greenplumn CStatisticsUtils 源码

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greenplumn CStatisticsUtils 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright 2018 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
//	@filename:
//		CStatisticsUtils.cpp
//	@doc:
//		Statistics helper routines

#include "naucrates/statistics/CStatisticsUtils.h"

#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/error/CAutoTrace.h"

#include "gpopt/base/CColRefSetIter.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CColRefTable.h"
#include "gpopt/base/COptCtxt.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CUtils.h"
#include "gpopt/engine/CStatisticsConfig.h"
#include "gpopt/exception.h"
#include "gpopt/mdcache/CMDAccessor.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CExpressionHandle.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CExpressionUtils.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CLogicalDynamicIndexGet.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CLogicalIndexGet.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CPhysicalDynamicScan.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CPredicateUtils.h"
#include "gpopt/optimizer/COptimizerConfig.h"
#include "naucrates/base/IDatumInt2.h"
#include "naucrates/base/IDatumInt4.h"
#include "naucrates/base/IDatumInt8.h"
#include "naucrates/base/IDatumOid.h"
#include "naucrates/md/CMDIdColStats.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDScalarOp.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDType.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDTypeInt2.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDTypeInt4.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDTypeInt8.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDTypeOid.h"
#include "naucrates/statistics/CFilterStatsProcessor.h"
#include "naucrates/statistics/CHistogram.h"
#include "naucrates/statistics/CJoinStatsProcessor.h"
#include "naucrates/statistics/CScaleFactorUtils.h"
#include "naucrates/statistics/CStatistics.h"
#include "naucrates/statistics/CStatsPredConj.h"
#include "naucrates/statistics/CStatsPredDisj.h"
#include "naucrates/statistics/CStatsPredLike.h"
#include "naucrates/statistics/CStatsPredUtils.h"

using namespace gpopt;
using namespace gpmd;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::NextPoint
//	@doc:
// 		Get the next data point for new bucket boundary
CPoint *
CStatisticsUtils::NextPoint(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
							CPoint *point)
	IMDId *mdid = point->GetDatum()->MDId();
	const IMDType *mdtype = md_accessor->RetrieveType(mdid);

	// type has integer mapping
	if (mdtype->GetDatumType() == IMDType::EtiInt2 ||
		mdtype->GetDatumType() == IMDType::EtiInt4 ||
		mdtype->GetDatumType() == IMDType::EtiInt8 ||
		mdtype->GetDatumType() == IMDType::EtiOid)
		IDatum *datum_new = nullptr;

		IDatum *datum_old = point->GetDatum();

		if (mdtype->GetDatumType() == IMDType::EtiInt2)
			SINT sValue =
				(SINT)(dynamic_cast<IDatumInt2 *>(datum_old)->Value() + 1);
			datum_new =
				dynamic_cast<const IMDTypeInt2 *>(mdtype)->CreateInt2Datum(
					mp, sValue, false);
		else if (mdtype->GetDatumType() == IMDType::EtiInt4)
			INT iValue = dynamic_cast<IDatumInt4 *>(datum_old)->Value() + 1;
			datum_new =
				dynamic_cast<const IMDTypeInt4 *>(mdtype)->CreateInt4Datum(
					mp, iValue, false);
		else if (mdtype->GetDatumType() == IMDType::EtiInt8)
			LINT value = dynamic_cast<IDatumInt8 *>(datum_old)->Value() + 1;
			datum_new =
				dynamic_cast<const IMDTypeInt8 *>(mdtype)->CreateInt8Datum(
					mp, value, false);
			OID oidValue = dynamic_cast<IDatumOid *>(datum_old)->OidValue() + 1;
			datum_new =
				dynamic_cast<const IMDTypeOid *>(mdtype)->CreateOidDatum(
					mp, oidValue, false);

		return GPOS_NEW(mp) CPoint(datum_new);

	return nullptr;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::TransformMCVToHist
//	@doc:
//		Given MCVs and their frequencies, construct a CHistogram
//		containing MCV singleton buckets
CHistogram *
CStatisticsUtils::TransformMCVToHist(CMemoryPool *mp,
									 const IMDType *,  // mdtype,
									 IDatumArray *mcv_datums,
									 CDoubleArray *freq_array,
									 ULONG num_mcv_values)
	GPOS_ASSERT(mcv_datums->Size() == num_mcv_values);

