kafka ExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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kafka ExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.internals.expiring;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Random;

import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import javax.security.auth.login.Configuration;
import javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext;
import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException;

import org.apache.kafka.common.security.auth.AuthenticateCallbackHandler;
import org.apache.kafka.common.security.auth.Login;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.KafkaThread;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Time;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * This class is responsible for refreshing logins for both Kafka client and
 * server when the login is a type that has a limited lifetime/will expire. The
 * credentials for the login must implement {@link ExpiringCredential}.
public abstract class ExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin implements AutoCloseable {
     * Class that can be overridden for testing
    static class LoginContextFactory {
        public LoginContext createLoginContext(ExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin expiringCredentialRefreshingLogin)
                throws LoginException {
            return new LoginContext(expiringCredentialRefreshingLogin.contextName(),
                    expiringCredentialRefreshingLogin.subject(), expiringCredentialRefreshingLogin.callbackHandler(),

        public void refresherThreadStarted() {
            // empty

        public void refresherThreadDone() {
            // empty

    private static class ExitRefresherThreadDueToIllegalStateException extends Exception {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -6108495378411920380L;

        public ExitRefresherThreadDueToIllegalStateException(String message) {

    private class Refresher implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
            log.info("[Principal={}]: Expiring credential re-login thread started.", principalLogText());
            while (true) {
                 * Refresh thread's main loop. Each expiring credential lives for one iteration
                 * of the loop. Thread will exit if the loop exits from here.
                long nowMs = currentMs();
                Long nextRefreshMs = refreshMs(nowMs);
                if (nextRefreshMs == null) {
                // safety check motivated by KAFKA-7945,
                // should generally never happen except due to a bug
                if (nextRefreshMs.longValue() < nowMs) {
                    log.warn("[Principal={}]: Expiring credential re-login sleep time was calculated to be in the past! Will explicitly adjust. ({})", principalLogText(),
                            new Date(nextRefreshMs));
                    nextRefreshMs = Long.valueOf(nowMs + 10 * 1000); // refresh in 10 seconds
                log.info("[Principal={}]: Expiring credential re-login sleeping until: {}", principalLogText(),
                        new Date(nextRefreshMs));
                time.sleep(nextRefreshMs - nowMs);
                if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
                    log.info("[Principal={}]: Expiring credential re-login thread has been interrupted and will exit.",
                while (true) {
                     * Perform a re-login over and over again with some intervening delay
                     * unless/until either the refresh succeeds or we are interrupted.
                    try {
                        break; // success
                    } catch (ExitRefresherThreadDueToIllegalStateException e) {
                        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                    } catch (LoginException loginException) {
                                "[Principal=%s]: LoginException during login retry; will sleep %d seconds before trying again.",
                                principalLogText(), DELAY_SECONDS_BEFORE_NEXT_RETRY_WHEN_RELOGIN_FAILS),
                        // Sleep and allow loop to run/try again unless interrupted
                        time.sleep(DELAY_SECONDS_BEFORE_NEXT_RETRY_WHEN_RELOGIN_FAILS * 1000);
                        if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
                                    "[Principal={}]: Interrupted while trying to perform a subsequent expiring credential re-login after one or more initial re-login failures: re-login thread exiting now: {}",
                                    principalLogText(), String.valueOf(loginException.getMessage()));

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin.class);
    private static final Random RNG = new Random();
    private final Time time;
    private Thread refresherThread;

    private final LoginContextFactory loginContextFactory;
    private final String contextName;
    private final Configuration configuration;
    private final ExpiringCredentialRefreshConfig expiringCredentialRefreshConfig;
    private final AuthenticateCallbackHandler callbackHandler;

