hadoop DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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haddop DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot;

import org.apache.hadoop.util.Preconditions;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockStoragePolicySuite;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.SnapshotFSImageFormat.ReferenceMap;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.util.Diff;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.util.Diff.Container;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.util.Diff.UndoInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.util.ReadOnlyList;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException;

import java.io.DataOutput;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;

import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID;

 * Feature used to store and process the snapshot diff information for a
 * directory. In particular, it contains a directory diff list recording changes
 * made to the directory and its children for each snapshot.
public class DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature implements INode.Feature {
   * The difference between the current state and a previous snapshot
   * of the children list of an INodeDirectory.
  static class ChildrenDiff extends Diff<byte[], INode> {
    ChildrenDiff() {}

    private ChildrenDiff(final List<INode> created, final List<INode> deleted) {
      super(created, deleted);

     * Replace the given child from the created list.
     * @return true if the child is replaced; false if the child is not found.
    private boolean replaceCreated(final INode oldChild, final INode newChild) {
      final List<INode> list = getCreatedUnmodifiable();
      final int i = search(list, oldChild.getLocalNameBytes());
      if (i < 0 || list.get(i).getId() != oldChild.getId()) {
        return false;

      final INode removed = setCreated(i, newChild);
      Preconditions.checkState(removed == oldChild);
      return true;

    /** clear the created list */
    private void destroyCreatedList(INode.ReclaimContext reclaimContext,
        final INodeDirectory currentINode) {
      for (INode c : getCreatedUnmodifiable()) {
        // c should be contained in the children list, remove it

    /** clear the deleted list */
    private void destroyDeletedList(INode.ReclaimContext reclaimContext) {
      for (INode d : getDeletedUnmodifiable()) {

    /** Serialize {@link #created} */
    private void writeCreated(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
      final List<INode> created = getCreatedUnmodifiable();
      for (INode node : created) {
        // For INode in created list, we only need to record its local name
        byte[] name = node.getLocalNameBytes();

    /** Serialize {@link #deleted} */
    private void writeDeleted(DataOutput out,
        ReferenceMap referenceMap) throws IOException {
      final List<INode> deleted = getDeletedUnmodifiable();
      for (INode node : deleted) {
        FSImageSerialization.saveINode2Image(node, out, true, referenceMap);

    /** Serialize to out */
    private void write(DataOutput out, ReferenceMap referenceMap
        ) throws IOException {
      writeDeleted(out, referenceMap);

    /** Get the list of INodeDirectory contained in the deleted list */
    private void getDirsInDeleted(List<INodeDirectory> dirList) {
      for (INode node : getDeletedUnmodifiable()) {
        if (node.isDirectory()) {

   * The difference of an {@link INodeDirectory} between two snapshots.
  public static class DirectoryDiff extends
      AbstractINodeDiff<INodeDirectory, INodeDirectoryAttributes, DirectoryDiff> {
    /** The size of the children list at snapshot creation time. */
    private final int childrenSize;
    /** The children list diff. */
    private final ChildrenDiff diff;
    private boolean isSnapshotRoot = false;
    private DirectoryDiff(int snapshotId, INodeDirectory dir) {
      this(snapshotId, dir, new ChildrenDiff());

    public DirectoryDiff(int snapshotId, INodeDirectory dir,
        ChildrenDiff diff) {
      super(snapshotId, null, null);
      this.childrenSize = dir.getChildrenList(Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID).size();
      this.diff = diff;
    /** Constructor used by FSImage loading */
    DirectoryDiff(int snapshotId, INodeDirectoryAttributes snapshotINode,
        DirectoryDiff posteriorDiff, int childrenSize, List<INode> createdList,
        List<INode> deletedList, boolean isSnapshotRoot) {
      super(snapshotId, snapshotINode, posteriorDiff);
      this.childrenSize = childrenSize;
      this.diff = new ChildrenDiff(createdList, deletedList);
      this.isSnapshotRoot = isSnapshotRoot;

    public ChildrenDiff getChildrenDiff() {
      return diff;
    void setSnapshotRoot(INodeDirectoryAttributes root) {
      this.snapshotINode = root;
      this.isSnapshotRoot = true;
    public boolean isSnapshotRoot() {
      return isSnapshotRoot;

    void combinePosteriorAndCollectBlocks(
        final INode.ReclaimContext reclaimContext,
        final INodeDirectory currentDir,
        final DirectoryDiff posterior) {
      // DeletionOrdered: must not combine posterior
      assert !SnapshotManager.isDeletionOrdered();
      diff.combinePosterior(posterior.diff, new Diff.Processor<INode>() {
        /** Collect blocks for deleted files. */
        public void process(INode inode) {
          if (inode != null) {

