hadoop LeveldbTimelineStore 源码

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haddop LeveldbTimelineStore 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.timeline;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.VisibleForTesting;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Preconditions;
import org.apache.commons.collections.map.LRUMap;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.WritableComparator;
import org.apache.hadoop.service.AbstractService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timeline.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timeline.TimelineEvents.EventsOfOneEntity;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timeline.TimelinePutResponse.TimelinePutError;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto.YarnServerCommonProtos.VersionProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.records.Version;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.records.impl.pb.VersionPBImpl;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.timeline.TimelineDataManager.CheckAcl;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.timeline.util.LeveldbUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.timeline.util.LeveldbUtils.KeyBuilder;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.timeline.util.LeveldbUtils.KeyParser;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.utils.LeveldbIterator;
import org.fusesource.leveldbjni.JniDBFactory;
import org.iq80.leveldb.*;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.timeline.GenericObjectMapper.readReverseOrderedLong;
import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.timeline.GenericObjectMapper.writeReverseOrderedLong;
import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.timeline.TimelineDataManager.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID;
import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.timeline.util.LeveldbUtils.prefixMatches;
import static org.fusesource.leveldbjni.JniDBFactory.bytes;

 * <p>An implementation of an application timeline store backed by leveldb.</p>
 * <p>There are three sections of the db, the start time section,
 * the entity section, and the indexed entity section.</p>
 * <p>The start time section is used to retrieve the unique start time for
 * a given entity. Its values each contain a start time while its keys are of
 * the form:</p>
 * <pre>
 *   START_TIME_LOOKUP_PREFIX + entity type + entity id</pre>
 * <p>The entity section is ordered by entity type, then entity start time
 * descending, then entity ID. There are four sub-sections of the entity
 * section: events, primary filters, related entities,
 * and other info. The event entries have event info serialized into their
 * values. The other info entries have values corresponding to the values of
 * the other info name/value map for the entry (note the names are contained
 * in the key). All other entries have empty values. The key structure is as
 * follows:</p>
 * <pre>
 *   ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX + entity type + revstarttime + entity id
 *   ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX + entity type + revstarttime + entity id +
 *     EVENTS_COLUMN + reveventtimestamp + eventtype
 *   ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX + entity type + revstarttime + entity id +
 *     PRIMARY_FILTERS_COLUMN + name + value
 *   ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX + entity type + revstarttime + entity id +
 *     OTHER_INFO_COLUMN + name
 *   ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX + entity type + revstarttime + entity id +
 *     RELATED_ENTITIES_COLUMN + relatedentity type + relatedentity id
 *   ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX + entity type + revstarttime + entity id +
 *   ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX + entity type + revstarttime + entity id +
 *     relatedentity id</pre>
 * <p>The indexed entity section contains a primary filter name and primary
 * filter value as the prefix. Within a given name/value, entire entity
 * entries are stored in the same format as described in the entity section
 * above (below, "key" represents any one of the possible entity entry keys
 * described above).</p>
 * <pre>
 *   INDEXED_ENTRY_PREFIX + primaryfilter name + primaryfilter value +
 *     key</pre>
public class LeveldbTimelineStore extends AbstractService
    implements TimelineStore {
  private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG = LoggerFactory

  static final String FILENAME = "leveldb-timeline-store.ldb";

  //Extension to FILENAME where backup will be stored in case we need to
  //call LevelDb recovery
  static final String BACKUP_EXT = ".backup-";

  private static final byte[] START_TIME_LOOKUP_PREFIX = "k".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
  private static final byte[] ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX = "e".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
  private static final byte[] INDEXED_ENTRY_PREFIX = "i".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));

  private static final byte[] EVENTS_COLUMN = "e".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
  private static final byte[] PRIMARY_FILTERS_COLUMN = "f".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
  private static final byte[] OTHER_INFO_COLUMN = "i".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
  private static final byte[] RELATED_ENTITIES_COLUMN = "r".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
  private static final byte[] DOMAIN_ID_COLUMN = "d".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));

  private static final byte[] DOMAIN_ENTRY_PREFIX = "d".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
  private static final byte[] OWNER_LOOKUP_PREFIX = "o".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
  private static final byte[] DESCRIPTION_COLUMN = "d".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
  private static final byte[] OWNER_COLUMN = "o".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
  private static final byte[] READER_COLUMN = "r".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
  private static final byte[] WRITER_COLUMN = "w".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
  private static final byte[] TIMESTAMP_COLUMN = "t".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));

  private static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTES = new byte[0];
  private static final String TIMELINE_STORE_VERSION_KEY = "timeline-store-version";
  private static final Version CURRENT_VERSION_INFO = Version
      .newInstance(1, 0);

  static final FsPermission LEVELDB_DIR_UMASK = FsPermission
      .createImmutable((short) 0700);

  private Map<EntityIdentifier, StartAndInsertTime> startTimeWriteCache;
  private Map<EntityIdentifier, Long> startTimeReadCache;

   * Per-entity locks are obtained when writing.
  private final LockMap<EntityIdentifier> writeLocks =
      new LockMap<EntityIdentifier>();

  private final ReentrantReadWriteLock deleteLock =
      new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

  private DB db;

  private Thread deletionThread;

  public LeveldbTimelineStore() {

  private JniDBFactory factory;

  void setFactory(JniDBFactory fact) {
    this.factory = fact;

  protected void serviceInit(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
        YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_TIMELINE_SERVICE_TTL_MS) > 0,
        "%s property value should be greater than zero",
        "%s property value should be greater than zero",
        "%s property value should be greater than or equal to zero",
        " %s property value should be greater than zero",
        "%s property value should be greater than zero",

    Options options = new Options();
    if(factory == null) {
      factory = new JniDBFactory();

    Path dbPath = new Path(
        conf.get(YarnConfiguration.TIMELINE_SERVICE_LEVELDB_PATH), FILENAME);
    FileSystem localFS = null;
    try {
      localFS = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
      if (!localFS.exists(dbPath)) {
        if (!localFS.mkdirs(dbPath)) {
          throw new IOException("Couldn't create directory for leveldb " +
              "timeline store " + dbPath);
        localFS.setPermission(dbPath, LEVELDB_DIR_UMASK);
    } finally {
      IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, localFS);
    LOG.info("Using leveldb path " + dbPath);
    db = LeveldbUtils.loadOrRepairLevelDb(factory, dbPath, options);
    startTimeWriteCache =
        Collections.synchronizedMap(new LRUMap(getStartTimeWriteCacheSize(
    startTimeReadCache =
        Collections.synchronizedMap(new LRUMap(getStartTimeReadCacheSize(

    if (conf.getBoolean(YarnConfiguration.TIMELINE_SERVICE_TTL_ENABLE, true)) {
      deletionThread = new EntityDeletionThread(conf);