    // mark volatile due to existence of public subject() method
    private volatile Subject subject = null;
    private boolean hasExpiringCredential = false;
    private String principalName = null;
    private LoginContext loginContext = null;
    private ExpiringCredential expiringCredential = null;
    private final Class<?> mandatoryClassToSynchronizeOnPriorToRefresh;

    public ExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin(String contextName, Configuration configuration,
            ExpiringCredentialRefreshConfig expiringCredentialRefreshConfig,
            AuthenticateCallbackHandler callbackHandler, Class<?> mandatoryClassToSynchronizeOnPriorToRefresh) {
        this(contextName, configuration, expiringCredentialRefreshConfig, callbackHandler,
                mandatoryClassToSynchronizeOnPriorToRefresh, new LoginContextFactory(), Time.SYSTEM);

    public ExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin(String contextName, Configuration configuration,
            ExpiringCredentialRefreshConfig expiringCredentialRefreshConfig,
            AuthenticateCallbackHandler callbackHandler, Class<?> mandatoryClassToSynchronizeOnPriorToRefresh,
            LoginContextFactory loginContextFactory, Time time) {
        this.contextName = Objects.requireNonNull(contextName);
        this.configuration = Objects.requireNonNull(configuration);
        this.expiringCredentialRefreshConfig = Objects.requireNonNull(expiringCredentialRefreshConfig);
        this.callbackHandler = callbackHandler;
        this.mandatoryClassToSynchronizeOnPriorToRefresh = Objects
        this.loginContextFactory = loginContextFactory;
        this.time = Objects.requireNonNull(time);

    public Subject subject() {
        return subject; // field requires volatile keyword

    public String contextName() {
        return contextName;

    public Configuration configuration() {
        return configuration;

    public AuthenticateCallbackHandler callbackHandler() {
        return callbackHandler;

    public String serviceName() {
        return "kafka";

     * Performs login for each login module specified for the login context of this
     * instance and starts the thread used to periodically re-login.
     * <p>
     * The synchronized keyword is not necessary because an implementation of
     * {@link Login} will delegate to this code (e.g. OAuthBearerRefreshingLogin},
     * and the {@code login()} method on the delegating class will itself be
     * synchronized if necessary.
    public LoginContext login() throws LoginException {
        LoginContext tmpLoginContext = loginContextFactory.createLoginContext(this);
        log.info("Successfully logged in.");
        loginContext = tmpLoginContext;
        subject = loginContext.getSubject();
        expiringCredential = expiringCredential();
        hasExpiringCredential = expiringCredential != null;
        if (!hasExpiringCredential) {
            // do not bother with re-logins.
            log.debug("No Expiring Credential");
            principalName = null;
            refresherThread = null;
            return loginContext;

        principalName = expiringCredential.principalName();

        // Check for a clock skew problem
        long expireTimeMs = expiringCredential.expireTimeMs();
        long nowMs = currentMs();
        if (nowMs > expireTimeMs) {
                    "[Principal={}]: Current clock: {} is later than expiry {}. This may indicate a clock skew problem."
                            + " Check that this host's and remote host's clocks are in sync. Not starting refresh thread."
                            + " This process is likely unable to authenticate SASL connections (for example, it is unlikely"
                            + " to be able to authenticate a connection with a Kafka Broker).",
                    principalLogText(), new Date(nowMs), new Date(expireTimeMs));
            return loginContext;

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("[Principal={}]: It is an expiring credential", principalLogText());

         * Re-login periodically. How often is determined by the expiration date of the
         * credential and refresh-related configuration values.
        refresherThread = KafkaThread.daemon(String.format("kafka-expiring-relogin-thread-%s", principalName),
                new Refresher());
        return loginContext;

    public void close() {
        if (refresherThread != null && refresherThread.isAlive()) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                log.warn("[Principal={}]: Interrupted while waiting for re-login thread to shutdown.",
                        principalLogText(), e);

    public abstract ExpiringCredential expiringCredential();

