hadoop DirectorySnapshottableFeature 源码

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haddop DirectorySnapshottableFeature 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot;

import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Arrays;

import org.apache.hadoop.HadoopIllegalArgumentException;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtilClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.SnapshotException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockStoragePolicySuite;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.Content;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ContentCounts;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INode;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeDirectory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeDirectory.SnapshotAndINode;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeFile;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeReference;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeReference.WithCount;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeReference.WithName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodesInPath;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.LeaseManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.util.ReadOnlyList;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Lists;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Time;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.VisibleForTesting;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Preconditions;

 * A directory with this feature is a snapshottable directory, where snapshots
 * can be taken. This feature extends {@link DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature}, and
 * maintains extra information about all the snapshots taken on this directory.
public class DirectorySnapshottableFeature extends DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature {
  /** Limit the number of snapshot per snapshottable directory. */
  static final int SNAPSHOT_QUOTA_DEFAULT = 1 << 16;

   * Snapshots of this directory in ascending order of snapshot names.
   * Note that snapshots in ascending order of snapshot id are stored in
   * {@link DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature}.diffs (a private field).
  private final List<Snapshot> snapshotsByNames = new ArrayList<Snapshot>();
  /** Number of snapshots allowed. */
  private int snapshotQuota = SNAPSHOT_QUOTA_DEFAULT;

  public DirectorySnapshottableFeature(DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature feature) {
    super(feature == null ? null : feature.getDiffs());

  /** @return the number of existing snapshots. */
  public int getNumSnapshots() {
    return snapshotsByNames.size();

  private int searchSnapshot(byte[] snapshotName) {
    return Collections.binarySearch(snapshotsByNames, snapshotName);

  /** @return the snapshot with the given name. */
  public Snapshot getSnapshot(byte[] snapshotName) {
    final int i = searchSnapshot(snapshotName);
    return i < 0? null: snapshotsByNames.get(i);

  public Snapshot getSnapshotById(int sid) {
    for (Snapshot s : snapshotsByNames) {
      if (s.getId() == sid) {
        return s;
    return null;

  /** @return {@link #snapshotsByNames} as a {@link ReadOnlyList} */
  public ReadOnlyList<Snapshot> getSnapshotList() {
    return ReadOnlyList.Util.asReadOnlyList(snapshotsByNames);

   * Rename a snapshot
   * @param path
   *          The directory path where the snapshot was taken. Used for
   *          generating exception message.
   * @param oldName
   *          Old name of the snapshot
   * @param newName
   *          New name the snapshot will be renamed to
   * @param mtime The snapshot modification time set by Time.now().
   * @throws SnapshotException
   *           Throw SnapshotException when either the snapshot with the old
   *           name does not exist or a snapshot with the new name already
   *           exists
  public void renameSnapshot(String path, String oldName, String newName,
      long mtime)
      throws SnapshotException {
    final int indexOfOld = searchSnapshot(DFSUtil.string2Bytes(oldName));
    if (indexOfOld < 0) {
      throw new SnapshotException("The snapshot " + oldName
          + " does not exist for directory " + path);
    } else {
      if (newName.equals(oldName)) {
      final byte[] newNameBytes = DFSUtil.string2Bytes(newName);
      int indexOfNew = searchSnapshot(newNameBytes);
      if (indexOfNew >= 0) {
        throw new SnapshotException("The snapshot " + newName
            + " already exists for directory " + path);
      // remove the one with old name from snapshotsByNames
      Snapshot snapshot = snapshotsByNames.remove(indexOfOld);
      final INodeDirectory ssRoot = snapshot.getRoot();
      ssRoot.setModificationTime(mtime, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID);
      indexOfNew = -indexOfNew - 1;
      if (indexOfNew <= indexOfOld) {
        snapshotsByNames.add(indexOfNew, snapshot);
      } else { // indexOfNew > indexOfOld
        snapshotsByNames.add(indexOfNew - 1, snapshot);

  public int getSnapshotQuota() {
    return snapshotQuota;

  public void setSnapshotQuota(int snapshotQuota) {
    if (snapshotQuota < 0) {
      throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException(
          "Cannot set snapshot quota to " + snapshotQuota + " < 0");
    this.snapshotQuota = snapshotQuota;

   * Simply add a snapshot into the {@link #snapshotsByNames}. Used when loading
   * fsimage.
  void addSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot) {