  protected void serviceStop() throws Exception {
    if (deletionThread != null) {
      LOG.info("Waiting for deletion thread to complete its current action");
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        LOG.warn("Interrupted while waiting for deletion thread to complete," +
            " closing db now", e);
    IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, db);

  private static class StartAndInsertTime {
    final long startTime;
    final long insertTime;

    public StartAndInsertTime(long startTime, long insertTime) {
      this.startTime = startTime;
      this.insertTime = insertTime;

  private class EntityDeletionThread extends Thread {
    private final long ttl;
    private final long ttlInterval;

    public EntityDeletionThread(Configuration conf) {
      ttl  = conf.getLong(YarnConfiguration.TIMELINE_SERVICE_TTL_MS,
      ttlInterval = conf.getLong(
      LOG.info("Starting deletion thread with ttl " + ttl + " and cycle " +
          "interval " + ttlInterval);

    public void run() {
      while (true) {
        long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - ttl;
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          LOG.info("Deletion thread received interrupt, exiting");

  private static class LockMap<K> {
    private static class CountingReentrantLock<K> extends ReentrantLock {
      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
      private int count;
      private K key;

      CountingReentrantLock(K key) {
        this.count = 0;
        this.key = key;

    private Map<K, CountingReentrantLock<K>> locks =
        new HashMap<K, CountingReentrantLock<K>>();

    synchronized CountingReentrantLock<K> getLock(K key) {
      CountingReentrantLock<K> lock = locks.get(key);
      if (lock == null) {
        lock = new CountingReentrantLock<K>(key);
        locks.put(key, lock);

      return lock;

    synchronized void returnLock(CountingReentrantLock<K> lock) {
      if (lock.count == 0) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Returned lock more times than it " +
            "was retrieved");

      if (lock.count == 0) {

  public TimelineEntity getEntity(String entityId, String entityType,
      EnumSet<Field> fields) throws IOException {
    Long revStartTime = getStartTimeLong(entityId, entityType);
    if (revStartTime == null) {
      return null;
    byte[] prefix = KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX)

    LeveldbIterator iterator = null;
    try {
      iterator = new LeveldbIterator(db);

      if (fields == null) {
        fields = EnumSet.allOf(Field.class);
      return getEntity(entityId, entityType, revStartTime, fields, iterator,
          prefix, prefix.length);
    } catch(DBException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);            	
    } finally {
      IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, iterator);

   * Read entity from a db iterator.  If no information is found in the
   * specified fields for this entity, return null.
  private static TimelineEntity getEntity(String entityId, String entityType,
      Long startTime, EnumSet<Field> fields, LeveldbIterator iterator,
      byte[] prefix, int prefixlen) throws IOException {
    TimelineEntity entity = new TimelineEntity();
    boolean events = false;
    boolean lastEvent = false;
    if (fields.contains(Field.EVENTS)) {
      events = true;
    } else if (fields.contains(Field.LAST_EVENT_ONLY)) {
      lastEvent = true;
    } else {
    boolean relatedEntities = false;
    if (fields.contains(Field.RELATED_ENTITIES)) {
      relatedEntities = true;
    } else {
    boolean primaryFilters = false;
    if (fields.contains(Field.PRIMARY_FILTERS)) {
      primaryFilters = true;
    } else {
    boolean otherInfo = false;
    if (fields.contains(Field.OTHER_INFO)) {
      otherInfo = true;
    } else {

    // iterate through the entity's entry, parsing information if it is part
    // of a requested field
    for (; iterator.hasNext(); iterator.next()) {
      byte[] key = iterator.peekNext().getKey();
      if (!prefixMatches(prefix, prefixlen, key)) {
      if (key.length == prefixlen) {
      if (key[prefixlen] == PRIMARY_FILTERS_COLUMN[0]) {
        if (primaryFilters) {
          addPrimaryFilter(entity, key,
              prefixlen + PRIMARY_FILTERS_COLUMN.length);
      } else if (key[prefixlen] == OTHER_INFO_COLUMN[0]) {
        if (otherInfo) {
              prefixlen + OTHER_INFO_COLUMN.length),
      } else if (key[prefixlen] == RELATED_ENTITIES_COLUMN[0]) {
        if (relatedEntities) {
          addRelatedEntity(entity, key,
              prefixlen + RELATED_ENTITIES_COLUMN.length);
      } else if (key[prefixlen] == EVENTS_COLUMN[0]) {
        if (events || (lastEvent &&
            entity.getEvents().size() == 0)) {
          TimelineEvent event = getEntityEvent(null, key, prefixlen +
              EVENTS_COLUMN.length, iterator.peekNext().getValue());
          if (event != null) {
      } else if (key[prefixlen] == DOMAIN_ID_COLUMN[0]) {
        byte[] v = iterator.peekNext().getValue();
        String domainId = new String(v, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
      } else {
        if (key[prefixlen] !=
          LOG.warn(String.format("Found unexpected column for entity %s of " +
              "type %s (0x%02x)", entityId, entityType, key[prefixlen]));


    return entity;

  public TimelineEvents getEntityTimelines(String entityType,
      SortedSet<String> entityIds, Long limit, Long windowStart,
      Long windowEnd, Set<String> eventType) throws IOException {
    TimelineEvents events = new TimelineEvents();
    if (entityIds == null || entityIds.isEmpty()) {
      return events;
    // create a lexicographically-ordered map from start time to entities
    Map<byte[], List<EntityIdentifier>> startTimeMap = new TreeMap<byte[],
        List<EntityIdentifier>>(new Comparator<byte[]>() {
          public int compare(byte[] o1, byte[] o2) {
            return WritableComparator.compareBytes(o1, 0, o1.length, o2, 0,
    LeveldbIterator iterator = null;
    try {
      // look up start times for the specified entities
      // skip entities with no start time
      for (String entityId : entityIds) {
        byte[] startTime = getStartTime(entityId, entityType);
        if (startTime != null) {
          List<EntityIdentifier> entities = startTimeMap.get(startTime);
          if (entities == null) {
            entities = new ArrayList<EntityIdentifier>();
            startTimeMap.put(startTime, entities);
          entities.add(new EntityIdentifier(entityId, entityType));
      for (Entry<byte[], List<EntityIdentifier>> entry :
          startTimeMap.entrySet()) {
        // look up the events matching the given parameters (limit,
        // start time, end time, event types) for entities whose start times
        // were found and add the entities to the return list
        byte[] revStartTime = entry.getKey();
        for (EntityIdentifier entityIdentifier : entry.getValue()) {
          EventsOfOneEntity entity = new EventsOfOneEntity();
          KeyBuilder kb = KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX)
          byte[] prefix = kb.getBytesForLookup();
          if (windowEnd == null) {
            windowEnd = Long.MAX_VALUE;
          byte[] revts = writeReverseOrderedLong(windowEnd);
          byte[] first = kb.getBytesForLookup();
          byte[] last = null;
          if (windowStart != null) {
            last = KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(prefix)
          if (limit == null) {
            limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
          iterator = new LeveldbIterator(db);
          for (iterator.seek(first); entity.getEvents().size() < limit &&
              iterator.hasNext(); iterator.next()) {
            byte[] key = iterator.peekNext().getKey();
            if (!prefixMatches(prefix, prefix.length, key) || (last != null &&
                WritableComparator.compareBytes(key, 0, key.length, last, 0,
                    last.length) > 0)) {
            TimelineEvent event = getEntityEvent(eventType, key, prefix.length,
            if (event != null) {
    } catch(DBException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);            	
    } finally {
      IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, iterator);
    return events;

