);

    Path tmpDir = null;
    try {
      tmpDir = createTargetTmpDir(tfs, targetDir);
      DiffInfo[] renameAndDeleteDiffs =
      if (renameAndDeleteDiffs.length > 0) {
        // do the real sync work: deletion and rename
        syncDiff(renameAndDeleteDiffs, tfs, tmpDir);
      return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      DistCp.LOG.warn("Failed to use snapshot diff for distcp", e);
      return false;
    } finally {
      deleteTargetTmpDir(tfs, tmpDir);
      // TODO: since we have tmp directory, we can support "undo" with failures
      // set the source path using the snapshot path

   * Get all diffs from source directory snapshot diff report, put them into an
   * EnumMap whose key is DiffType, and value is a DiffInfo list. If there is
   * no entry for a given DiffType, the associated value will be an empty list.
  private boolean getAllDiffs() throws IOException {
    Path ssDir = isRdiff()?
        context.getTargetPath() : context.getSourcePaths().get(0);

    try {
      SnapshotDiffReport report = null;
      FileSystem fs = ssDir.getFileSystem(conf);
      final String from = getSnapshotName(context.getFromSnapshot());
      final String to = getSnapshotName(context.getToSnapshot());
      if (fs instanceof DistributedFileSystem) {
        DistributedFileSystem dfs = (DistributedFileSystem)fs;
        report = dfs.getSnapshotDiffReport(ssDir, from, to);
      } else if (fs instanceof WebHdfsFileSystem) {
        WebHdfsFileSystem webHdfs = (WebHdfsFileSystem)fs;
        report = webHdfs.getSnapshotDiffReport(ssDir, from, to);
      } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported file system: " +
            fs.getScheme() + "://. " +
            "Supported file systems: hdfs://, webhdfs:// and swebhdfs://.");

      this.diffMap = new EnumMap<>(SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType.class);
      for (SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType type :
          SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType.values()) {
        diffMap.put(type, new ArrayList<DiffInfo>());
      deletedByExclusionDiffs = null;
      for (SnapshotDiffReport.DiffReportEntry entry : report.getDiffList()) {
        // If the entry is the snapshot root, usually a item like "M\t."
        // in the diff report. We don't need to handle it and cannot handle it,
        // since its sourcepath is empty.
        if (entry.getSourcePath().length <= 0) {
        SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType dt = entry.getType();
        List<DiffInfo> list = diffMap.get(dt);
        final Path source =
                new Path(DFSUtilClient.bytes2String(entry.getSourcePath()));
        final Path relativeSource = new Path(Path.SEPARATOR + source);
        if (dt == SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType.MODIFY ||
            dt == SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType.CREATE ||
            dt == SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType.DELETE) {
          if (copyFilter.shouldCopy(relativeSource)) {
            list.add(new DiffInfo(source, null, dt));
        } else if (dt == SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType.RENAME) {
          final Path target =
                  new Path(DFSUtilClient.bytes2String(entry.getTargetPath()));
          final Path relativeTarget = new Path(Path.SEPARATOR + target);
          if (copyFilter.shouldCopy(relativeSource)) {
            if (copyFilter.shouldCopy(relativeTarget)) {
              list.add(new DiffInfo(source, target, dt));
            } else {
              list = diffMap.get(SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType.DELETE);
              DiffInfo info = new DiffInfo(source, null,
              if (deletedByExclusionDiffs == null) {
                deletedByExclusionDiffs = new ArrayList<>();
          } else if (copyFilter.shouldCopy(relativeTarget)) {
            list = diffMap.get(SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType.CREATE);
            list.add(new DiffInfo(target, null,
      if (deletedByExclusionDiffs != null) {
        Collections.sort(deletedByExclusionDiffs, DiffInfo.sourceComparator);
      return true;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      DistCp.LOG.warn("Failed to compute snapshot diff on " + ssDir, e);
    this.diffMap = null;
    return false;

  private String getSnapshotName(String name) {
    return Path.CUR_DIR.equals(name) ? "" : name;

  private Path getSnapshotPath(Path inputDir, String snapshotName) {
    if (Path.CUR_DIR.equals(snapshotName)) {
      return inputDir;
    } else {
      return new Path(inputDir,
          HdfsConstants.DOT_SNAPSHOT_DIR + Path.SEPARATOR + snapshotName);

  private Path createTargetTmpDir(FileSystem targetFs,
                                  Path targetDir) throws IOException {
    final Path tmp = new Path(targetDir,
        DistCpConstants.HDFS_DISTCP_DIFF_DIRECTORY_NAME + DistCp.rand.nextInt());
    if (!targetFs.mkdirs(tmp)) {
      throw new IOException("The tmp directory " + tmp + " already exists");
    return tmp;

  private void deleteTargetTmpDir(FileSystem targetFs,
                                  Path tmpDir) {
    try {
      if (tmpDir != null) {
        targetFs.delete(tmpDir, true);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      DistCp.LOG.error("Unable to cleanup tmp dir: " + tmpDir, e);