     * Determine when to sleep until before performing a refresh
     * @param relativeToMs
     *            the point (in terms of number of milliseconds since the epoch) at
     *            which to perform the calculation
     * @return null if no refresh should occur, otherwise the time to sleep until
     *         (in terms of the number of milliseconds since the epoch) before
     *         performing a refresh
    private Long refreshMs(long relativeToMs) {
        if (expiringCredential == null) {
             * Re-login failed because our login() invocation did not generate a credential
             * but also did not generate an exception. Try logging in again after some delay
             * (it seems likely to be a bug, but it doesn't hurt to keep trying to refresh).
            long retvalNextRefreshMs = relativeToMs + DELAY_SECONDS_BEFORE_NEXT_RETRY_WHEN_RELOGIN_FAILS * 1000L;
            log.warn("[Principal={}]: No Expiring credential found: will try again at {}", principalLogText(),
                    new Date(retvalNextRefreshMs));
            return retvalNextRefreshMs;
        long expireTimeMs = expiringCredential.expireTimeMs();
        if (relativeToMs > expireTimeMs) {
            boolean logoutRequiredBeforeLoggingBackIn = isLogoutRequiredBeforeLoggingBackIn();
            if (logoutRequiredBeforeLoggingBackIn) {
                        "[Principal={}]: Current clock: {} is later than expiry {}. This may indicate a clock skew problem."
                                + " Check that this host's and remote host's clocks are in sync. Exiting refresh thread.",
                        principalLogText(), new Date(relativeToMs), new Date(expireTimeMs));
                return null;
            } else {
                 * Since the current soon-to-expire credential isn't logged out until we have a
                 * new credential with a refreshed lifetime, it is possible that the current
                 * credential could expire if the re-login continually fails over and over again
                 * making us unable to get the new credential. Therefore keep trying rather than
                 * exiting.
                long retvalNextRefreshMs = relativeToMs + DELAY_SECONDS_BEFORE_NEXT_RETRY_WHEN_RELOGIN_FAILS * 1000L;
                log.warn("[Principal={}]: Expiring credential already expired at {}: will try to refresh again at {}",
                        principalLogText(), new Date(expireTimeMs), new Date(retvalNextRefreshMs));
                return retvalNextRefreshMs;
        Long absoluteLastRefreshTimeMs = expiringCredential.absoluteLastRefreshTimeMs();
        if (absoluteLastRefreshTimeMs != null && absoluteLastRefreshTimeMs.longValue() < expireTimeMs) {
            log.warn("[Principal={}]: Expiring credential refresh thread exiting because the"
                    + " expiring credential's current expiration time ({}) exceeds the latest possible refresh time ({})."
                    + " This process will not be able to authenticate new SASL connections after that"
                    + " time (for example, it will not be able to authenticate a new connection with a Kafka Broker).",
                    principalLogText(), new Date(expireTimeMs), new Date(absoluteLastRefreshTimeMs.longValue()));
            return null;
        Long optionalStartTime = expiringCredential.startTimeMs();
        long startMs = optionalStartTime != null ? optionalStartTime.longValue() : relativeToMs;
        log.info("[Principal={}]: Expiring credential valid from {} to {}", expiringCredential.principalName(),
                new java.util.Date(startMs), new java.util.Date(expireTimeMs));

        double pct = expiringCredentialRefreshConfig.loginRefreshWindowFactor()
                + (expiringCredentialRefreshConfig.loginRefreshWindowJitter() * RNG.nextDouble());
         * Ignore buffer times if the credential's remaining lifetime is less than their
         * sum.
        long refreshMinPeriodSeconds = expiringCredentialRefreshConfig.loginRefreshMinPeriodSeconds();
        long clientRefreshBufferSeconds = expiringCredentialRefreshConfig.loginRefreshBufferSeconds();
        if (relativeToMs + 1000L * (refreshMinPeriodSeconds + clientRefreshBufferSeconds) > expireTimeMs) {
            long retvalRefreshMs = relativeToMs + (long) ((expireTimeMs - relativeToMs) * pct);
                    "[Principal={}]: Expiring credential expires at {}, so buffer times of {} and {} seconds"
                            + " at the front and back, respectively, cannot be accommodated.  We will refresh at {}.",
                    principalLogText(), new Date(expireTimeMs), refreshMinPeriodSeconds, clientRefreshBufferSeconds,
                    new Date(retvalRefreshMs));
            return retvalRefreshMs;
        long proposedRefreshMs = startMs + (long) ((expireTimeMs - startMs) * pct);
        // Don't let it violate the requested end buffer time
        long beginningOfEndBufferTimeMs = expireTimeMs - clientRefreshBufferSeconds * 1000;
        if (proposedRefreshMs > beginningOfEndBufferTimeMs) {
                    "[Principal={}]: Proposed refresh time of {} extends into the desired buffer time of {} seconds before expiration, so refresh it at the desired buffer begin point, at {}",
                    expiringCredential.principalName(), new Date(proposedRefreshMs), clientRefreshBufferSeconds,
                    new Date(beginningOfEndBufferTimeMs));
            return beginningOfEndBufferTimeMs;
        // Don't let it violate the minimum refresh period
        long endOfMinRefreshBufferTime = relativeToMs + 1000 * refreshMinPeriodSeconds;
        if (proposedRefreshMs < endOfMinRefreshBufferTime) {
                    "[Principal={}]: Expiring credential re-login thread time adjusted from {} to {} since the former is sooner "
                            + "than the minimum refresh interval ({} seconds from now).",
                    principalLogText(), new Date(proposedRefreshMs), new Date(endOfMinRefreshBufferTime),
            return endOfMinRefreshBufferTime;
        // Proposed refresh time doesn't violate any constraints
        return proposedRefreshMs;