  public TimelineEntities getEntities(String entityType,
      Long limit, Long windowStart, Long windowEnd, String fromId, Long fromTs,
      NameValuePair primaryFilter, Collection<NameValuePair> secondaryFilters,
      EnumSet<Field> fields, CheckAcl checkAcl) throws IOException {
    if (primaryFilter == null) {
      // if no primary filter is specified, prefix the lookup with
      return getEntityByTime(ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX, entityType, limit,
          windowStart, windowEnd, fromId, fromTs, secondaryFilters, 
          fields, checkAcl);
    } else {
      // if a primary filter is specified, prefix the lookup with
      // INDEXED_ENTRY_PREFIX + primaryFilterName + primaryFilterValue +
      byte[] base = KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(INDEXED_ENTRY_PREFIX)
          .add(GenericObjectMapper.write(primaryFilter.getValue()), true)
      return getEntityByTime(base, entityType, limit, windowStart, windowEnd,
          fromId, fromTs, secondaryFilters, fields, checkAcl);

   * Retrieves a list of entities satisfying given parameters.
   * @param base A byte array prefix for the lookup
   * @param entityType The type of the entity
   * @param limit A limit on the number of entities to return
   * @param starttime The earliest entity start time to retrieve (exclusive)
   * @param endtime The latest entity start time to retrieve (inclusive)
   * @param fromId Retrieve entities starting with this entity
   * @param fromTs Ignore entities with insert timestamp later than this ts
   * @param secondaryFilters Filter pairs that the entities should match
   * @param fields The set of fields to retrieve
   * @return A list of entities
   * @throws IOException
  private TimelineEntities getEntityByTime(byte[] base,
      String entityType, Long limit, Long starttime, Long endtime,
      String fromId, Long fromTs, Collection<NameValuePair> secondaryFilters,
      EnumSet<Field> fields, CheckAcl checkAcl) throws IOException {
    // Even if other info and primary filter fields are not included, we
    // still need to load them to match secondary filters when they are
    // non-empty
    if (fields == null) {
      fields = EnumSet.allOf(Field.class);
    boolean addPrimaryFilters = false;
    boolean addOtherInfo = false;
    if (secondaryFilters != null && secondaryFilters.size() > 0) {
      if (!fields.contains(Field.PRIMARY_FILTERS)) {
        addPrimaryFilters = true;
      if (!fields.contains(Field.OTHER_INFO)) {
        addOtherInfo = true;

    LeveldbIterator iterator = null;
    try {
      KeyBuilder kb = KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(base).add(entityType);
      // only db keys matching the prefix (base + entity type) will be parsed
      byte[] prefix = kb.getBytesForLookup();
      if (endtime == null) {
        // if end time is null, place no restriction on end time
        endtime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
      // construct a first key that will be seeked to using end time or fromId
      byte[] first = null;
      if (fromId != null) {
        Long fromIdStartTime = getStartTimeLong(fromId, entityType);
        if (fromIdStartTime == null) {
          // no start time for provided id, so return empty entities
          return new TimelineEntities();
        if (fromIdStartTime <= endtime) {
          // if provided id's start time falls before the end of the window,
          // use it to construct the seek key
          first = kb.add(writeReverseOrderedLong(fromIdStartTime))
      // if seek key wasn't constructed using fromId, construct it using end ts
      if (first == null) {
        first = kb.add(writeReverseOrderedLong(endtime)).getBytesForLookup();
      byte[] last = null;
      if (starttime != null) {
        // if start time is not null, set a last key that will not be
        // iterated past
        last = KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(base).add(entityType)
      if (limit == null) {
        // if limit is not specified, use the default
        limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT;

      TimelineEntities entities = new TimelineEntities();
      iterator = new LeveldbIterator(db);
      // iterate until one of the following conditions is met: limit is
      // reached, there are no more keys, the key prefix no longer matches,
      // or a start time has been specified and reached/exceeded
      while (entities.getEntities().size() < limit && iterator.hasNext()) {
        byte[] key = iterator.peekNext().getKey();
        if (!prefixMatches(prefix, prefix.length, key) || (last != null &&
            WritableComparator.compareBytes(key, 0, key.length, last, 0,
                last.length) > 0)) {
        // read the start time and entity id from the current key
        KeyParser kp = new KeyParser(key, prefix.length);
        Long startTime = kp.getNextLong();
        String entityId = kp.getNextString();

        if (fromTs != null) {
          long insertTime = readReverseOrderedLong(iterator.peekNext()
              .getValue(), 0);
          if (insertTime > fromTs) {
            byte[] firstKey = key;
            while (iterator.hasNext() && prefixMatches(firstKey,
                kp.getOffset(), key)) {
              key = iterator.peekNext().getKey();

        // parse the entity that owns this key, iterating over all keys for
        // the entity
        TimelineEntity entity = getEntity(entityId, entityType, startTime,
            fields, iterator, key, kp.getOffset());
        // determine if the retrieved entity matches the provided secondary
        // filters, and if so add it to the list of entities to return
        boolean filterPassed = true;
        if (secondaryFilters != null) {
          for (NameValuePair filter : secondaryFilters) {
            Object v = entity.getOtherInfo().get(filter.getName());
            if (v == null) {
              Set<Object> vs = entity.getPrimaryFilters()
              if (vs == null || !vs.contains(filter.getValue())) {
                filterPassed = false;
            } else if (!v.equals(filter.getValue())) {
              filterPassed = false;
        if (filterPassed) {
          if (entity.getDomainId() == null) {
          if (checkAcl == null || checkAcl.check(entity)) {
            // Remove primary filter and other info if they are added for
            // matching secondary filters
            if (addPrimaryFilters) {
            if (addOtherInfo) {
      return entities;
    } catch(DBException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);   	
    } finally {
      IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, iterator);
   * Handle error and set it in response.
  private static void handleError(TimelineEntity entity, TimelinePutResponse response, final int errorCode) {
    TimelinePutError error = new TimelinePutError();