	// put MCV values and their corresponding frequencies
	// into a structure in order to sort
	SMcvPairPtrArray *mcv_pairs = GPOS_NEW(mp) SMcvPairPtrArray(mp);
	for (ULONG i = 0; i < num_mcv_values; i++)
		IDatum *datum = (*mcv_datums)[i];
		CDouble mcv_freq = *((*freq_array)[i]);
		SMcvPair *mcv_pair = GPOS_NEW(mp) SMcvPair(datum, mcv_freq);

	// sort the MCV value-frequency pairs according to value
	if (1 < num_mcv_values)

	// now put MCVs and their frequencies in buckets
	CBucketArray *mcv_buckets = GPOS_NEW(mp) CBucketArray(mp);

	for (ULONG i = 0; i < num_mcv_values; i++)
		IDatum *datum = (*mcv_pairs)[i]->m_datum_mcv;
		CDouble bucket_freq = (*mcv_pairs)[i]->m_mcv_freq;
		CBucket *bucket = GPOS_NEW(mp)
			CBucket(GPOS_NEW(mp) CPoint(datum), GPOS_NEW(mp) CPoint(datum),
					true /* is_lower_closed */, true /* is_upper_closed */,
					bucket_freq, CDouble(1.0));
	CHistogram *histogram = GPOS_NEW(mp) CHistogram(mp, mcv_buckets);

	return histogram;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::MergeMCVHist
//	@doc:
//		Given MCVs and histogram in CHistogram, merge them into a single
//		CHistogram
CHistogram *
CStatisticsUtils::MergeMCVHist(CMemoryPool *mp, const CHistogram *mcv_histogram,
							   const CHistogram *histogram)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != mcv_histogram);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != histogram);
	GPOS_ASSERT(0 < mcv_histogram->GetNumBuckets());
	GPOS_ASSERT(0 < histogram->GetNumBuckets());

	const CBucketArray *mcv_buckets = mcv_histogram->GetBuckets();
	const CBucketArray *histogram_buckets = histogram->GetBuckets();

	IDatum *datum = (*mcv_buckets)[0]->GetLowerBound()->GetDatum();

	// data types that are not supported in the new optimizer yet
	if (!datum->StatsAreComparable(datum))
		// fall back to the approach that chooses the one having more information
		if (0.5 < mcv_histogram->GetFrequency())
			// have to do deep copy, otherwise mcv_histogram and phistMerge
			// will point to the same object
			return mcv_histogram->CopyHistogram();

		return histogram->CopyHistogram();

	// both MCV and histogram buckets must be sorted

	CBucketArray *merged_buckets =
		MergeMcvHistBucket(mp, mcv_buckets, histogram_buckets);

	CHistogram *merged_histogram = GPOS_NEW(mp) CHistogram(mp, merged_buckets);

	return merged_histogram;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::PdrgpbucketCreateMergedBuckets
//	@doc:
//		Given histogram buckets and MCV buckets, merge them into
//		an array of buckets.
CBucketArray *
CStatisticsUtils::MergeMcvHistBucket(CMemoryPool *mp,
									 const CBucketArray *mcv_buckets,
									 const CBucketArray *histogram_buckets)
	CBucketArray *merged_buckets = GPOS_NEW(mp) CBucketArray(mp);
	const ULONG mcv = mcv_buckets->Size();
	const ULONG num_histograms = histogram_buckets->Size();
	ULONG mcv_index = 0;
	ULONG histogram_index = 0;

	while (mcv_index < mcv && histogram_index < num_histograms)
		CBucket *mcv_bucket = (*mcv_buckets)[mcv_index];
		CBucket *histogram_bucket = (*histogram_buckets)[histogram_index];

		if (mcv_bucket->IsBefore(histogram_bucket))
		else if (mcv_bucket->IsAfter(histogram_bucket))
		else  // mcv_bucket is contained in histogram_bucket
			SplitHistDriver(mp, histogram_bucket, mcv_buckets, merged_buckets,
							&mcv_index, mcv);