     * @return The children list of a directory in a snapshot.
     *         Since the snapshot is read-only, the logical view of the list is
     *         never changed although the internal data structure may mutate.
    private ReadOnlyList<INode> getChildrenList(final INodeDirectory currentDir) {
      return new ReadOnlyList<INode>() {
        private List<INode> children = null;

        private List<INode> initChildren() {
          if (children == null) {
            final ChildrenDiff combined = new ChildrenDiff();
            DirectoryDiffList directoryDiffList =
            final int diffIndex =
            List<DirectoryDiff> diffList = directoryDiffList
                    directoryDiffList.asList().size(), currentDir);
            for (DirectoryDiff d : diffList) {
              combined.combinePosterior(d.diff, null);
            children = combined.apply2Current(ReadOnlyList.Util
          return children;

        public Iterator<INode> iterator() {
          return initChildren().iterator();

        public boolean isEmpty() {
          return childrenSize == 0;

        public int size() {
          return childrenSize;

        public INode get(int i) {
          return initChildren().get(i);

    /** @return the child with the given name. */
    INode getChild(byte[] name, boolean checkPosterior,
        INodeDirectory currentDir) {
      for(DirectoryDiff d = this; ; d = d.getPosterior()) {
        final Container<INode> returned = d.diff.accessPrevious(name);
        if (returned != null) {
          // the diff is able to determine the inode
          return returned.getElement();
        } else if (!checkPosterior) {
          // Since checkPosterior is false, return null, i.e. not found.
          return null;
        } else if (d.getPosterior() == null) {
          // no more posterior diff, get from current inode.
          return currentDir.getChild(name, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID);

    public String toString() {
      return super.toString() + " childrenSize=" + childrenSize + ", " + diff;

    int getChildrenSize() {
      return childrenSize;

    void write(DataOutput out, ReferenceMap referenceMap) throws IOException {

      // Write snapshotINode
      if (!isSnapshotRoot) {
        if (snapshotINode != null) {
          FSImageSerialization.writeINodeDirectoryAttributes(snapshotINode, out);
        } else {
      // Write diff. Node need to write poseriorDiff, since diffs is a list.
      diff.write(out, referenceMap);

    void destroyDiffAndCollectBlocks(
        INode.ReclaimContext reclaimContext, INodeDirectory currentINode) {
      // this diff has been deleted
      INodeDirectoryAttributes snapshotINode = getSnapshotINode();
      if (snapshotINode != null && snapshotINode.getAclFeature() != null) {

  /** A list of directory diffs. */
  public static class DirectoryDiffList
      extends AbstractINodeDiffList<INodeDirectory, INodeDirectoryAttributes, DirectoryDiff> {

    DirectoryDiff createDiff(int snapshot, INodeDirectory currentDir) {
      return new DirectoryDiff(snapshot, currentDir);

    INodeDirectoryAttributes createSnapshotCopy(INodeDirectory currentDir) {
      return currentDir.isQuotaSet()?
          new INodeDirectoryAttributes.CopyWithQuota(currentDir)
        : new INodeDirectoryAttributes.SnapshotCopy(currentDir);

    DiffList<DirectoryDiff> newDiffs() {
      return DirectoryDiffListFactory

    /** Replace the given child in the created/deleted list, if there is any. */
    public boolean replaceCreatedChild(final INode oldChild,
        final INode newChild) {
      final DiffList<DirectoryDiff> diffList = asList();
      for(int i = diffList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        final ChildrenDiff diff = diffList.get(i).diff;
        if (diff.replaceCreated(oldChild, newChild)) {
          return true;
      return false;