   * Put a single entity.  If there is an error, add a TimelinePutError to the
   * given response.
  private void put(TimelineEntity entity, TimelinePutResponse response,
      boolean allowEmptyDomainId) {
    LockMap.CountingReentrantLock<EntityIdentifier> lock =
        writeLocks.getLock(new EntityIdentifier(entity.getEntityId(),
    WriteBatch writeBatch = null;
    List<EntityIdentifier> relatedEntitiesWithoutStartTimes =
        new ArrayList<EntityIdentifier>();
    byte[] revStartTime = null;
    Map<String, Set<Object>> primaryFilters = null;
    try {
      writeBatch = db.createWriteBatch();
      List<TimelineEvent> events = entity.getEvents();
      // look up the start time for the entity
      StartAndInsertTime startAndInsertTime = getAndSetStartTime(
          entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType(),
          entity.getStartTime(), events);
      if (startAndInsertTime == null) {
        // if no start time is found, add an error and return
        handleError(entity, response, TimelinePutError.NO_START_TIME);   
      revStartTime = writeReverseOrderedLong(startAndInsertTime

      primaryFilters = entity.getPrimaryFilters();

      // write entity marker
      byte[] markerKey = createEntityMarkerKey(entity.getEntityId(),
          entity.getEntityType(), revStartTime);
      byte[] markerValue = writeReverseOrderedLong(startAndInsertTime
      writeBatch.put(markerKey, markerValue);
      writePrimaryFilterEntries(writeBatch, primaryFilters, markerKey,

      // write event entries
      if (events != null && !events.isEmpty()) {
        for (TimelineEvent event : events) {
          byte[] revts = writeReverseOrderedLong(event.getTimestamp());
          byte[] key = createEntityEventKey(entity.getEntityId(),
              entity.getEntityType(), revStartTime, revts,
          byte[] value = GenericObjectMapper.write(event.getEventInfo());
          writeBatch.put(key, value);
          writePrimaryFilterEntries(writeBatch, primaryFilters, key, value);

      // write related entity entries
      Map<String, Set<String>> relatedEntities =
      if (relatedEntities != null && !relatedEntities.isEmpty()) {
        for (Entry<String, Set<String>> relatedEntityList :
            relatedEntities.entrySet()) {
          String relatedEntityType = relatedEntityList.getKey();
          for (String relatedEntityId : relatedEntityList.getValue()) {
            // invisible "reverse" entries (entity -> related entity)
            byte[] key = createReverseRelatedEntityKey(entity.getEntityId(),
                entity.getEntityType(), revStartTime, relatedEntityId,
            writeBatch.put(key, EMPTY_BYTES);
            // look up start time of related entity
            byte[] relatedEntityStartTime = getStartTime(relatedEntityId,
            // delay writing the related entity if no start time is found
            if (relatedEntityStartTime == null) {
                  new EntityIdentifier(relatedEntityId, relatedEntityType));
            } else {
              // This is the existing entity
              byte[] domainIdBytes = db.get(createDomainIdKey(
                  relatedEntityId, relatedEntityType, relatedEntityStartTime));
              // The timeline data created by the server before 2.6 won't have
              // the domain field. We assume this timeline data is in the
              // default timeline domain.
              String domainId = null;
              if (domainIdBytes == null) {
                domainId = TimelineDataManager.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID;
              } else {
                domainId = new String(domainIdBytes, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
              if (!domainId.equals(entity.getDomainId())) {
                // in this case the entity will be put, but the relation will be
                // ignored
                handleError(entity, response, TimelinePutError.FORBIDDEN_RELATION);
            // write "forward" entry (related entity -> entity)
            key = createRelatedEntityKey(relatedEntityId,
                relatedEntityType, relatedEntityStartTime,
                entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType());
            writeBatch.put(key, EMPTY_BYTES);

      // write primary filter entries
      if (primaryFilters != null && !primaryFilters.isEmpty()) {
        for (Entry<String, Set<Object>> primaryFilter :
            primaryFilters.entrySet()) {
          for (Object primaryFilterValue : primaryFilter.getValue()) {
            byte[] key = createPrimaryFilterKey(entity.getEntityId(),
                entity.getEntityType(), revStartTime,
                primaryFilter.getKey(), primaryFilterValue);
            writeBatch.put(key, EMPTY_BYTES);
            writePrimaryFilterEntries(writeBatch, primaryFilters, key,

      // write other info entries
      Map<String, Object> otherInfo = entity.getOtherInfo();
      if (otherInfo != null && !otherInfo.isEmpty()) {
        for (Entry<String, Object> i : otherInfo.entrySet()) {
          byte[] key = createOtherInfoKey(entity.getEntityId(),
              entity.getEntityType(), revStartTime, i.getKey());
          byte[] value = GenericObjectMapper.write(i.getValue());
          writeBatch.put(key, value);
          writePrimaryFilterEntries(writeBatch, primaryFilters, key, value);

      // write domain id entry
      byte[] key = createDomainIdKey(entity.getEntityId(),
          entity.getEntityType(), revStartTime);
      if (entity.getDomainId() == null ||
          entity.getDomainId().length() == 0) {
        if (!allowEmptyDomainId) {
          handleError(entity, response, TimelinePutError.NO_DOMAIN);
      } else {
        writeBatch.put(key, entity.getDomainId().getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
        writePrimaryFilterEntries(writeBatch, primaryFilters, key,
    } catch (DBException de) {
      LOG.error("Error putting entity " + entity.getEntityId() +
                " of type " + entity.getEntityType(), de);
      handleError(entity, response, TimelinePutError.IO_EXCEPTION);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.error("Error putting entity " + entity.getEntityId() +
          " of type " + entity.getEntityType(), e);
      handleError(entity, response, TimelinePutError.IO_EXCEPTION);
    } finally {
      IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, writeBatch);

    for (EntityIdentifier relatedEntity : relatedEntitiesWithoutStartTimes) {
      lock = writeLocks.getLock(relatedEntity);
      try {
        StartAndInsertTime relatedEntityStartAndInsertTime =
            getAndSetStartTime(relatedEntity.getId(), relatedEntity.getType(),
            readReverseOrderedLong(revStartTime, 0), null);
        if (relatedEntityStartAndInsertTime == null) {
          throw new IOException("Error setting start time for related entity");
        byte[] relatedEntityStartTime = writeReverseOrderedLong(
          // This is the new entity, the domain should be the same
        byte[] key = createDomainIdKey(relatedEntity.getId(),
            relatedEntity.getType(), relatedEntityStartTime);
        db.put(key, entity.getDomainId().getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
            relatedEntity.getType(), relatedEntityStartTime,
            entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType()), EMPTY_BYTES);
            relatedEntity.getType(), relatedEntityStartTime),
      } catch (DBException de) {
        LOG.error("Error putting related entity " + relatedEntity.getId() +
            " of type " + relatedEntity.getType() + " for entity " +
            entity.getEntityId() + " of type " + entity.getEntityType(), de);
        handleError(entity, response, TimelinePutError.IO_EXCEPTION);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Error putting related entity " + relatedEntity.getId() +
            " of type " + relatedEntity.getType() + " for entity " +
            entity.getEntityId() + " of type " + entity.getEntityType(), e);
        handleError(entity, response, TimelinePutError.IO_EXCEPTION);
      } finally {