   * Compute the snapshot diff on the given file system. Return true if the diff
   * is empty, i.e., no changes have happened in the FS.
  private boolean checkNoChange(FileSystem fs, Path path) {
    try {
      final String from = getSnapshotName(context.getFromSnapshot());
      SnapshotDiffReport targetDiff = null;
      if (fs instanceof DistributedFileSystem) {
        DistributedFileSystem dfs = (DistributedFileSystem)fs;
        targetDiff = dfs.getSnapshotDiffReport(path, from, "");
      } else {
        WebHdfsFileSystem webHdfs = (WebHdfsFileSystem)fs;
        targetDiff = webHdfs.getSnapshotDiffReport(path, from, "");
      if (!targetDiff.getDiffList().isEmpty()) {
        DistCp.LOG.warn("The target has been modified since snapshot "
            + context.getFromSnapshot());
        return false;
      } else {
        return true;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      DistCp.LOG.warn("Failed to compute snapshot diff on " + path
          + " at snapshot " + context.getFromSnapshot(), e);
    return false;

  private void syncDiff(DiffInfo[] diffs,
      FileSystem targetFs, Path tmpDir) throws IOException {
    moveToTmpDir(diffs, targetFs, tmpDir);
    moveToTarget(diffs, targetFs);

   * Move all the source files that should be renamed or deleted to the tmp
   * directory.
  private void moveToTmpDir(DiffInfo[] diffs,
      FileSystem targetFs, Path tmpDir) throws IOException {
    // sort the diffs based on their source paths to make sure the files and
    // subdirs are moved before moving their parents/ancestors.
    Arrays.sort(diffs, DiffInfo.sourceComparator);
    Random random = new Random();
    for (DiffInfo diff : diffs) {
      Path tmpTarget = new Path(tmpDir, diff.getSource().getName());
      while (targetFs.exists(tmpTarget)) {
        tmpTarget = new Path(tmpDir,
            diff.getSource().getName() + random.nextInt());
      targetFs.rename(diff.getSource(), tmpTarget);

   * Finish the rename operations: move all the intermediate files/directories
   * from the tmp dir to the final targets.
  private void moveToTarget(DiffInfo[] diffs,
      FileSystem targetFs) throws IOException {
    // sort the diffs based on their target paths to make sure the parent
    // directories are created first.
    Arrays.sort(diffs, DiffInfo.targetComparator);
    for (DiffInfo diff : diffs) {
      if (diff.getTarget() != null) {
        targetFs.rename(diff.getTmp(), diff.getTarget());

   * Get rename and delete diffs and add the targetDir as the prefix of their
   * source and target paths.
  private DiffInfo[] getRenameAndDeleteDiffsForSync(Path targetDir) {
    // NOTE: when HDFS-10263 is done, getRenameAndDeleteDiffsRdiff
    // should be the same as getRenameAndDeleteDiffsFdiff. Specifically,
    // we should just move the body of getRenameAndDeleteDiffsFdiff
    // to here and remove both getRenameAndDeleteDiffsFdiff
    // and getRenameAndDeleteDiffsDdiff.
    if (isRdiff()) {
      return getRenameAndDeleteDiffsRdiff(targetDir);
    } else {
      return getRenameAndDeleteDiffsFdiff(targetDir);

   * Get rename and delete diffs and add the targetDir as the prefix of their
   * source and target paths.
  private DiffInfo[] getRenameAndDeleteDiffsRdiff(Path targetDir) {
    List<DiffInfo> renameDiffsList =

    // Prepare a renameDiffArray for translating deleted items below.
    // Do a reversion here due to HDFS-10263.
    List<DiffInfo> renameDiffsListReversed =
        new ArrayList<DiffInfo>(renameDiffsList.size());
    for (DiffInfo diff : renameDiffsList) {
      renameDiffsListReversed.add(new DiffInfo(diff.getTarget(),
          diff.getSource(), diff.getType()));
    DiffInfo[] renameDiffArray =
        renameDiffsListReversed.toArray(new DiffInfo[renameDiffsList.size()]);