	// append leftover buckets from either MCV or histogram
	AddRemainingBuckets(mp, mcv_buckets, merged_buckets, &mcv_index);
	AddRemainingBuckets(mp, histogram_buckets, merged_buckets,

	return merged_buckets;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::AddRemainingBuckets
//	@doc:
//		Add remaining buckets from one array of buckets to the other
CStatisticsUtils::AddRemainingBuckets(CMemoryPool *mp,
									  const CBucketArray *src_buckets,
									  CBucketArray *dest_buckets,
									  ULONG *start_val)
	const ULONG ulTotal = src_buckets->Size();

	while (*start_val < ulTotal)

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::SplitHistDriver
//	@doc:
//		Given an MCV that are contained in a histogram bucket,
//		find the batch of MCVs that fall in the same histogram bucket.
//		Then perform the split for this batch of MCVs.
CStatisticsUtils::SplitHistDriver(CMemoryPool *mp,
								  const CBucket *histogram_bucket,
								  const CBucketArray *mcv_buckets,
								  CBucketArray *merged_buckets,
								  ULONG *mcv_index, ULONG mcv)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != histogram_bucket);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != mcv_buckets);

	CBucketArray *temp_mcv_buckets = GPOS_NEW(mp) CBucketArray(mp);

	// find the MCVs that fall into the same histogram bucket and put them in a temp array
	// E.g. MCV = ..., 6, 8, 12, ... and the current histogram bucket is [5,10)
	// then 6 and 8 will be handled together, i.e. split [5,10) into [5,6) [6,6] (6,8) [8,8] (8,10)
	while ((*mcv_index) < mcv &&
		CBucket *curr_mcv_bucket = (*mcv_buckets)[*mcv_index];

	// split histogram_bucket given one or more MCVs it contains
	CBucketArray *split_buckets =
		SplitHistBucketGivenMcvBuckets(mp, histogram_bucket, temp_mcv_buckets);
	const ULONG split_bucket_size = split_buckets->Size();

	// copy buckets from pdrgpbucketSplitted to pdrgbucketMerged
	for (ULONG i = 0; i < split_bucket_size; i++)
		CBucket *curr_split_bucket = (*split_buckets)[i];


//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::SplitHistBucketGivenMcvBuckets
//	@doc:
//		Given an array of MCVs that are contained in a histogram bucket,
//		split the histogram bucket into smaller buckets with the MCVs being
//		the splitting points. The MCVs are returned too, among the smaller
//		buckets.
CBucketArray *
	CMemoryPool *mp, const CBucket *histogram_bucket,
	const CBucketArray *mcv_buckets)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != histogram_bucket);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != mcv_buckets);

	CBucketArray *buckets_after_split = GPOS_NEW(mp) CBucketArray(mp);
	const ULONG mcv = mcv_buckets->Size();
	GPOS_ASSERT(0 < mcv);

	// construct first bucket, if any
	CPoint *mcv_point = (*mcv_buckets)[0]->GetLowerBound();
	CBucket *first_bucket =
		CreateValidBucket(mp, histogram_bucket->GetLowerBound(), mcv_point,
						  false	 // is_upper_closed
	if (nullptr != first_bucket)

	// construct middle buckets, if any
	for (ULONG idx = 0; idx < mcv - 1; idx++)
		// first append the MCV itself
		CBucket *mcv_bucket = (*mcv_buckets)[idx];

		// construct new buckets
		CPoint *point_left = mcv_bucket->GetLowerBound();  // this MCV
		CPoint *point_right =
			(*mcv_buckets)[idx + 1]->GetLowerBound();  // next MCV

		CBucket *new_bucket =
			CreateValidBucket(mp, point_left, point_right, false, false);
		if (nullptr != new_bucket)

	// append last MCV
	CBucket *last_mcv_bucket = (*mcv_buckets)[mcv - 1];
	mcv_point = last_mcv_bucket->GetLowerBound();

	// construct last bucket, if any
	CBucket *last_bucket =
		CreateValidBucket(mp, mcv_point, histogram_bucket->GetUpperBound(),
						  false, histogram_bucket->IsUpperClosed());
	if (nullptr != last_bucket)