   * For a given key / value pair that has been written to the db,
   * write additional entries to the db for each primary filter.
  private static void writePrimaryFilterEntries(WriteBatch writeBatch,
      Map<String, Set<Object>> primaryFilters, byte[] key, byte[] value)
      throws IOException {
    if (primaryFilters != null && !primaryFilters.isEmpty()) {
      for (Entry<String, Set<Object>> pf : primaryFilters.entrySet()) {
        for (Object pfval : pf.getValue()) {
          writeBatch.put(addPrimaryFilterToKey(pf.getKey(), pfval,
              key), value);

  public TimelinePutResponse put(TimelineEntities entities) {
    try {
      TimelinePutResponse response = new TimelinePutResponse();
      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities.getEntities()) {
        put(entity, response, false);
      return response;
    } finally {

  public TimelinePutResponse putWithNoDomainId(TimelineEntities entities) {
    try {
      TimelinePutResponse response = new TimelinePutResponse();
      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities.getEntities()) {
        put(entity, response, true);
      return response;
    } finally {

   * Get the unique start time for a given entity as a byte array that sorts
   * the timestamps in reverse order (see {@link
   * GenericObjectMapper#writeReverseOrderedLong(long)}).
   * @param entityId The id of the entity
   * @param entityType The type of the entity
   * @return A byte array, null if not found
   * @throws IOException
  private byte[] getStartTime(String entityId, String entityType)
      throws IOException {
    Long l = getStartTimeLong(entityId, entityType);
    return l == null ? null : writeReverseOrderedLong(l);

   * Get the unique start time for a given entity as a Long.
   * @param entityId The id of the entity
   * @param entityType The type of the entity
   * @return A Long, null if not found
   * @throws IOException
  private Long getStartTimeLong(String entityId, String entityType)
      throws IOException {
    EntityIdentifier entity = new EntityIdentifier(entityId, entityType);
    try {
      // start time is not provided, so try to look it up
      if (startTimeReadCache.containsKey(entity)) {
        // found the start time in the cache
        return startTimeReadCache.get(entity);
      } else {
        // try to look up the start time in the db
        byte[] b = createStartTimeLookupKey(entity.getId(), entity.getType());
        byte[] v = db.get(b);
        if (v == null) {
          // did not find the start time in the db
          return null;
        } else {
          // found the start time in the db
          Long l = readReverseOrderedLong(v, 0);
          startTimeReadCache.put(entity, l);
          return l;
    } catch(DBException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);   

   * Get the unique start time for a given entity as a byte array that sorts
   * the timestamps in reverse order (see {@link
   * GenericObjectMapper#writeReverseOrderedLong(long)}). If the start time
   * doesn't exist, set it based on the information provided. Should only be
   * called when a lock has been obtained on the entity.
   * @param entityId The id of the entity
   * @param entityType The type of the entity
   * @param startTime The start time of the entity, or null
   * @param events A list of events for the entity, or null
   * @return A StartAndInsertTime
   * @throws IOException
  private StartAndInsertTime getAndSetStartTime(String entityId,
      String entityType, Long startTime, List<TimelineEvent> events)
      throws IOException {
    EntityIdentifier entity = new EntityIdentifier(entityId, entityType);
    if (startTime == null) {
      // start time is not provided, so try to look it up
      if (startTimeWriteCache.containsKey(entity)) {
        // found the start time in the cache
        return startTimeWriteCache.get(entity);
      } else {
        if (events != null) {
          // prepare a start time from events in case it is needed
          Long min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
          for (TimelineEvent e : events) {
            if (min > e.getTimestamp()) {
              min = e.getTimestamp();
          startTime = min;
        return checkStartTimeInDb(entity, startTime);
    } else {
      // start time is provided
      if (startTimeWriteCache.containsKey(entity)) {
        // always use start time from cache if it exists
        return startTimeWriteCache.get(entity);
      } else {
        // check the provided start time matches the db
        return checkStartTimeInDb(entity, startTime);

   * Checks db for start time and returns it if it exists.  If it doesn't
   * exist, writes the suggested start time (if it is not null).  This is
   * only called when the start time is not found in the cache,
   * so it adds it back into the cache if it is found. Should only be called
   * when a lock has been obtained on the entity.
  private StartAndInsertTime checkStartTimeInDb(EntityIdentifier entity,
      Long suggestedStartTime) throws IOException {
    StartAndInsertTime startAndInsertTime = null;
    // create lookup key for start time
    byte[] b = createStartTimeLookupKey(entity.getId(), entity.getType());
    try {
      // retrieve value for key
      byte[] v = db.get(b);
      if (v == null) {
        // start time doesn't exist in db
        if (suggestedStartTime == null) {
          return null;
        startAndInsertTime = new StartAndInsertTime(suggestedStartTime,
        // write suggested start time
        v = new byte[16];
        writeReverseOrderedLong(suggestedStartTime, v, 0);
        writeReverseOrderedLong(startAndInsertTime.insertTime, v, 8);
        WriteOptions writeOptions = new WriteOptions();
        db.put(b, v, writeOptions);
      } else {
        // found start time in db, so ignore suggested start time
        startAndInsertTime = new StartAndInsertTime(readReverseOrderedLong(v, 0),
            readReverseOrderedLong(v, 8));
    } catch(DBException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);            	
    startTimeWriteCache.put(entity, startAndInsertTime);
    startTimeReadCache.put(entity, startAndInsertTime.startTime);
    return startAndInsertTime;

   * Creates a key for looking up the start time of a given entity,
   * of the form START_TIME_LOOKUP_PREFIX + entity type + entity id.
  private static byte[] createStartTimeLookupKey(String entityId,
      String entityType) throws IOException {
    return KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(START_TIME_LOOKUP_PREFIX)

   * Creates an entity marker, serializing ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX + entity type +
   * revstarttime + entity id.
  private static byte[] createEntityMarkerKey(String entityId,
      String entityType, byte[] revStartTime) throws IOException {
    return KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX)