    Arrays.sort(renameDiffArray, DiffInfo.sourceComparator);

    List<DiffInfo> renameAndDeleteDiff = new ArrayList<>();
    // Traverse DELETE list, which we need to delete them in sync process.
    // Use the renameDiffArray prepared to translate the path.
    for (DiffInfo diff : diffMap.get(SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType.DELETE)) {
      DiffInfo renameItem = getRenameItem(diff, renameDiffArray);
      Path source;
      if (renameItem != null) {
        source = new Path(targetDir,
            translateRenamedPath(diff.getSource(), renameItem));
      } else {
        source = new Path(targetDir, diff.getSource());
      renameAndDeleteDiff.add(new DiffInfo(source, null,
    for (DiffInfo diff : diffMap.get(SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType.RENAME)) {
      // swap target and source here for Rdiff
      Path source = new Path(targetDir, diff.getSource());
      Path target = new Path(targetDir, diff.getTarget());
      renameAndDeleteDiff.add(new DiffInfo(source, target, diff.getType()));
    return renameAndDeleteDiff.toArray(
        new DiffInfo[renameAndDeleteDiff.size()]);

   * Get rename and delete diffs and add the targetDir as the prefix of their
   * source and target paths.
  private DiffInfo[] getRenameAndDeleteDiffsFdiff(Path targetDir) {
    List<DiffInfo> renameAndDeleteDiff = new ArrayList<>();
    for (DiffInfo diff : diffMap.get(SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType.DELETE)) {
      Path source = new Path(targetDir, diff.getSource());
      renameAndDeleteDiff.add(new DiffInfo(source, diff.getTarget(),

    for (DiffInfo diff : diffMap.get(SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType.RENAME)) {
      Path source = new Path(targetDir, diff.getSource());
      Path target = new Path(targetDir, diff.getTarget());
      renameAndDeleteDiff.add(new DiffInfo(source, target, diff.getType()));

    return renameAndDeleteDiff.toArray(
        new DiffInfo[renameAndDeleteDiff.size()]);

  private DiffInfo[] getCreateAndModifyDiffs() {
    List<DiffInfo> createDiff =
    List<DiffInfo> modifyDiff =
    List<DiffInfo> diffs =
        new ArrayList<>(createDiff.size() + modifyDiff.size());
    return diffs.toArray(new DiffInfo[diffs.size()]);

   * Probe for a path being a parent of another.
   * @return true if the parent's path matches the start of the child's
  private boolean isParentOf(Path parent, Path child) {
    String parentPath = parent.toString();
    String childPath = child.toString();
    if (!parentPath.endsWith(Path.SEPARATOR)) {
      parentPath += Path.SEPARATOR;

    return childPath.length() > parentPath.length() &&

   * Find the possible rename item which equals to the parent or self of
   * a created/modified file/directory.
   * @param diff a modify/create diff item
   * @param renameDiffArray all rename diffs
   * @return possible rename item
  private DiffInfo getRenameItem(DiffInfo diff, DiffInfo[] renameDiffArray) {
    for (DiffInfo renameItem : renameDiffArray) {
      if (diff.getSource().equals(renameItem.getSource())) {
        // The same path string may appear in:
        // 1. both renamed and modified snapshot diff entries.
        // 2. both renamed and created snapshot diff entries.
        // Case 1 is the about same file/directory, whereas case 2
        // is about two different files/directories.
        // We are finding case 1 here, thus we check against DiffType.MODIFY.
        if (diff.getType() == SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType.MODIFY) {
          return renameItem;
      } else if (isParentOf(renameItem.getSource(), diff.getSource())) {
        // If rename entry is the parent of diff entry, then both MODIFY and
        // CREATE diff entries should be handled.
        return renameItem;
    return null;

   * checks if a parent dir is marked deleted as a part of dir rename happening
   * to a path which is excluded by the the filter.
   * @return true if it's marked deleted
  private boolean isParentOrSelfMarkedDeleted(DiffInfo diff,
      List<DiffInfo> deletedDirDiffArray) {
    for (DiffInfo item : deletedDirDiffArray) {
      if (item.getSource().equals(diff.getSource())) {
        // The same path string may appear in:
        // 1. both deleted and modified snapshot diff entries.
        // 2. both deleted and created snapshot diff entries.
        // Case 1 is the about same file/directory, whereas case 2
        // is about two different files/directories.
        // We are finding case 1 here, thus we check against DiffType.MODIFY.
        if (diff.getType() == SnapshotDiffReport.DiffType.MODIFY) {
          return true;
      } else if (isParentOf(item.getSource(), diff.getSource())) {
        // If deleted entry is the parent of diff entry, then both MODIFY and
        // CREATE diff entries should be handled.
        return true;
    return false;