   * Add a snapshot.
   * @param snapshotRoot Root of the snapshot.
   * @param snapshotManager SnapshotManager Instance.
   * @param name Name of the snapshot.
   * @param leaseManager
   * @throws SnapshotException Throw SnapshotException when there is a snapshot
   *           with the same name already exists or snapshot quota exceeds
  public Snapshot addSnapshot(INodeDirectory snapshotRoot,
                              SnapshotManager snapshotManager, String name,
                              final LeaseManager leaseManager, long now)
      throws SnapshotException {
    int id = snapshotManager.getSnapshotCounter();
    //check snapshot quota
    final int n = getNumSnapshots();
    if (n + 1 > snapshotQuota) {
      throw new SnapshotException("Failed to add snapshot: there are already "
          + n + " snapshot(s) and the snapshot quota is "
          + snapshotQuota);
    final Snapshot s = new Snapshot(id, name, snapshotRoot);
    final byte[] nameBytes = s.getRoot().getLocalNameBytes();
    final int i = searchSnapshot(nameBytes);
    if (i >= 0) {
      throw new SnapshotException("Failed to add snapshot: there is already a "
          + "snapshot with the same name \"" + Snapshot.getSnapshotName(s) + "\".");

    final DirectoryDiff d = getDiffs().addDiff(id, snapshotRoot);
    snapshotsByNames.add(-i - 1, s);

    // modification time is the snapshot creation time
    snapshotRoot.updateModificationTime(now, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID);
    s.getRoot().setModificationTime(now, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID);

    if (snapshotManager.captureOpenFiles()) {
      try {
        Set<INodesInPath> openFilesIIP =
        for (INodesInPath openFileIIP : openFilesIIP) {
          INodeFile openFile = openFileIIP.getLastINode().asFile();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SnapshotException("Failed to add snapshot: Unable to " +
            "capture all open files under the snapshot dir " +
            snapshotRoot.getFullPathName() + " for snapshot '" + name + "'", e);
    return s;

   * Remove the snapshot with the given name from {@link #snapshotsByNames},
   * and delete all the corresponding DirectoryDiff.
   * @param reclaimContext records blocks and inodes that need to be reclaimed
   * @param snapshotRoot The directory where we take snapshots
   * @param snapshotName The name of the snapshot to be removed
   * @param now The snapshot deletion time set by Time.now().
   * @return The removed snapshot. Null if no snapshot with the given name
   *         exists.
  public Snapshot removeSnapshot(
      INode.ReclaimContext reclaimContext, INodeDirectory snapshotRoot,
      String snapshotName, long now, SnapshotManager snapshotManager)
      throws SnapshotException {
    final int i = searchSnapshot(DFSUtil.string2Bytes(snapshotName));
    if (i < 0) {
      // considering a sequence like this with snapshots S1 and s2
      // 1. Ordered snapshot deletion feature is turned on
      // 2. Delete S2 creating edit log entry for S2 deletion
      // 3. Delete S1
      // 4. S2 gets deleted by snapshot gc thread creating edit log record for
      //    S2 deletion again
      // 5. Disable Ordered snapshot deletion feature
      // 6. Restarting Namenode
      // In this case, when edit log replay happens actual deletion of S2
      // will happen when first edit log for S2 deletion gets replayed and
      // the second edit log record replay for S2 deletion will fail as snapshot
      // won't exist thereby failing the Namenode start
      // The idea here is to check during edit log replay, if a certain snapshot
      // is not found and the ordered snapshot deletion is off, ignore the error
      if (!snapshotManager.isSnapshotDeletionOrdered() &&
          !snapshotManager.isImageLoaded()) {
        return null;
      throw new SnapshotException("Cannot delete snapshot " + snapshotName
          + " from path " + snapshotRoot.getFullPathName()
          + ": the snapshot does not exist.");
    } else {
      final Snapshot snapshot = snapshotsByNames.get(i);
      int prior = Snapshot.findLatestSnapshot(snapshotRoot, snapshot.getId());
      snapshotManager.assertPrior(snapshotRoot, snapshotName, prior);
      snapshotRoot.cleanSubtree(reclaimContext, snapshot.getId(), prior);
      // remove from snapshotsByNames after successfully cleaning the subtree
      snapshotRoot.updateModificationTime(now, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID);
      return snapshot;

  public void computeContentSummary4Snapshot(final BlockStoragePolicySuite bsps,
      final ContentCounts counts) throws AccessControlException {
    counts.addContent(Content.SNAPSHOT, snapshotsByNames.size());
    counts.addContent(Content.SNAPSHOTTABLE_DIRECTORY, 1);
    super.computeContentSummary4Snapshot(bsps, counts);