    /** Remove the given child from the deleted list, if there is any. */
    public boolean removeDeletedChild(final INode child) {
      final DiffList<DirectoryDiff> diffList = asList();
      for(int i = diffList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        final ChildrenDiff diff = diffList.get(i).diff;
        if (diff.removeDeleted(child)) {
          return true;
      return false;

     * Find the corresponding snapshot whose deleted list contains the given
     * inode.
     * @return the id of the snapshot. {@link Snapshot#NO_SNAPSHOT_ID} if the
     * given inode is not in any of the snapshot.
    public int findSnapshotDeleted(final INode child) {
      final DiffList<DirectoryDiff> diffList = asList();
      for(int i = diffList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        final DirectoryDiff diff = diffList.get(i);
        if (diff.getChildrenDiff().containsDeleted(child)) {
          return diff.getSnapshotId();
      return NO_SNAPSHOT_ID;

     * Returns the list of diffs between two indexes corresponding to two
     * snapshots.
     * @param fromIndex Index of the diff corresponding to the earlier snapshot
     * @param toIndex   Index of the diff corresponding to the later snapshot
     * @param dir       The Directory to which the diffList belongs
     * @return list of directory diffs
    List<DirectoryDiff> getDiffListBetweenSnapshots(int fromIndex, int toIndex,
        INodeDirectory dir) {
      return asList().getMinListForRange(fromIndex, toIndex, dir);
  private static Map<INode, INode> cloneDiffList(List<INode> diffList) {
    if (diffList == null || diffList.size() == 0) {
      return null;
    Map<INode, INode> map = new HashMap<>(diffList.size());
    for (INode node : diffList) {
      map.put(node, node);
    return map;
   * Destroy a subtree under a DstReference node.
  public static void destroyDstSubtree(INode.ReclaimContext reclaimContext,
      INode inode, final int snapshot, final int prior) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(prior != NO_SNAPSHOT_ID);
    if (inode.isReference()) {
      if (inode instanceof INodeReference.WithName
          && snapshot != Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID) {
        // this inode has been renamed before the deletion of the DstReference
        // subtree
        inode.cleanSubtree(reclaimContext, snapshot, prior);
      } else {
        // for DstReference node, continue this process to its subtree
            inode.asReference().getReferredINode(), snapshot, prior);
    } else if (inode.isFile()) {
      inode.cleanSubtree(reclaimContext, snapshot, prior);
    } else if (inode.isDirectory()) {
      Map<INode, INode> excludedNodes = null;
      INodeDirectory dir = inode.asDirectory();
      DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = dir.getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature();
      if (sf != null) {
        DirectoryDiffList diffList = sf.getDiffs();
        DirectoryDiff priorDiff = diffList.getDiffById(prior);
        if (priorDiff != null && priorDiff.getSnapshotId() == prior) {
          List<INode> dList = priorDiff.diff.getDeletedUnmodifiable();
          excludedNodes = cloneDiffList(dList);
        if (snapshot != Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID) {
              snapshot, prior, dir);
        priorDiff = diffList.getDiffById(prior);
        if (priorDiff != null && priorDiff.getSnapshotId() == prior) {
          priorDiff.diff.destroyCreatedList(reclaimContext, dir);
      for (INode child : inode.asDirectory().getChildrenList(prior)) {
        if (excludedNodes != null && excludedNodes.containsKey(child)) {
        destroyDstSubtree(reclaimContext, child, snapshot, prior);
   * Clean an inode while we move it from the deleted list of post to the
   * deleted list of prior.
   * @param reclaimContext blocks and inodes that need to be reclaimed
   * @param inode The inode to clean.
   * @param post The post snapshot.
   * @param prior The id of the prior snapshot.
  private static void cleanDeletedINode(INode.ReclaimContext reclaimContext,
      INode inode, final int post, final int prior) {
    Deque<INode> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();
    while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
      INode topNode = queue.pollFirst();
      if (topNode instanceof INodeReference.WithName) {
        INodeReference.WithName wn = (INodeReference.WithName) topNode;
        if (wn.getLastSnapshotId() >= post) {
          INodeReference.WithCount wc =
              (INodeReference.WithCount) wn.getReferredINode();
          if (wc.getLastWithName() == wn && wc.getParentReference() == null) {
            // this wn is the last wn inside of the wc, also the dstRef node has
            // been deleted. In this case, we should treat the referred file/dir
            // as normal case
          } else {
            wn.cleanSubtree(reclaimContext, post, prior);
        // For DstReference node, since the node is not in the created list of
        // prior, we should treat it as regular file/dir
      } else if (topNode.isFile() && topNode.asFile().isWithSnapshot()) {
        INodeFile file = topNode.asFile();
        file.getDiffs().deleteSnapshotDiff(reclaimContext, post, prior, file);
      } else if (topNode.isDirectory()) {
        INodeDirectory dir = topNode.asDirectory();
        ChildrenDiff priorChildrenDiff = null;
        DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = dir.getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature();
        if (sf != null) {
          // delete files/dirs created after prior. Note that these
          // files/dirs, along with inode, were deleted right after post.
          DirectoryDiff priorDiff = sf.getDiffs().getDiffById(prior);
          if (priorDiff != null && priorDiff.getSnapshotId() == prior) {
            priorChildrenDiff = priorDiff.getChildrenDiff();
            priorChildrenDiff.destroyCreatedList(reclaimContext, dir);