	// re-balance distinct and frequency in pdrgpbucketNew
	CDouble total_distinct_values =
		std::max(CDouble(1.0), histogram_bucket->GetNumDistinct() - mcv);
	CBucketArray *complete_buckets =
		DistributeBucketProperties(mp, histogram_bucket->GetFrequency(),
								   total_distinct_values, buckets_after_split);

	return complete_buckets;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::CreateValidBucket
//	@doc:
//		Given lower and upper and their closedness, create a bucket if they
//		can form a valid bucket
CBucket *
CStatisticsUtils::CreateValidBucket(CMemoryPool *mp, CPoint *bucket_lower_bound,
									CPoint *bucket_upper_bound,
									BOOL is_lower_closed, BOOL is_upper_closed)
	if (!IsValidBucket(bucket_lower_bound, bucket_upper_bound, is_lower_closed,
		return nullptr;

	return GPOS_NEW(mp) CBucket(
		bucket_lower_bound, bucket_upper_bound, is_lower_closed,
		GPOPT_BUCKET_DEFAULT_FREQ,	   // frequency will be assigned later
		GPOPT_BUCKET_DEFAULT_DISTINCT  // distinct will be assigned later

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::IsValidBucket
//	@doc:
//		Given lower and upper and their closedness, test if they
//		can form a valid bucket.
//		E.g. [1,1) (2,3) are not valid integer buckets, (2.0, 3.0) is a
//		valid numeric bucket.
CStatisticsUtils::IsValidBucket(CPoint *bucket_lower_bound,
								CPoint *bucket_upper_bound,
								BOOL is_lower_closed, BOOL is_upper_closed)
	if (bucket_lower_bound->IsGreaterThan(bucket_upper_bound))
		return false;

	// e.g. [1.0, 1.0) is not valid
	if (bucket_lower_bound->Equals(bucket_upper_bound) &&
		(!is_lower_closed || !is_upper_closed))
		return false;

	// datum has statsDistance, so must be statsMappable
	const IDatum *datum = bucket_lower_bound->GetDatum();

	// for types which have integer mapping for stats purposes, e.g. int2,int4, etc.
	if (datum->IsDatumMappableToLINT())
		// test if this integer bucket is well-defined
		CDouble bound_diff = bucket_upper_bound->Width(
			bucket_lower_bound, is_lower_closed, is_upper_closed);
		if (CDouble(0) > bound_diff)
			return false;

	return true;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::DistributeBucketProperties
//	@doc:
//		Set distinct and frequency of the new buckets according to
//		their ranges, based on the assumption that values are uniformly
//		distributed within a bucket. This function assumes that the buckets
//		are valid but incomplete. Since it modifies existing buckets, it still
//		copies and returns a new array of complete buckets.
CBucketArray *
CStatisticsUtils::DistributeBucketProperties(CMemoryPool *mp,
											 CDouble total_frequency,
											 CDouble total_distinct_values,
											 const CBucketArray *buckets)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != buckets);

	CDouble bucket_width = 0.0;
	const ULONG bucket_size = buckets->Size();

	for (ULONG i = 0; i < bucket_size; i++)
		CBucket *bucket = (*buckets)[i];
		if (!bucket
				 ->IsSingleton())  // the re-balance should exclude MCVs (singleton bucket)
			bucket_width = bucket_width + bucket->Width();
	CBucketArray *histogram_buckets =
		CHistogram::DeepCopyHistogramBuckets(mp, buckets);

	for (ULONG i = 0; i < histogram_buckets->Size(); i++)
		CBucket *bucket = (*histogram_buckets)[i];

		if (!bucket->IsSingleton())
			// assert that the bucket is incomplete, and we are populating freq and NDV
			GPOS_ASSERT(GPOPT_BUCKET_DEFAULT_FREQ == bucket->GetFrequency());