   * Compute the difference between two snapshots (or a snapshot and the current
   * directory) of the directory. The diff calculation can be scoped to either
   * the snapshot root or any descendant directory under the snapshot root.
   * @param snapshotRootDir the snapshot root directory
   * @param snapshotDiffScopeDir the descendant directory under snapshot root
   *          to scope the diff calculation to.
   * @param from The name of the start point of the comparison. Null indicating
   *          the current tree.
   * @param to The name of the end point. Null indicating the current tree.
   * @return The difference between the start/end points.
   * @throws SnapshotException If there is no snapshot matching the starting
   *           point, or if endSnapshotName is not null but cannot be identified
   *           as a previous snapshot.
  SnapshotDiffInfo computeDiff(final INodeDirectory snapshotRootDir,
      final INodeDirectory snapshotDiffScopeDir, final String from,
      final String to) throws SnapshotException {
    Snapshot fromSnapshot = getSnapshotByName(snapshotRootDir, from);
    Snapshot toSnapshot = getSnapshotByName(snapshotRootDir, to);
    // if the start point is equal to the end point, return null
    if (from != null && from.equals(to)) {
      return null;
    SnapshotDiffInfo diffs = new SnapshotDiffInfo(snapshotRootDir,
        snapshotDiffScopeDir, fromSnapshot, toSnapshot);
    // The snapshot diff scope dir is passed in as the snapshot dir
    // so that the file paths in the diff report are relative to the
    // snapshot scope dir.
    computeDiffRecursively(snapshotDiffScopeDir, snapshotDiffScopeDir,
        new ArrayList<>(), diffs);
    return diffs;

   * Compute the difference between two snapshots (or a snapshot and the current
   * directory) of the directory. The diff calculation can be scoped to either
   * the snapshot root or any descendant directory under the snapshot root.
   * @param snapshotRootDir the snapshot root directory
   * @param snapshotDiffScopeDir the descendant directory under snapshot root
   *          to scope the diff calculation to.
   * @param from The name of the start point of the comparison. Null indicating
   *          the current tree.
   * @param to The name of the end point. Null indicating the current tree.
   * @param startPath
   *           path relative to the snapshottable root directory from where the
   *           snapshotdiff computation needs to start across multiple rpc calls
   * @param index
   *           index in the created or deleted list of the directory at which
   *           the snapshotdiff computation stopped during the last rpc call
   *           as the no of entries exceeded the snapshotdiffentry limit. -1
   *           indicates, the snapshotdiff computation needs to start right
   *           from the startPath provided.
   * @return The difference between the start/end points.
   * @throws SnapshotException If there is no snapshot matching the starting
   *           point, or if endSnapshotName is not null but cannot be identified
   *           as a previous snapshot.
  SnapshotDiffListingInfo computeDiff(final INodeDirectory snapshotRootDir,
      final INodeDirectory snapshotDiffScopeDir, final String from,
      final String to, byte[] startPath, int index,
      int snapshotDiffReportEntriesLimit) throws SnapshotException {
    Snapshot fromSnapshot = getSnapshotByName(snapshotRootDir, from);
    Snapshot toSnapshot = getSnapshotByName(snapshotRootDir, to);
    boolean toProcess = Arrays.equals(startPath, DFSUtilClient.EMPTY_BYTES);
    byte[][] resumePath = DFSUtilClient.bytes2byteArray(startPath);
    if (from.equals(to)) {
      return null;
    SnapshotDiffListingInfo diffs =
        new SnapshotDiffListingInfo(snapshotRootDir, snapshotDiffScopeDir,
            fromSnapshot, toSnapshot, snapshotDiffReportEntriesLimit);
    computeDiffRecursively(snapshotDiffScopeDir, snapshotDiffScopeDir,
        new ArrayList<byte[]>(), diffs, resumePath, 0, toProcess);
    return diffs;

   * Find the snapshot matching the given name.
   * @param snapshotRoot The directory where snapshots were taken.
   * @param snapshotName The name of the snapshot.
   * @return The corresponding snapshot. Null if snapshotName is null or empty.
   * @throws SnapshotException If snapshotName is not null or empty, but there
   *           is no snapshot matching the name.
  public Snapshot getSnapshotByName(INodeDirectory snapshotRoot,
      String snapshotName) throws SnapshotException {
    Snapshot s = null;
    if (snapshotName != null && !snapshotName.isEmpty()) {
      final int index = searchSnapshot(DFSUtil.string2Bytes(snapshotName));
      if (index < 0) {
        throw new SnapshotException("Cannot find the snapshot of directory "
            + snapshotRoot.getFullPathName() + " with name " + snapshotName);
      s = snapshotsByNames.get(index);
    return s;

