kafka RemoteStorageManager 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (188)

kafka RemoteStorageManager 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.server.log.remote.storage;

import org.apache.kafka.common.Configurable;
import org.apache.kafka.common.annotation.InterfaceStability;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.InputStream;

 * This interface provides the lifecycle of remote log segments that includes copy, fetch, and delete from remote
 * storage.
 * <p>
 * Each upload or copy of a segment is initiated with {@link RemoteLogSegmentMetadata} containing {@link RemoteLogSegmentId}
 * which is universally unique even for the same topic partition and offsets.
 * <p>
 * {@link RemoteLogSegmentMetadata} is stored in {@link RemoteLogMetadataManager} before and after copy/delete operations on
 * {@link RemoteStorageManager} with the respective {@link RemoteLogSegmentState}. {@link RemoteLogMetadataManager} is
 * responsible for storing and fetching metadata about the remote log segments in a strongly consistent manner.
 * This allows {@link RemoteStorageManager} to have eventual consistency on metadata (although the data is stored
 * in strongly consistent semantics).
public interface RemoteStorageManager extends Configurable, Closeable {

     * Type of the index file.
    enum IndexType {
         * Represents offset index.

         * Represents timestamp index.

         * Represents producer snapshot index.

         * Represents transaction index.

         * Represents leader epoch index.

     * Copies the given {@link LogSegmentData} provided for the given {@code remoteLogSegmentMetadata}. This includes
     * log segment and its auxiliary indexes like offset index, time index, transaction index, leader epoch index, and
     * producer snapshot index.
     * <p>
     * Invoker of this API should always send a unique id as part of {@link RemoteLogSegmentMetadata#remoteLogSegmentId()}
     * even when it retries to invoke this method for the same log segment data.
     * @param remoteLogSegmentMetadata metadata about the remote log segment.
     * @param logSegmentData           data to be copied to tiered storage.
     * @throws RemoteStorageException if there are any errors in storing the data of the segment.
    void copyLogSegmentData(RemoteLogSegmentMetadata remoteLogSegmentMetadata,
                            LogSegmentData logSegmentData)
            throws RemoteStorageException;

     * Returns the remote log segment data file/object as InputStream for the given {@link RemoteLogSegmentMetadata}
     * starting from the given startPosition. The stream will end at the end of the remote log segment data file/object.
     * @param remoteLogSegmentMetadata metadata about the remote log segment.
     * @param startPosition            start position of log segment to be read, inclusive.
     * @return input stream of the requested log segment data.
     * @throws RemoteStorageException          if there are any errors while fetching the desired segment.
     * @throws RemoteResourceNotFoundException when there are no resources associated with the given remoteLogSegmentMetadata.
    InputStream fetchLogSegment(RemoteLogSegmentMetadata remoteLogSegmentMetadata,
                                int startPosition) throws RemoteStorageException;

     * Returns the remote log segment data file/object as InputStream for the given {@link RemoteLogSegmentMetadata}
     * starting from the given startPosition. The stream will end at the smaller of endPosition and the end of the
     * remote log segment data file/object.
     * @param remoteLogSegmentMetadata metadata about the remote log segment.
     * @param startPosition            start position of log segment to be read, inclusive.
     * @param endPosition              end position of log segment to be read, inclusive.
     * @return input stream of the requested log segment data.
     * @throws RemoteStorageException          if there are any errors while fetching the desired segment.
     * @throws RemoteResourceNotFoundException when there are no resources associated with the given remoteLogSegmentMetadata.
    InputStream fetchLogSegment(RemoteLogSegmentMetadata remoteLogSegmentMetadata,
                                int startPosition,
                                int endPosition) throws RemoteStorageException;

     * Returns the index for the respective log segment of {@link RemoteLogSegmentMetadata}.
     * @param remoteLogSegmentMetadata metadata about the remote log segment.
     * @param indexType                type of the index to be fetched for the segment.
     * @return input stream of the requested index.
     * @throws RemoteStorageException          if there are any errors while fetching the index.
     * @throws RemoteResourceNotFoundException when there are no resources associated with the given remoteLogSegmentMetadata.
    InputStream fetchIndex(RemoteLogSegmentMetadata remoteLogSegmentMetadata,
                           IndexType indexType) throws RemoteStorageException;

     * Deletes the resources associated with the given {@code remoteLogSegmentMetadata}. Deletion is considered as
     * successful if this call returns successfully without any errors. It will throw {@link RemoteStorageException} if
     * there are any errors in deleting the file.
     * <p>
     * @param remoteLogSegmentMetadata metadata about the remote log segment to be deleted.
     * @throws RemoteResourceNotFoundException if the requested resource is not found
     * @throws RemoteStorageException          if there are any storage related errors occurred.
     * @throws RemoteResourceNotFoundException when there are no resources associated with the given remoteLogSegmentMetadata.
    void deleteLogSegmentData(RemoteLogSegmentMetadata remoteLogSegmentMetadata) throws RemoteStorageException;


kafka 源码目录


kafka LogSegmentData 源码

kafka RemoteLogMetadata 源码

kafka RemoteLogMetadataManager 源码

kafka RemoteLogSegmentId 源码

kafka RemoteLogSegmentMetadata 源码

kafka RemoteLogSegmentMetadataUpdate 源码

kafka RemoteLogSegmentState 源码

kafka RemotePartitionDeleteMetadata 源码

kafka RemotePartitionDeleteState 源码

kafka RemoteResourceNotFoundException 源码

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