spark PushDownUtils 源码
spark PushDownUtils 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{AttributeReference, AttributeSet, Expression, NamedExpression, SchemaPruning}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.CharVarcharUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.expressions.SortOrder
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.expressions.filter.Predicate
import{Scan, ScanBuilder, SupportsPushDownFilters, SupportsPushDownLimit, SupportsPushDownOffset, SupportsPushDownRequiredColumns, SupportsPushDownTableSample, SupportsPushDownTopN, SupportsPushDownV2Filters}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSourceStrategy
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.Utils
object PushDownUtils {
* Pushes down filters to the data source reader
* @return pushed filter and post-scan filters.
def pushFilters(scanBuilder: ScanBuilder, filters: Seq[Expression])
: (Either[Seq[sources.Filter], Seq[Predicate]], Seq[Expression]) = {
scanBuilder match {
case r: SupportsPushDownFilters =>
// A map from translated data source leaf node filters to original catalyst filter
// expressions. For a `And`/`Or` predicate, it is possible that the predicate is partially
// pushed down. This map can be used to construct a catalyst filter expression from the
// input filter, or a superset(partial push down filter) of the input filter.
val translatedFilterToExpr = mutable.HashMap.empty[sources.Filter, Expression]
val translatedFilters = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[sources.Filter]
// Catalyst filter expression that can't be translated to data source filters.
val untranslatableExprs = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Expression]
for (filterExpr <- filters) {
val translated =
DataSourceStrategy.translateFilterWithMapping(filterExpr, Some(translatedFilterToExpr),
nestedPredicatePushdownEnabled = true)
if (translated.isEmpty) {
untranslatableExprs += filterExpr
} else {
translatedFilters += translated.get
// Data source filters that need to be evaluated again after scanning. which means
// the data source cannot guarantee the rows returned can pass these filters.
// As a result we must return it so Spark can plan an extra filter operator.
val postScanFilters = r.pushFilters(translatedFilters.toArray).map { filter =>
DataSourceStrategy.rebuildExpressionFromFilter(filter, translatedFilterToExpr)
(Left(r.pushedFilters()), (untranslatableExprs ++ postScanFilters).toSeq)
case r: SupportsPushDownV2Filters =>
// A map from translated data source leaf node filters to original catalyst filter
// expressions. For a `And`/`Or` predicate, it is possible that the predicate is partially
// pushed down. This map can be used to construct a catalyst filter expression from the
// input filter, or a superset(partial push down filter) of the input filter.
val translatedFilterToExpr = mutable.HashMap.empty[Predicate, Expression]
val translatedFilters = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Predicate]
// Catalyst filter expression that can't be translated to data source filters.
val untranslatableExprs = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Expression]
for (filterExpr <- filters) {
val translated =
filterExpr, Some(translatedFilterToExpr))
if (translated.isEmpty) {
untranslatableExprs += filterExpr
} else {
translatedFilters += translated.get
// Data source filters that need to be evaluated again after scanning. which means
// the data source cannot guarantee the rows returned can pass these filters.
// As a result we must return it so Spark can plan an extra filter operator.
val postScanFilters = r.pushPredicates(translatedFilters.toArray).map { predicate =>
DataSourceV2Strategy.rebuildExpressionFromFilter(predicate, translatedFilterToExpr)
(Right(r.pushedPredicates), (untranslatableExprs ++ postScanFilters).toSeq)
case f: FileScanBuilder =>
val postScanFilters = f.pushFilters(filters)
(Right(f.pushedFilters), postScanFilters)
case _ => (Left(Nil), filters)
* Pushes down TableSample to the data source Scan
def pushTableSample(scanBuilder: ScanBuilder, sample: TableSampleInfo): Boolean = {
scanBuilder match {
case s: SupportsPushDownTableSample =>
sample.lowerBound, sample.upperBound, sample.withReplacement, sample.seed)
case _ => false
* Pushes down LIMIT to the data source Scan.
* @return the tuple of Boolean. The first Boolean value represents whether to push down, and
* the second Boolean value represents whether to push down partially, which means
* Spark will keep the Limit and do it again.
def pushLimit(scanBuilder: ScanBuilder, limit: Int): (Boolean, Boolean) = {
scanBuilder match {
case s: SupportsPushDownLimit if s.pushLimit(limit) =>
(true, s.isPartiallyPushed)
case _ => (false, false)
* Pushes down OFFSET to the data source Scan.
* @return the Boolean value represents whether to push down.
def pushOffset(scanBuilder: ScanBuilder, offset: Int): Boolean = {
scanBuilder match {
case s: SupportsPushDownOffset =>
case _ => false
* Pushes down top N to the data source Scan.
* @return the tuple of Boolean. The first Boolean value represents whether to push down, and
* the second Boolean value represents whether to push down partially, which means
* Spark will keep the Sort and Limit and do it again.
def pushTopN(
scanBuilder: ScanBuilder,
order: Array[SortOrder],
limit: Int): (Boolean, Boolean) = {
scanBuilder match {
case s: SupportsPushDownTopN if s.pushTopN(order, limit) =>
(true, s.isPartiallyPushed)
case _ => (false, false)
* Applies column pruning to the data source, w.r.t. the references of the given expressions.
* @return the `Scan` instance (since column pruning is the last step of operator pushdown),
* and new output attributes after column pruning.
def pruneColumns(
scanBuilder: ScanBuilder,
relation: DataSourceV2Relation,
projects: Seq[NamedExpression],
filters: Seq[Expression]): (Scan, Seq[AttributeReference]) = {
val exprs = projects ++ filters
val requiredColumns = AttributeSet(exprs.flatMap(_.references))
val neededOutput = relation.output.filter(requiredColumns.contains)
scanBuilder match {
case r: SupportsPushDownRequiredColumns if SQLConf.get.nestedSchemaPruningEnabled =>
val rootFields = SchemaPruning.identifyRootFields(projects, filters)
val prunedSchema = if (rootFields.nonEmpty) {
SchemaPruning.pruneSchema(relation.schema, rootFields)
} else {
new StructType()
val neededFieldNames =
r.pruneColumns(StructType(prunedSchema.filter(f => neededFieldNames.contains(
val scan =
scan -> toOutputAttrs(scan.readSchema(), relation)
case r: SupportsPushDownRequiredColumns =>
val scan =
// always project, in case the relation's output has been updated and doesn't match
// the underlying table schema
scan -> toOutputAttrs(scan.readSchema(), relation)
case _ => -> relation.output
def toOutputAttrs(
schema: StructType,
relation: DataSourceV2Relation): Seq[AttributeReference] = {
val nameToAttr = Utils.toMap(, relation.output)
val cleaned = CharVarcharUtils.replaceCharVarcharWithStringInSchema(schema) {
// we have to keep the attribute id during transformation
a => a.withExprId(nameToAttr(
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8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