   * Creates an index entry for the given key of the form
   * INDEXED_ENTRY_PREFIX + primaryfiltername + primaryfiltervalue + key.
  private static byte[] addPrimaryFilterToKey(String primaryFilterName,
      Object primaryFilterValue, byte[] key) throws IOException {
    return KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(INDEXED_ENTRY_PREFIX)
        .add(GenericObjectMapper.write(primaryFilterValue), true).add(key)

   * Creates an event key, serializing ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX + entity type +
   * revstarttime + entity id + EVENTS_COLUMN + reveventtimestamp + event type.
  private static byte[] createEntityEventKey(String entityId,
      String entityType, byte[] revStartTime, byte[] revEventTimestamp,
      String eventType) throws IOException {
    return KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX)

   * Creates an event object from the given key, offset, and value.  If the
   * event type is not contained in the specified set of event types,
   * returns null.
  private static TimelineEvent getEntityEvent(Set<String> eventTypes,
      byte[] key, int offset, byte[] value) throws IOException {
    KeyParser kp = new KeyParser(key, offset);
    long ts = kp.getNextLong();
    String tstype = kp.getNextString();
    if (eventTypes == null || eventTypes.contains(tstype)) {
      TimelineEvent event = new TimelineEvent();
      Object o = GenericObjectMapper.read(value);
      if (o == null) {
      } else if (o instanceof Map) {
        Map<String, Object> m = (Map<String, Object>) o;
      } else {
        throw new IOException("Couldn't deserialize event info map");
      return event;
    return null;

   * Creates a primary filter key, serializing ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX +
   * entity type + revstarttime + entity id + PRIMARY_FILTERS_COLUMN + name +
   * value.
  private static byte[] createPrimaryFilterKey(String entityId,
      String entityType, byte[] revStartTime, String name, Object value)
      throws IOException {
    return KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX).add(entityType)

   * Parses the primary filter from the given key at the given offset and
   * adds it to the given entity.
  private static void addPrimaryFilter(TimelineEntity entity, byte[] key,
      int offset) throws IOException {
    KeyParser kp = new KeyParser(key, offset);
    String name = kp.getNextString();
    Object value = GenericObjectMapper.read(key, kp.getOffset());
    entity.addPrimaryFilter(name, value);

   * Creates an other info key, serializing ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX + entity type +
   * revstarttime + entity id + OTHER_INFO_COLUMN + name.
  private static byte[] createOtherInfoKey(String entityId, String entityType,
      byte[] revStartTime, String name) throws IOException {
    return KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX).add(entityType)

   * Creates a string representation of the byte array from the given offset
   * to the end of the array (for parsing other info keys).
  private static String parseRemainingKey(byte[] b, int offset) {
    return new String(b, offset, b.length - offset, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));

   * Creates a related entity key, serializing ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX +
   * entity type + revstarttime + entity id + RELATED_ENTITIES_COLUMN +
   * relatedentity type + relatedentity id.
  private static byte[] createRelatedEntityKey(String entityId,
      String entityType, byte[] revStartTime, String relatedEntityId,
      String relatedEntityType) throws IOException {
    return KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX).add(entityType)

   * Parses the related entity from the given key at the given offset and
   * adds it to the given entity.
  private static void addRelatedEntity(TimelineEntity entity, byte[] key,
      int offset) throws IOException {
    KeyParser kp = new KeyParser(key, offset);
    String type = kp.getNextString();
    String id = kp.getNextString();
    entity.addRelatedEntity(type, id);

   * Creates a reverse related entity key, serializing ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX +
   * entity type + revstarttime + entity id +
   * relatedentity type + relatedentity id.
  private static byte[] createReverseRelatedEntityKey(String entityId,
      String entityType, byte[] revStartTime, String relatedEntityId,
      String relatedEntityType) throws IOException {
    return KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX).add(entityType)

   * Creates a domain id key, serializing ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX +
   * entity type + revstarttime + entity id + DOMAIN_ID_COLUMN.
  private static byte[] createDomainIdKey(String entityId,
      String entityType, byte[] revStartTime) throws IOException {
    return KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX).add(entityType)
   * Clears the cache to test reloading start times from leveldb (only for
   * testing).
  void clearStartTimeCache() {

  static int getStartTimeReadCacheSize(Configuration conf) {
    return conf.getInt(

  static int getStartTimeWriteCacheSize(Configuration conf) {
    return conf.getInt(

  List<String> getEntityTypes() throws IOException {
    LeveldbIterator iterator = null;
    try {
      iterator = getDbIterator(false);
      List<String> entityTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
      while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        byte[] key = iterator.peekNext().getKey();
        if (key[0] != ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX[0]) {
        KeyParser kp = new KeyParser(key,
        String entityType = kp.getNextString();
        byte[] lookupKey = KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX)
        if (lookupKey[lookupKey.length - 1] != 0x0) {
          throw new IOException("Found unexpected end byte in lookup key");
        lookupKey[lookupKey.length - 1] = 0x1;
      return entityTypes;
    } catch(DBException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);            	
    } finally {
      IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, iterator);

   * Finds all keys in the db that have a given prefix and deletes them on
   * the given write batch.
  private void deleteKeysWithPrefix(WriteBatch writeBatch, byte[] prefix,
      LeveldbIterator iterator) {
    for (iterator.seek(prefix); iterator.hasNext(); iterator.next()) {
      byte[] key = iterator.peekNext().getKey();
      if (!prefixMatches(prefix, prefix.length, key)) {

  boolean deleteNextEntity(String entityType, byte[] reverseTimestamp,
      LeveldbIterator iterator, LeveldbIterator pfIterator, boolean seeked)
      throws IOException {
    WriteBatch writeBatch = null;
    try {
      KeyBuilder kb = KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(ENTITY_ENTRY_PREFIX)
      byte[] typePrefix = kb.getBytesForLookup();
      if (!seeked) {
      if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
        return false;
      byte[] entityKey = iterator.peekNext().getKey();
      if (!prefixMatches(typePrefix, typePrefix.length, entityKey)) {
        return false;

      // read the start time and entity id from the current key
      KeyParser kp = new KeyParser(entityKey, typePrefix.length + 8);
      String entityId = kp.getNextString();
      int prefixlen = kp.getOffset();
      byte[] deletePrefix = new byte[prefixlen];
      System.arraycopy(entityKey, 0, deletePrefix, 0, prefixlen);

      writeBatch = db.createWriteBatch();

      LOG.debug("Deleting entity type:{} id:{}", entityType, entityId);
      // remove start time from cache and db
      writeBatch.delete(createStartTimeLookupKey(entityId, entityType));
      EntityIdentifier entityIdentifier =
          new EntityIdentifier(entityId, entityType);

