greenplumn CXformFactory 源码

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greenplumn CXformFactory 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2009 Greenplum, Inc.
//	@filename:
//		CXformFactory.h
//	@doc:
//		Management of global xform set
#ifndef GPOPT_CXformFactory_H
#define GPOPT_CXformFactory_H

#include "gpos/base.h"

#include "gpopt/xforms/CXform.h"

namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;

//	@class:
//		CXformFactory
//	@doc:
//		Factory class to manage xforms
class CXformFactory
	// definition of hash map to maintain mappings
	using XformNameToXformMap =
		CHashMap<CHAR, CXform, gpos::HashValue<CHAR>, CXform::FEqualIds,
				 CleanupDeleteArray<CHAR>, CleanupNULL<CXform>>;

	// memory pool
	CMemoryPool *m_mp;

	// range of all xforms
	CXform *m_rgpxf[CXform::ExfSentinel];

	// name -> xform map
	XformNameToXformMap *m_phmszxform;

	// bitset of exploration xforms
	CXformSet *m_pxfsExploration;

	// bitset of implementation xforms
	CXformSet *m_pxfsImplementation;

	// ensure that xforms are inserted in order
	ULONG m_lastAddedOrSkippedXformId;

	// global instance
	static CXformFactory *m_pxff;

	// private ctor
	explicit CXformFactory(CMemoryPool *mp);

	// actual adding of xform
	void Add(CXform *pxform);

	// skip unused xforms that have been removed, preserving
	// xform ids of the remaining ones
	SkipUnused(ULONG numXformsToSkip)
		m_lastAddedOrSkippedXformId += numXformsToSkip;

	CXformFactory(const CXformFactory &) = delete;

	// dtor

	// create all xforms
	void Instantiate();

	// accessor by xform id
	CXform *Pxf(CXform::EXformId exfid) const;

	// accessor by xform name
	CXform *Pxf(const CHAR *szXformName) const;

	// accessor of exploration xforms
	CXformSet *
	PxfsExploration() const
		return m_pxfsExploration;

	// accessor of implementation xforms
	CXformSet *
	PxfsImplementation() const
		return m_pxfsImplementation;

	// is this xform id still used?
	BOOL IsXformIdUsed(CXform::EXformId exfid);

	// global accessor
	static CXformFactory *
		return m_pxff;

	// initialize global factory instance
	static GPOS_RESULT Init();

	// destroy global factory instance
	static void Shutdown();

};	// class CXformFactory

}  // namespace gpopt

#endif	// !GPOPT_CXformFactory_H

// EOF


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