hadoop CopyListing 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (108)

haddop CopyListing 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.tools;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.tools.util.DistCpUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.Credentials;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.hadoop.util.Sets;

 * The CopyListing abstraction is responsible for how the list of
 * sources and targets is constructed, for DistCp's copy function.
 * The copy-listing should be a
 * SequenceFile<Text, CopyListingFileStatus>, located at the path
 * specified to buildListing(), each entry being a pair of (Source relative
 * path, source file status), all the paths being fully qualified.
public abstract class CopyListing extends Configured {

  private Credentials credentials;
  static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DistCp.class);
   * Build listing function creates the input listing that distcp uses to
   * perform the copy.
   * The build listing is a sequence file that has relative path of a file in the key
   * and the file status information of the source file in the value
   * For instance if the source path is /tmp/data and the traversed path is
   * /tmp/data/dir1/dir2/file1, then the sequence file would contain
   * key: /dir1/dir2/file1 and value: FileStatus(/tmp/data/dir1/dir2/file1)
   * File would also contain directory entries. Meaning, if /tmp/data/dir1/dir2/file1
   * is the only file under /tmp/data, the resulting sequence file would contain the
   * following entries
   * key: /dir1 and value: FileStatus(/tmp/data/dir1)
   * key: /dir1/dir2 and value: FileStatus(/tmp/data/dir1/dir2)
   * key: /dir1/dir2/file1 and value: FileStatus(/tmp/data/dir1/dir2/file1)
   * Cases requiring special handling:
   * If source path is a file (/tmp/file1), contents of the file will be as follows
   * TARGET DOES NOT EXIST: Key-"", Value-FileStatus(/tmp/file1)
   * TARGET IS FILE       : Key-"", Value-FileStatus(/tmp/file1)
   * TARGET IS DIR        : Key-"/file1", Value-FileStatus(/tmp/file1)  
   * @param pathToListFile - Output file where the listing would be stored
   * @param distCpContext - distcp context associated with input options
   * @throws IOException - Exception if any
  public final void buildListing(Path pathToListFile,
      DistCpContext distCpContext) throws IOException {
    doBuildListing(pathToListFile, distCpContext);
    Configuration config = getConf();

    config.set(DistCpConstants.CONF_LABEL_LISTING_FILE_PATH, pathToListFile.toString());
    config.setLong(DistCpConstants.CONF_LABEL_TOTAL_BYTES_TO_BE_COPIED, getBytesToCopy());
    config.setLong(DistCpConstants.CONF_LABEL_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS, getNumberOfPaths());

    validateFinalListing(pathToListFile, distCpContext);
    LOG.info("Number of paths in the copy list: " + this.getNumberOfPaths());

   * Validate input and output paths
   * @param distCpContext - Distcp context
   * @throws InvalidInputException If inputs are invalid
   * @throws IOException any Exception with FS
  protected abstract void validatePaths(DistCpContext distCpContext)
      throws IOException, InvalidInputException;

   * The interface to be implemented by sub-classes, to create the source/target file listing.
   * @param pathToListFile Path on HDFS where the listing file is written.
   * @param distCpContext - Distcp context
   * @throws IOException Thrown on failure to create the listing file.
  protected abstract void doBuildListing(Path pathToListFile,
      DistCpContext distCpContext) throws IOException;

   * Return the total bytes that distCp should copy for the source paths
   * This doesn't consider whether file is same should be skipped during copy
   * @return total bytes to copy
  protected abstract long getBytesToCopy();

   * Return the total number of paths to distcp, includes directories as well
   * This doesn't consider whether file/dir is already present and should be skipped during copy
   * @return Total number of paths to distcp
  protected abstract long getNumberOfPaths();

   * Validate the final resulting path listing.  Checks if there are duplicate
   * entries.  If preserving ACLs, checks that file system can support ACLs.
   * If preserving XAttrs, checks that file system can support XAttrs.
   * @param pathToListFile - path listing build by doBuildListing
   * @param context - Distcp context with associated input options
   * @throws IOException - Any issues while checking for duplicates and throws
   * @throws DuplicateFileException - if there are duplicates
  private void validateFinalListing(Path pathToListFile, DistCpContext context)
      throws DuplicateFileException, IOException {

    Configuration config = getConf();

    final boolean splitLargeFile = context.splitLargeFile();

    // When splitLargeFile is enabled, we don't randomize the copylist
    // earlier, so we don't do the sorting here. For a file that has
    // multiple entries due to split, we check here that their
    // <chunkOffset, chunkLength> is continuous.
    Path checkPath = splitLargeFile?
        pathToListFile : DistCpUtils.sortListing(config, pathToListFile);

    SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(
                          config, SequenceFile.Reader.file(checkPath));
    try {
      Text lastKey = new Text("*"); //source relative path can never hold *
      long lastChunkOffset = -1;
      long lastChunkLength = -1;
      CopyListingFileStatus lastFileStatus = new CopyListingFileStatus();