   * Recursively compute the difference between snapshots under a given
   * directory/file.
   * @param snapshotDir The directory where snapshots were taken. Can be a
   *                    snapshot root directory or any descendant directory
   *                    under snapshot root directory.
   * @param node The directory/file under which the diff is computed.
   * @param parentPath Relative path (corresponding to the snapshot root) of
   *                   the node's parent.
   * @param diffReport data structure used to store the diff.
  private void computeDiffRecursively(final INodeDirectory snapshotDir,
      INode node, List<byte[]> parentPath, SnapshotDiffInfo diffReport) {
    final Snapshot earlierSnapshot = diffReport.isFromEarlier() ?
        diffReport.getFrom() : diffReport.getTo();
    final Snapshot laterSnapshot = diffReport.isFromEarlier() ?
        diffReport.getTo() : diffReport.getFrom();
    byte[][] relativePath = parentPath.toArray(new byte[parentPath.size()][]);
    if (node.isDirectory()) {
      final ChildrenDiff diff = new ChildrenDiff();
      INodeDirectory dir = node.asDirectory();
      DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = dir.getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature();
      if (sf != null) {
        boolean change = sf.computeDiffBetweenSnapshots(earlierSnapshot,
            laterSnapshot, diff, dir);
        if (change) {
          diffReport.addDirDiff(dir, relativePath, diff);
      } else {
      long startTime = Time.monotonicNow();
      ReadOnlyList<INode> children = dir.getChildrenList(earlierSnapshot
      diffReport.addChildrenListingTime(Time.monotonicNow() - startTime);
      for (INode child : children) {
        final byte[] name = child.getLocalNameBytes();
        boolean toProcess = !diff.containsDeleted(name);
        if (!toProcess && child instanceof INodeReference.WithName) {
          byte[][] renameTargetPath = findRenameTargetPath(
              snapshotDir, (WithName) child,
              laterSnapshot == null ? Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID :
          if (renameTargetPath != null) {
            toProcess = true;
            diffReport.setRenameTarget(child.getId(), renameTargetPath);
        if (toProcess) {
          computeDiffRecursively(snapshotDir, child, parentPath, diffReport);
          parentPath.remove(parentPath.size() - 1);
    } else if (node.isFile() && node.asFile().isWithSnapshot()) {
      INodeFile file = node.asFile();
      boolean change = file.getFileWithSnapshotFeature()
          .changedBetweenSnapshots(file, earlierSnapshot, laterSnapshot);
      if (change) {
        diffReport.addFileDiff(file, relativePath);

   * Recursively compute the difference between snapshots under a given
   * directory/file partially.
   * @param snapshotDir The directory where snapshots were taken. Can be a
   *                    snapshot root directory or any descendant directory
   *                    under snapshot root directory.
   * @param node The directory/file under which the diff is computed.
   * @param parentPath Relative path (corresponding to the snapshot root) of
   *                   the node's parent.
   * @param diffReport data structure used to store the diff.
   * @param resume  path from where to resume the snapshotdiff computation
   *                    in one rpc call
   * @param level       indicates the level of the directory tree rooted at
   *                    snapshotRoot.
   * @param processFlag indicates that the dir/file where the snapshotdiff
   *                    computation has to start is processed or not.
  private boolean computeDiffRecursively(final INodeDirectory snapshotDir,
       INode node, List<byte[]> parentPath, SnapshotDiffListingInfo diffReport,
       final byte[][] resume, int level, boolean processFlag) {
    final Snapshot earlier = diffReport.getEarlier();
    final Snapshot later = diffReport.getLater();
    byte[][] relativePath = parentPath.toArray(new byte[parentPath.size()][]);
    if (!processFlag && level == resume.length
        && Arrays.equals(resume[resume.length - 1], node.getLocalNameBytes())) {
      processFlag = true;

    if (node.isDirectory()) {
      final ChildrenDiff diff = new ChildrenDiff();
      INodeDirectory dir = node.asDirectory();
      if (processFlag) {
        DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = dir.getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature();
        if (sf != null) {
          boolean change =
              sf.computeDiffBetweenSnapshots(earlier, later, diff, dir);
          if (change) {
            if (!diffReport.addDirDiff(dir.getId(), relativePath, diff)) {
              return false;