      // delete current entity
      for (; iterator.hasNext(); iterator.next()) {
        byte[] key = iterator.peekNext().getKey();
        if (!prefixMatches(entityKey, prefixlen, key)) {

        if (key.length == prefixlen) {
        if (key[prefixlen] == PRIMARY_FILTERS_COLUMN[0]) {
          kp = new KeyParser(key,
              prefixlen + PRIMARY_FILTERS_COLUMN.length);
          String name = kp.getNextString();
          Object value = GenericObjectMapper.read(key, kp.getOffset());
          deleteKeysWithPrefix(writeBatch, addPrimaryFilterToKey(name, value,
              deletePrefix), pfIterator);
          LOG.debug("Deleting entity type:{} id:{} primary filter entry {} {}",
              entityType, entityId, name, value);
        } else if (key[prefixlen] == RELATED_ENTITIES_COLUMN[0]) {
          kp = new KeyParser(key,
              prefixlen + RELATED_ENTITIES_COLUMN.length);
          String type = kp.getNextString();
          String id = kp.getNextString();
          byte[] relatedEntityStartTime = getStartTime(id, type);
          if (relatedEntityStartTime == null) {
            LOG.warn("Found no start time for " +
                "related entity " + id + " of type " + type + " while " +
                "deleting " + entityId + " of type " + entityType);
          writeBatch.delete(createReverseRelatedEntityKey(id, type,
              relatedEntityStartTime, entityId, entityType));
          LOG.debug("Deleting entity type:{} id:{} from invisible reverse"
              + " related entity entry of type:{} id:{}", entityType,
              entityId, type, id);
        } else if (key[prefixlen] ==
          kp = new KeyParser(key, prefixlen +
          String type = kp.getNextString();
          String id = kp.getNextString();
          byte[] relatedEntityStartTime = getStartTime(id, type);
          if (relatedEntityStartTime == null) {
            LOG.warn("Found no start time for reverse " +
                "related entity " + id + " of type " + type + " while " +
                "deleting " + entityId + " of type " + entityType);
          writeBatch.delete(createRelatedEntityKey(id, type,
              relatedEntityStartTime, entityId, entityType));
          LOG.debug("Deleting entity type:{} id:{} from related entity entry"
              +" of type:{} id:{}", entityType, entityId, type, id);
      WriteOptions writeOptions = new WriteOptions();
      db.write(writeBatch, writeOptions);
      return true;
    } catch(DBException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);
    } finally {
      IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, writeBatch);

   * Discards entities with start timestamp less than or equal to the given
   * timestamp.
  void discardOldEntities(long timestamp)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    byte[] reverseTimestamp = writeReverseOrderedLong(timestamp);
    long totalCount = 0;
    long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    try {
      List<String> entityTypes = getEntityTypes();
      for (String entityType : entityTypes) {
        LeveldbIterator iterator = null;
        LeveldbIterator pfIterator = null;
        long typeCount = 0;
        try {
          iterator = getDbIterator(false);
          pfIterator = getDbIterator(false);

          if (deletionThread != null && deletionThread.isInterrupted()) {
            throw new InterruptedException();
          boolean seeked = false;
          while (deleteNextEntity(entityType, reverseTimestamp, iterator,
              pfIterator, seeked)) {
            seeked = true;
            if (deletionThread != null && deletionThread.isInterrupted()) {
              throw new InterruptedException();
        } catch (IOException e) {
          LOG.error("Got IOException while deleting entities for type " +
              entityType + ", continuing to next type", e);
        } finally {
          IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, iterator, pfIterator);
          if (typeCount > 0) {
            LOG.info("Deleted " + typeCount + " entities of type " +
    } finally {
      long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      LOG.info("Discarded " + totalCount + " entities for timestamp " +
          timestamp + " and earlier in " + (t2 - t1) / 1000.0 + " seconds");

  LeveldbIterator getDbIterator(boolean fillCache) {
    ReadOptions readOptions = new ReadOptions();
    return new LeveldbIterator(db, readOptions);
  Version loadVersion() throws IOException {
    try {
      byte[] data = db.get(bytes(TIMELINE_STORE_VERSION_KEY));
      // if version is not stored previously, treat it as CURRENT_VERSION_INFO.
      if (data == null || data.length == 0) {
        return getCurrentVersion();
      Version version =
          new VersionPBImpl(VersionProto.parseFrom(data));
      return version;
    } catch(DBException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);    	
  // Only used for test
  void storeVersion(Version state) throws IOException {
  private void dbStoreVersion(Version state) throws IOException {
    byte[] data = 
        ((VersionPBImpl) state).getProto().toByteArray();
    try {
      db.put(bytes(key), data);
    } catch (DBException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);

  Version getCurrentVersion() {
   * 1) Versioning timeline store: major.minor. For e.g. 1.0, 1.1, 1.2...1.25, 2.0 etc.
   * 2) Any incompatible change of TS-store is a major upgrade, and any
   *    compatible change of TS-store is a minor upgrade.
   * 3) Within a minor upgrade, say 1.1 to 1.2:
   *    overwrite the version info and proceed as normal.
   * 4) Within a major upgrade, say 1.2 to 2.0:
   *    throw exception and indicate user to use a separate upgrade tool to
   *    upgrade timeline store or remove incompatible old state.
  private void checkVersion() throws IOException {
    Version loadedVersion = loadVersion();
    LOG.info("Loaded timeline store version info " + loadedVersion);
    if (loadedVersion.equals(getCurrentVersion())) {
    if (loadedVersion.isCompatibleTo(getCurrentVersion())) {
      LOG.info("Storing timeline store version info " + getCurrentVersion());
    } else {
      String incompatibleMessage = 
          "Incompatible version for timeline store: expecting version " 
              + getCurrentVersion() + ", but loading version " + loadedVersion;
      throw new IOException(incompatibleMessage);

  //TODO: make data retention work with the domain data as well
  public void put(TimelineDomain domain) throws IOException {
    WriteBatch writeBatch = null;
    try {
      writeBatch = db.createWriteBatch();
      if (domain.getId() == null || domain.getId().length() == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Domain doesn't have an ID");
      if (domain.getOwner() == null || domain.getOwner().length() == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Domain doesn't have an owner.");

      // Write description
      byte[] domainEntryKey = createDomainEntryKey(
          domain.getId(), DESCRIPTION_COLUMN);
      byte[] ownerLookupEntryKey = createOwnerLookupKey(
          domain.getOwner(), domain.getId(), DESCRIPTION_COLUMN);
      if (domain.getDescription() != null) {
        writeBatch.put(domainEntryKey, domain.getDescription().
        writeBatch.put(ownerLookupEntryKey, domain.getDescription().
      } else {
        writeBatch.put(domainEntryKey, EMPTY_BYTES);
        writeBatch.put(ownerLookupEntryKey, EMPTY_BYTES);