        for (INode child : dir.getChildrenList(prior)) {
          if (priorChildrenDiff != null && priorChildrenDiff.getDeleted(
              child.getLocalNameBytes()) != null) {

  /** Diff list sorted by snapshot IDs, i.e. in chronological order. */
  private final DirectoryDiffList diffs;

  public DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(DirectoryDiffList diffs) {
    this.diffs = diffs != null ? diffs : new DirectoryDiffList();

  /** @return the last snapshot. */
  public int getLastSnapshotId() {
    return diffs.getLastSnapshotId();

  /** @return the snapshot diff list. */
  public DirectoryDiffList getDiffs() {
    return diffs;
   * Get all the directories that are stored in some snapshot but not in the
   * current children list. These directories are equivalent to the directories
   * stored in the deletes lists.
  public void getSnapshotDirectory(List<INodeDirectory> snapshotDir) {
    for (DirectoryDiff sdiff : diffs) {

   * Add an inode into parent's children list. The caller of this method needs
   * to make sure that parent is in the given snapshot "latest".
  public boolean addChild(INodeDirectory parent, INode inode,
      boolean setModTime, int latestSnapshotId) {
    ChildrenDiff diff = diffs.checkAndAddLatestSnapshotDiff(latestSnapshotId,
    final int undoInfo = diff.create(inode);
    boolean added = false;
    try {
      added = parent.addChild(inode, setModTime, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID);
    } finally {
      if (!added) {
        diff.undoCreate(inode, undoInfo);
    return added;

   * Remove an inode from parent's children list. The caller of this method
   * needs to make sure that parent is in the given snapshot "latest".
  public boolean removeChild(INodeDirectory parent, INode child,
      int latestSnapshotId) {
    // For a directory that is not a renamed node, if isInLatestSnapshot returns
    // false, the directory is not in the latest snapshot, thus we do not need
    // to record the removed child in any snapshot.
    // For a directory that was moved/renamed, note that if the directory is in
    // any of the previous snapshots, we will create a reference node for the
    // directory while rename, and isInLatestSnapshot will return true in that
    // scenario (if all previous snapshots have been deleted, isInLatestSnapshot
    // still returns false). Thus if isInLatestSnapshot returns false, the
    // directory node cannot be in any snapshot (not in current tree, nor in
    // previous src tree). Thus we do not need to record the removed child in
    // any snapshot.
    ChildrenDiff diff = diffs.checkAndAddLatestSnapshotDiff(latestSnapshotId,
    final UndoInfo<INode> undoInfo = diff.delete(child);
    boolean removed = false;
    try {
      removed = parent.removeChild(child);
    } finally {
      if (!removed) {
        diff.undoDelete(child, undoInfo);
    return removed;
   * @return If there is no corresponding directory diff for the given
   *         snapshot, this means that the current children list should be
   *         returned for the snapshot. Otherwise we calculate the children list
   *         for the snapshot and return it. 
  public ReadOnlyList<INode> getChildrenList(INodeDirectory currentINode,
      final int snapshotId) {
    final DirectoryDiff diff = diffs.getDiffById(snapshotId);
    return diff != null ? diff.getChildrenList(currentINode) : currentINode
  public INode getChild(INodeDirectory currentINode, byte[] name,
      int snapshotId) {
    final DirectoryDiff diff = diffs.getDiffById(snapshotId);
    return diff != null ? diff.getChild(name, true, currentINode)
        : currentINode.getChild(name, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID);