      ReadOnlyList<INode> children = dir.getChildrenList(earlier.getId());
      boolean iterate = false;
      for (INode child : children) {
        final byte[] name = child.getLocalNameBytes();
        if (!processFlag && !iterate && !Arrays.equals(resume[level], name)) {
        iterate = true;
        level = level + 1;
        boolean toProcess = !diff.containsDeleted(name);
        if (!toProcess && child instanceof INodeReference.WithName) {
          byte[][] renameTargetPath = findRenameTargetPath(snapshotDir,
              (WithName) child, Snapshot.getSnapshotId(later));
          if (renameTargetPath != null) {
            toProcess = true;
        if (toProcess) {
          processFlag = computeDiffRecursively(snapshotDir, child, parentPath,
              diffReport, resume, level, processFlag);
          parentPath.remove(parentPath.size() - 1);
          if (!processFlag) {
            return false;
    } else if (node.isFile() && node.asFile().isWithSnapshot() && processFlag) {
      INodeFile file = node.asFile();
      boolean change = file.getFileWithSnapshotFeature()
          .changedBetweenSnapshots(file, earlier, later);
      if (change) {
        if (!diffReport.addFileDiff(file, relativePath)) {
          return false;
    return true;

   * We just found a deleted WithName node as the source of a rename operation.
   * However, we should include it in our snapshot diff report as rename only
   * if the rename target is also under the same snapshottable directory.
  public byte[][] findRenameTargetPath(final INodeDirectory snapshotRoot,
      INodeReference.WithName wn, final int snapshotId) {
    INode inode = wn.getReferredINode();
    final LinkedList<byte[]> ancestors = Lists.newLinkedList();
    while (inode != null) {
      if (inode == snapshotRoot) {
        return ancestors.toArray(new byte[ancestors.size()][]);
      if (inode instanceof INodeReference.WithCount) {
        inode = ((WithCount) inode).getParentRef(snapshotId);
      } else {
        INode parent = inode.getParentReference() != null ? inode
            .getParentReference() : inode.getParent();
        if (parent != null && parent instanceof INodeDirectory) {
          int sid = parent.asDirectory().searchChild(inode);
          if (sid < snapshotId) {
            return null;
        if (!(parent instanceof WithCount)) {
        inode = parent;
    return null;

  public String toString() {
    return "snapshotsByNames=" + snapshotsByNames;

  public void dumpTreeRecursively(INodeDirectory snapshotRoot, PrintWriter out,
      StringBuilder prefix, int snapshot) {
    if (snapshot == Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID) {

      out.print("Snapshot of ");
      final String name = snapshotRoot.getLocalName();
      out.print(name.isEmpty()? "/": name);
      out.print(": quota=");

      int n = 0;
      for(DirectoryDiff diff : getDiffs()) {
        if (diff.isSnapshotRoot()) {
      Preconditions.checkState(n == snapshotsByNames.size(), "#n=" + n
          + ", snapshotsByNames.size()=" + snapshotsByNames.size());
      out.print(", #snapshot=");

      INodeDirectory.dumpTreeRecursively(out, prefix,
          new Iterable<SnapshotAndINode>() {
        public Iterator<SnapshotAndINode> iterator() {
          return new Iterator<SnapshotAndINode>() {
            final Iterator<DirectoryDiff> i = getDiffs().iterator();
            private DirectoryDiff next = findNext();

            private DirectoryDiff findNext() {
              for(; i.hasNext(); ) {
                final DirectoryDiff diff = i.next();
                if (diff.isSnapshotRoot()) {
                  return diff;
              return null;

            public boolean hasNext() {
              return next != null;

            public SnapshotAndINode next() {
              final SnapshotAndINode pair = new SnapshotAndINode(next
                  .getSnapshotId(), getSnapshotById(next.getSnapshotId())
              next = findNext();
              return pair;

            public void remove() {
              throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


hadoop 源码目录


hadoop AbstractINodeDiff 源码

hadoop AbstractINodeDiffList 源码

hadoop DiffList 源码

hadoop DiffListByArrayList 源码

hadoop DiffListBySkipList 源码

hadoop DirectoryDiffListFactory 源码

hadoop DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature 源码

hadoop FSImageFormatPBSnapshot 源码

hadoop FileDiff 源码

hadoop FileDiffList 源码

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