      Text currentKey = new Text();
      Set<URI> aclSupportCheckFsSet = Sets.newHashSet();
      Set<URI> xAttrSupportCheckFsSet = Sets.newHashSet();
      long idx = 0;
      while (reader.next(currentKey)) {
        if (currentKey.equals(lastKey)) {
          CopyListingFileStatus currentFileStatus = new CopyListingFileStatus();
          if (!splitLargeFile) {
            throw new DuplicateFileException("File " + lastFileStatus.getPath()
                + " and " + currentFileStatus.getPath()
                + " would cause duplicates. Aborting");
          } else {
            if (lastChunkOffset + lastChunkLength !=
                currentFileStatus.getChunkOffset()) {
              throw new InvalidInputException("File " + lastFileStatus.getPath()
                  + " " + lastChunkOffset + "," + lastChunkLength
                  + " and " + currentFileStatus.getPath()
                  + " " + currentFileStatus.getChunkOffset() + ","
                  + currentFileStatus.getChunkLength()
                  + " are not continuous. Aborting");
        if (context.shouldPreserve(DistCpOptions.FileAttribute.ACL)) {
          FileSystem lastFs = lastFileStatus.getPath().getFileSystem(config);
          URI lastFsUri = lastFs.getUri();
          if (!aclSupportCheckFsSet.contains(lastFsUri)) {
        if (context.shouldPreserve(DistCpOptions.FileAttribute.XATTR)) {
          FileSystem lastFs = lastFileStatus.getPath().getFileSystem(config);
          URI lastFsUri = lastFs.getUri();
          if (!xAttrSupportCheckFsSet.contains(lastFsUri)) {

        if (splitLargeFile) {
          lastChunkOffset = lastFileStatus.getChunkOffset();
          lastChunkLength = lastFileStatus.getChunkLength();
        if (context.shouldUseDiff() && LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug("Copy list entry " + idx + ": " +
    } finally {

   * Protected constructor, to initialize configuration.
   * @param configuration The input configuration,
   *                        with which the source/target FileSystems may be accessed.
   * @param credentials - Credentials object on which the FS delegation tokens are cached.If null
   * delegation token caching is skipped
  protected CopyListing(Configuration configuration, Credentials credentials) {

   * set Credentials store, on which FS delegatin token will be cached
   * @param credentials - Credentials object
  protected void setCredentials(Credentials credentials) {
    this.credentials = credentials;

   * get credentials to update the delegation tokens for accessed FS objects
   * @return Credentials object
  protected Credentials getCredentials() {
    return credentials;

   * Returns the key for an entry in the copy listing sequence file.
   * @param sourcePathRoot the root source path for determining the relative
   *                       target path
   * @param fileStatus the copy listing file status
   * @return the key for the sequence file entry
  protected Text getFileListingKey(Path sourcePathRoot,
      CopyListingFileStatus fileStatus) {
    return new Text(DistCpUtils.getRelativePath(sourcePathRoot,

   * Returns the value for an entry in the copy listing sequence file.
   * @param fileStatus the copy listing file status
   * @return the value for the sequence file entry
  protected CopyListingFileStatus getFileListingValue(
      CopyListingFileStatus fileStatus) {
    return fileStatus;

   * Public Factory method with which the appropriate CopyListing implementation may be retrieved.
   * @param configuration The input configuration.
   * @param credentials Credentials object on which the FS delegation tokens are cached
   * @param context Distcp context with associated input options
   * @return An instance of the appropriate CopyListing implementation.
   * @throws java.io.IOException - Exception if any
  public static CopyListing getCopyListing(Configuration configuration,
      Credentials credentials, DistCpContext context) throws IOException {
    String copyListingClassName = configuration.get(DistCpConstants.
    Class<? extends CopyListing> copyListingClass;
    try {
      if (! copyListingClassName.isEmpty()) {
        copyListingClass = configuration.getClass(DistCpConstants.
            CONF_LABEL_COPY_LISTING_CLASS, GlobbedCopyListing.class,
      } else {
        if (context.getSourceFileListing() == null) {
            copyListingClass = GlobbedCopyListing.class;
        } else {
            copyListingClass = FileBasedCopyListing.class;
      copyListingClassName = copyListingClass.getName();
      Constructor<? extends CopyListing> constructor = copyListingClass.
          getDeclaredConstructor(Configuration.class, Credentials.class);
      return constructor.newInstance(configuration, credentials);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new IOException("Unable to instantiate " + copyListingClassName, e);

  static class DuplicateFileException extends RuntimeException {
    public DuplicateFileException(String message) {

  static class InvalidInputException extends RuntimeException {
    public InvalidInputException(String message) {

    public InvalidInputException(String message, Throwable cause) {
      super(message, cause);

  public static class AclsNotSupportedException extends RuntimeException {
    public AclsNotSupportedException(String message) {
  public static class XAttrsNotSupportedException extends RuntimeException {
    public XAttrsNotSupportedException(String message) {


hadoop 源码目录


hadoop CopyFilter 源码

hadoop CopyListingFileStatus 源码

hadoop DiffInfo 源码

hadoop DistCp 源码

hadoop DistCpConstants 源码

hadoop DistCpContext 源码

hadoop DistCpOptionSwitch 源码

hadoop DistCpOptions 源码

hadoop DistCpSync 源码

hadoop FileBasedCopyListing 源码

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