  /** Used to record the modification of a symlink node */
  public INode saveChild2Snapshot(INodeDirectory currentINode,
      final INode child, final int latestSnapshotId, final INode snapshotCopy) {
        "child is a directory, child=%s", child);
    Preconditions.checkArgument(latestSnapshotId != Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID);
    final DirectoryDiff diff = diffs.checkAndAddLatestSnapshotDiff(
        latestSnapshotId, currentINode);
    if (diff.getChild(child.getLocalNameBytes(), false, currentINode) != null) {
      // it was already saved in the latest snapshot earlier.  
      return child;

    diff.diff.modify(snapshotCopy, child);
    return child;

  public void clear(
      INode.ReclaimContext reclaimContext, INodeDirectory currentINode) {
    // destroy its diff list
    for (DirectoryDiff diff : diffs) {
      diff.destroyDiffAndCollectBlocks(reclaimContext, currentINode);

  public QuotaCounts computeQuotaUsage4CurrentDirectory(
      BlockStoragePolicySuite bsps, byte storagePolicyId) {
    final QuotaCounts counts = new QuotaCounts.Builder().build();
    for(DirectoryDiff d : diffs) {
      for(INode deleted : d.getChildrenDiff().getDeletedUnmodifiable()) {
        final byte childPolicyId = deleted.getStoragePolicyIDForQuota(
        counts.add(deleted.computeQuotaUsage(bsps, childPolicyId, false,
    return counts;

  public void computeContentSummary4Snapshot(final BlockStoragePolicySuite bsps,
      final ContentCounts counts) throws AccessControlException {
    // Create a new blank summary context for blocking processing of subtree.
    ContentSummaryComputationContext summary = 
        new ContentSummaryComputationContext(bsps);
    for(DirectoryDiff d : diffs) {
      for(INode deleted : d.getChildrenDiff().getDeletedUnmodifiable()) {
        deleted.computeContentSummary(Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID, summary);
    // Add the counts from deleted trees.
   * Compute the difference between Snapshots.
   * @param fromSnapshot Start point of the diff computation. Null indicates
   *          current tree.
   * @param toSnapshot End point of the diff computation. Null indicates current
   *          tree.
   * @param diff Used to capture the changes happening to the children. Note
   *          that the diff still represents (later_snapshot - earlier_snapshot)
   *          although toSnapshot can be before fromSnapshot.
   * @param currentINode The {@link INodeDirectory} this feature belongs to.
   * @return Whether changes happened between the startSnapshot and endSnaphsot.
  boolean computeDiffBetweenSnapshots(Snapshot fromSnapshot,
      Snapshot toSnapshot, ChildrenDiff diff, INodeDirectory currentINode) {
    int[] diffIndexPair = diffs.changedBetweenSnapshots(fromSnapshot,
    if (diffIndexPair == null) {
      return false;
    int earlierDiffIndex = diffIndexPair[0];
    int laterDiffIndex = diffIndexPair[1];

    boolean dirMetadataChanged = false;
    INodeDirectoryAttributes dirCopy = null;
    List<DirectoryDiff> difflist = diffs
        .getDiffListBetweenSnapshots(earlierDiffIndex, laterDiffIndex,
    for (DirectoryDiff sdiff : difflist) {
      diff.combinePosterior(sdiff.diff, null);
      if (!dirMetadataChanged && sdiff.snapshotINode != null) {
        if (dirCopy == null) {
          dirCopy = sdiff.snapshotINode;
        } else if (!dirCopy.metadataEquals(sdiff.snapshotINode)) {
          dirMetadataChanged = true;