   * For a given sourcePath, get its real path if it or its parent was renamed.
   * For example, if we renamed dirX to dirY, and created dirY/fileX,
   * the initial snapshot diff would be a CREATE snapshot diff that looks like
   *   + dirX/fileX
   * The rename snapshot diff looks like
   *   R dirX dirY
   * We convert the soucePath dirX/fileX to dirY/fileX here.
   * @return target path
  private Path translateRenamedPath(Path sourcePath,
      DiffInfo renameItem) {
    if (sourcePath.equals(renameItem.getSource())) {
      return renameItem.getTarget();
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(sourcePath.toString());
    String remain =
        sb.substring(renameItem.getSource().toString().length() + 1);
    return new Path(renameItem.getTarget(), remain);

   * Prepare the diff list.
   * This diff list only includes created or modified files/directories, since
   * delete and rename items are synchronized already.
   * If the parent or self of a source path is renamed, we need to change its
   * target path according the correspondent rename item.
   * For RDiff usage, the diff.getSource() is what we will use as its target
   * path.
   * @return a diff list
  public ArrayList<DiffInfo> prepareDiffListForCopyListing() {
    DiffInfo[] modifyAndCreateDiffs = getCreateAndModifyDiffs();
    ArrayList<DiffInfo> finalListWithTarget = new ArrayList<>();
    if (isRdiff()) {
      for (DiffInfo diff : modifyAndCreateDiffs) {
    } else {
      List<DiffInfo> renameDiffsList =
      DiffInfo[] renameDiffArray =
          renameDiffsList.toArray(new DiffInfo[renameDiffsList.size()]);
      Arrays.sort(renameDiffArray, DiffInfo.sourceComparator);
      for (DiffInfo diff : modifyAndCreateDiffs) {
        //  In cases, where files/dirs got created after a snapshot is taken
        // and then the parent dir is moved to location which is excluded by
        // the filters. For example, files/dirs created inside a dir in an
        // encryption zone in HDFS. When the parent dir gets deleted, it will be
        // moved to trash within which is inside the encryption zone itself.
        // If the trash path gets excluded by filters , the dir will be marked
        // for DELETE for the target location. All the subsequent creates should
        // for such dirs should be ignored as well as the modify operation
        // on the dir itself.
        if (deletedByExclusionDiffs != null && isParentOrSelfMarkedDeleted(diff,
            deletedByExclusionDiffs)) {
        DiffInfo renameItem = getRenameItem(diff, renameDiffArray);
        if (renameItem == null) {
        } else {
          diff.setTarget(translateRenamedPath(diff.getSource(), renameItem));
    return finalListWithTarget;

   * This method returns a list of items to be excluded when recursively
   * traversing newDir to build the copy list.
   * Specifically, given a newly created directory newDir (a CREATE entry in
   * the snapshot diff), if a previously copied file/directory itemX is moved
   * (a RENAME entry in the snapshot diff) into newDir, itemX should be
   * excluded when recursively traversing newDir in caller method so that it
   * will not to be copied again.
   * If the same itemX also has a MODIFY entry in the snapshot diff report,
   * meaning it was modified after it was previously copied, it will still
   * be added to the copy list in caller method.
   * @return the exclude list
  public HashSet<String> getTraverseExcludeList(Path newDir, Path prefix) {
    if (renameDiffs == null) {
      List<DiffInfo> renameList =
      renameDiffs = renameList.toArray(new DiffInfo[renameList.size()]);
      Arrays.sort(renameDiffs, DiffInfo.targetComparator);

    if (renameDiffs.length <= 0) {
      return null;

    boolean foundChild = false;
    HashSet<String> excludeList = new HashSet<>();
    for (DiffInfo diff : renameDiffs) {
      if (isParentOf(newDir, diff.getTarget())) {
        foundChild = true;
        excludeList.add(new Path(prefix, diff.getTarget()).toUri().getPath());
      } else if (foundChild) {
        // The renameDiffs was sorted, the matching section should be
        // contiguous.
    return excludeList;


hadoop 源码目录


hadoop CopyFilter 源码

hadoop CopyListing 源码

hadoop CopyListingFileStatus 源码

hadoop DiffInfo 源码

hadoop DistCp 源码

hadoop DistCpConstants 源码

hadoop DistCpContext 源码

hadoop DistCpOptionSwitch 源码

hadoop DistCpOptions 源码

hadoop FileBasedCopyListing 源码

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