    private void reLogin() throws LoginException, ExitRefresherThreadDueToIllegalStateException {
        synchronized (mandatoryClassToSynchronizeOnPriorToRefresh) {
            // Only perform one refresh of a particular type at a time
            boolean logoutRequiredBeforeLoggingBackIn = isLogoutRequiredBeforeLoggingBackIn();
            if (hasExpiringCredential && logoutRequiredBeforeLoggingBackIn) {
                String principalLogTextPriorToLogout = principalLogText();
                log.info("Initiating logout for {}", principalLogTextPriorToLogout);
                // Make absolutely sure we were logged out
                expiringCredential = expiringCredential();
                hasExpiringCredential = expiringCredential != null;
                if (hasExpiringCredential)
                    // We can't force the removal because we don't know how to do it, so abort
                    throw new ExitRefresherThreadDueToIllegalStateException(String.format(
                            "Subject's private credentials still contains an instance of %s even though logout() was invoked; exiting refresh thread",
             * Perform a login, making note of any credential that might need a logout()
             * afterwards
            ExpiringCredential optionalCredentialToLogout = expiringCredential;
            LoginContext optionalLoginContextToLogout = loginContext;
            boolean cleanLogin = false; // remember to restore the original if necessary
            try {
                loginContext = loginContextFactory.createLoginContext(ExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin.this);
                log.info("Initiating re-login for {}, logout() still needs to be called on a previous login = {}",
                        principalName, optionalCredentialToLogout != null);
                cleanLogin = true; // no need to restore the original
                // Perform a logout() on any original credential if necessary
                if (optionalCredentialToLogout != null)
            } finally {
                if (!cleanLogin)
                    // restore the original
                    loginContext = optionalLoginContextToLogout;
             * Get the new credential and make sure it is not any old one that required a
             * logout() after the login()
            expiringCredential = expiringCredential();
            hasExpiringCredential = expiringCredential != null;
            if (!hasExpiringCredential) {
                 * Re-login has failed because our login() invocation has not generated a
                 * credential but has also not generated an exception. We won't exit here;
                 * instead we will allow login retries in case we can somehow fix the issue (it
                 * seems likely to be a bug, but it doesn't hurt to keep trying to refresh).
                log.error("No Expiring Credential after a supposedly-successful re-login");
                principalName = null;
            } else {
                if (expiringCredential == optionalCredentialToLogout)
                     * The login() didn't identify a new credential; we still have the old one. We
                     * don't know how to fix this, so abort.
                    throw new ExitRefresherThreadDueToIllegalStateException(String.format(
                            "Subject's private credentials still contains the previous, soon-to-expire instance of %s even though login() followed by logout() was invoked; exiting refresh thread",
                principalName = expiringCredential.principalName();
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("[Principal={}]: It is an expiring credential after re-login as expected",

    private String principalLogText() {
        return expiringCredential == null ? principalName
                : expiringCredential.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":" + principalName;

    private long currentMs() {
        return time.milliseconds();

    private boolean isLogoutRequiredBeforeLoggingBackIn() {
        return !expiringCredentialRefreshConfig.loginRefreshReloginAllowedBeforeLogout();


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kafka ExpiringCredential 源码

kafka ExpiringCredentialRefreshConfig 源码

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