    if (!diff.isEmpty() || dirMetadataChanged) {
      return true;
    } else if (dirCopy != null) {
      for (int i = laterDiffIndex; i < difflist.size(); i++) {
        if (!dirCopy.metadataEquals(difflist.get(i).snapshotINode)) {
          return true;
      return !dirCopy.metadataEquals(currentINode);
    } else {
      return false;

  public void cleanDirectory(INode.ReclaimContext reclaimContext,
      final INodeDirectory currentINode, final int snapshot, int prior) {
    Map<INode, INode> priorCreated = null;
    Map<INode, INode> priorDeleted = null;
    QuotaCounts old = reclaimContext.quotaDelta().getCountsCopy();
    if (snapshot == Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID) { // delete the current directory
      // delete everything in created list
      DirectoryDiff lastDiff = diffs.getLast();
      if (lastDiff != null) {
        lastDiff.diff.destroyCreatedList(reclaimContext, currentINode);
      currentINode.cleanSubtreeRecursively(reclaimContext, snapshot, prior,
    } else {
      // update prior
      prior = getDiffs().updatePrior(snapshot, prior);
      // if there is a snapshot diff associated with prior, we need to record
      // its original created and deleted list before deleting post
      if (prior != NO_SNAPSHOT_ID) {
        DirectoryDiff priorDiff = this.getDiffs().getDiffById(prior);
        if (priorDiff != null && priorDiff.getSnapshotId() == prior) {
          priorCreated = cloneDiffList(priorDiff.diff.getCreatedUnmodifiable());
          priorDeleted = cloneDiffList(priorDiff.diff.getDeletedUnmodifiable());

      getDiffs().deleteSnapshotDiff(reclaimContext, snapshot, prior,
      currentINode.cleanSubtreeRecursively(reclaimContext, snapshot, prior,

      // check priorDiff again since it may be created during the diff deletion
      if (prior != NO_SNAPSHOT_ID) {
        DirectoryDiff priorDiff = this.getDiffs().getDiffById(prior);
        if (priorDiff != null && priorDiff.getSnapshotId() == prior) {
          // For files/directories created between "prior" and "snapshot", 
          // we need to clear snapshot copies for "snapshot". Note that we must
          // use null as prior in the cleanSubtree call. Files/directories that
          // were created before "prior" will be covered by the later 
          // cleanSubtreeRecursively call.
          if (priorCreated != null) {
            // The nodes in priorCreated must be destroyed if
            //   (1) this is the last reference, and
            //   (2) prior is the last snapshot, and
            //   (3) currentINode is not in the current state.
            final boolean destroy = currentINode.isLastReference()
                && currentINode.getDiffs().getLastSnapshotId() == prior
                && !currentINode.isInCurrentState();
            // we only check the node originally in prior's created list
            for (INode cNode : new ArrayList<>(priorDiff.
                    diff.getCreatedUnmodifiable())) {
              if (priorCreated.containsKey(cNode)) {
                if (destroy) {
                } else {
                  cNode.cleanSubtree(reclaimContext, snapshot, NO_SNAPSHOT_ID);
          // When a directory is moved from the deleted list of the posterior
          // diff to the deleted list of this diff, we need to destroy its
          // descendants that were 1) created after taking this diff and 2)
          // deleted after taking posterior diff.

          // For files moved from posterior's deleted list, we also need to
          // delete its snapshot copy associated with the posterior snapshot.
          for (INode dNode : priorDiff.diff.getDeletedUnmodifiable()) {
            if (priorDeleted == null || !priorDeleted.containsKey(dNode)) {
              cleanDeletedINode(reclaimContext, dNode, snapshot, prior);

    QuotaCounts current = reclaimContext.quotaDelta().getCountsCopy();
    if (currentINode.isQuotaSet()) {
      reclaimContext.quotaDelta().addQuotaDirUpdate(currentINode, current);

  public String toString() {
    return "" + diffs;


hadoop 源码目录


hadoop AbstractINodeDiff 源码

hadoop AbstractINodeDiffList 源码

hadoop DiffList 源码

hadoop DiffListByArrayList 源码

hadoop DiffListBySkipList 源码

hadoop DirectoryDiffListFactory 源码

hadoop DirectorySnapshottableFeature 源码

hadoop FSImageFormatPBSnapshot 源码

hadoop FileDiff 源码

hadoop FileDiffList 源码

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