      // Write owner
      domainEntryKey = createDomainEntryKey(domain.getId(), OWNER_COLUMN);
      ownerLookupEntryKey = createOwnerLookupKey(
          domain.getOwner(), domain.getId(), OWNER_COLUMN);
      // Null check for owner is done before
      writeBatch.put(domainEntryKey, domain.getOwner().getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
      writeBatch.put(ownerLookupEntryKey, domain.getOwner().getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));

      // Write readers
      domainEntryKey = createDomainEntryKey(domain.getId(), READER_COLUMN);
      ownerLookupEntryKey = createOwnerLookupKey(
          domain.getOwner(), domain.getId(), READER_COLUMN);
      if (domain.getReaders() != null && domain.getReaders().length() > 0) {
        writeBatch.put(domainEntryKey, domain.getReaders().getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
        writeBatch.put(ownerLookupEntryKey, domain.getReaders().
      } else {
        writeBatch.put(domainEntryKey, EMPTY_BYTES);
        writeBatch.put(ownerLookupEntryKey, EMPTY_BYTES);

      // Write writers
      domainEntryKey = createDomainEntryKey(domain.getId(), WRITER_COLUMN);
      ownerLookupEntryKey = createOwnerLookupKey(
          domain.getOwner(), domain.getId(), WRITER_COLUMN);
      if (domain.getWriters() != null && domain.getWriters().length() > 0) {
        writeBatch.put(domainEntryKey, domain.getWriters().getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
        writeBatch.put(ownerLookupEntryKey, domain.getWriters().
      } else {
        writeBatch.put(domainEntryKey, EMPTY_BYTES);
        writeBatch.put(ownerLookupEntryKey, EMPTY_BYTES);

      // Write creation time and modification time
      // We put both timestamps together because they are always retrieved
      // together, and store them in the same way as we did for the entity's
      // start time and insert time.
      domainEntryKey = createDomainEntryKey(domain.getId(), TIMESTAMP_COLUMN);
      ownerLookupEntryKey = createOwnerLookupKey(
          domain.getOwner(), domain.getId(), TIMESTAMP_COLUMN);
      long currentTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
      byte[] timestamps = db.get(domainEntryKey);
      if (timestamps == null) {
        timestamps = new byte[16];
        writeReverseOrderedLong(currentTimestamp, timestamps, 0);
        writeReverseOrderedLong(currentTimestamp, timestamps, 8);
      } else {
        writeReverseOrderedLong(currentTimestamp, timestamps, 8);
      writeBatch.put(domainEntryKey, timestamps);
      writeBatch.put(ownerLookupEntryKey, timestamps);
    } catch(DBException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);            	
    } finally {
      IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, writeBatch);

   * Creates a domain entity key with column name suffix,
   * of the form DOMAIN_ENTRY_PREFIX + domain id + column name.
  private static byte[] createDomainEntryKey(String domainId,
      byte[] columnName) throws IOException {
    return KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(DOMAIN_ENTRY_PREFIX)

   * Creates an owner lookup key with column name suffix,
   * of the form OWNER_LOOKUP_PREFIX + owner + domain id + column name.
  private static byte[] createOwnerLookupKey(
      String owner, String domainId, byte[] columnName) throws IOException {
    return KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(OWNER_LOOKUP_PREFIX)

  public TimelineDomain getDomain(String domainId)
      throws IOException {
    LeveldbIterator iterator = null;
    try {
      byte[] prefix = KeyBuilder.newInstance()
      iterator = new LeveldbIterator(db);
      return getTimelineDomain(iterator, domainId, prefix);
    } catch(DBException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);            	
    } finally {
      IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, iterator);

  public TimelineDomains getDomains(String owner)
      throws IOException {
    LeveldbIterator iterator = null;
    try {
      byte[] prefix = KeyBuilder.newInstance()
      List<TimelineDomain> domains = new ArrayList<TimelineDomain>();
      for (iterator = new LeveldbIterator(db), iterator.seek(prefix);
          iterator.hasNext();) {
        byte[] key = iterator.peekNext().getKey();
        if (!prefixMatches(prefix, prefix.length, key)) {
        // Iterator to parse the rows of an individual domain
        KeyParser kp = new KeyParser(key, prefix.length);
        String domainId = kp.getNextString();
        byte[] prefixExt = KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(OWNER_LOOKUP_PREFIX)
        TimelineDomain domainToReturn =
            getTimelineDomain(iterator, domainId, prefixExt);
        if (domainToReturn != null) {
      // Sort the domains to return
      Collections.sort(domains, new Comparator<TimelineDomain>() {
        public int compare(
            TimelineDomain domain1, TimelineDomain domain2) {
           int result = domain2.getCreatedTime().compareTo(
           if (result == 0) {
             return domain2.getModifiedTime().compareTo(
           } else {
             return result;
      TimelineDomains domainsToReturn = new TimelineDomains();
      return domainsToReturn;
    } catch(DBException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);            	
    } finally {
      IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, iterator);

  private static TimelineDomain getTimelineDomain(
      LeveldbIterator iterator, String domainId, byte[] prefix) throws IOException {
    // Iterate over all the rows whose key starts with prefix to retrieve the
    // domain information.
    TimelineDomain domain = new TimelineDomain();
    boolean noRows = true;
    for (; iterator.hasNext(); iterator.next()) {
      byte[] key = iterator.peekNext().getKey();
      if (!prefixMatches(prefix, prefix.length, key)) {
      if (noRows) {
        noRows = false;
      byte[] value = iterator.peekNext().getValue();
      if (value != null && value.length > 0) {
        if (key[prefix.length] == DESCRIPTION_COLUMN[0]) {
          domain.setDescription(new String(value, Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
        } else if (key[prefix.length] == OWNER_COLUMN[0]) {
          domain.setOwner(new String(value, Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
        } else if (key[prefix.length] == READER_COLUMN[0]) {
          domain.setReaders(new String(value, Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
        } else if (key[prefix.length] == WRITER_COLUMN[0]) {
          domain.setWriters(new String(value, Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
        } else if (key[prefix.length] == TIMESTAMP_COLUMN[0]) {
          domain.setCreatedTime(readReverseOrderedLong(value, 0));
          domain.setModifiedTime(readReverseOrderedLong(value, 8));
        } else {
          LOG.error("Unrecognized domain column: " + key[prefix.length]);
    if (noRows) {
      return null;
    } else {
      return domain;


hadoop 源码目录


hadoop EntityIdentifier 源码

hadoop GenericObjectMapper 源码

hadoop KeyValueBasedTimelineStore 源码

hadoop MemoryTimelineStore 源码

hadoop NameValuePair 源码

hadoop RollingLevelDB 源码

hadoop RollingLevelDBTimelineStore 源码

hadoop TimelineDataManager 源码

hadoop TimelineDataManagerMetrics 源码

hadoop TimelineReader 源码

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