			CDouble factor = bucket->Width() / bucket_width;
			bucket->SetFrequency(total_frequency * factor);
			// TODO: , Aug 1 2013 - another heuristic may be max(1, dDisinct * factor)
			bucket->SetDistinct(total_distinct_values * factor);
	// buckets is released in the caller function and thus is not released here
	return histogram_buckets;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::PrintColStats
//	@doc:
//		Utility function to print column stats before/after applying filter
CStatisticsUtils::PrintColStats(CMemoryPool *mp, CStatsPred *pred_stats,
								ULONG cond_colid, CHistogram *histogram,
								CDouble last_scale_factor,
								BOOL is_filter_applied_before)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pred_stats);
	ULONG colid = pred_stats->GetColId();
	if (colid == cond_colid && nullptr != histogram)
			CAutoTrace at(mp);
			if (is_filter_applied_before)
				at.Os() << "BEFORE" << std::endl;
				at.Os() << "AFTER" << std::endl;

			at.Os() << "Scale Factor: " << last_scale_factor << std::endl;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::ExtractUsedColIds
//	@doc:
//		Extract all the column identifiers used in the statistics filter
CStatisticsUtils::ExtractUsedColIds(CMemoryPool *mp, CBitSet *colids_bitset,
									CStatsPred *pred_stats,
									ULongPtrArray *colids)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != colids_bitset);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pred_stats);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != colids);

	if (gpos::ulong_max != pred_stats->GetColId())
		// the predicate is on a single column

		(void) colids_bitset->ExchangeSet(pred_stats->GetColId());
		colids->Append(GPOS_NEW(mp) ULONG(pred_stats->GetColId()));


	if (CStatsPred::EsptUnsupported == pred_stats->GetPredStatsType())

	GPOS_ASSERT(CStatsPred::EsptConj == pred_stats->GetPredStatsType() ||
				CStatsPred::EsptDisj == pred_stats->GetPredStatsType());

	CStatsPredPtrArry *stats_pred_array = nullptr;
	if (CStatsPred::EsptConj == pred_stats->GetPredStatsType())
		stats_pred_array = CStatsPredConj::ConvertPredStats(pred_stats)
		stats_pred_array = CStatsPredDisj::ConvertPredStats(pred_stats)

	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != stats_pred_array);
	const ULONG arity = stats_pred_array->Size();
	for (ULONG i = 0; i < arity; i++)
		CStatsPred *curr_stats_pred = (*stats_pred_array)[i];
		ULONG colid = curr_stats_pred->GetColId();

		if (gpos::ulong_max != colid)
			if (!colids_bitset->Get(colid))
				(void) colids_bitset->ExchangeSet(colid);
				colids->Append(GPOS_NEW(mp) ULONG(colid));
		else if (CStatsPred::EsptUnsupported !=
				CStatsPred::EsptConj == curr_stats_pred->GetPredStatsType() ||
				CStatsPred::EsptDisj == curr_stats_pred->GetPredStatsType());
			ExtractUsedColIds(mp, colids_bitset, curr_stats_pred, colids);

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::UpdateDisjStatistics
//	@doc:
//		Given the previously generated histogram, update the intermediate
//		result of the disjunction
	CMemoryPool *mp, CBitSet *dont_update_stats_bitset,
	CDouble input_disjunct_rows, CDouble local_rows,
	CHistogram *previous_histogram,
	UlongToHistogramMap *disjunctive_result_histograms, ULONG colid)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != dont_update_stats_bitset);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != disjunctive_result_histograms);

	if (nullptr != previous_histogram && gpos::ulong_max != colid &&
		// 1. the filter is on the same column because gpos::ulong_max != colid
		// 2. the histogram of the column can be updated
		CHistogram *result_histogram =
		if (nullptr != result_histogram)
			// since there is already a histogram for this column,
			// union the previously generated histogram with the newly generated
			// histogram for this column
			CDouble output_rows(0.0);
			CHistogram *new_histogram =
					input_disjunct_rows, result_histogram, local_rows,

			previous_histogram = new_histogram;

		AddHistogram(mp, colid, previous_histogram,
					 disjunctive_result_histograms, true /*fReplaceOldEntries*/


//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::GetColsNonUpdatableHistForDisj
//	@doc:
//		Given a disjunction filter, generate a bit set of columns whose
// 		histogram buckets cannot be changed by applying the predicates in the
//		disjunction
CBitSet *
CStatisticsUtils::GetColsNonUpdatableHistForDisj(CMemoryPool *mp,
												 CStatsPredDisj *pred_stats)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pred_stats);

	// Consider the following disjunctive predicates:
	// Case 1: ((x == 1) OR (x == 2 AND y == 2))
	// In such scenarios, predicate y is only operated on by the second child.
	// Therefore the output of the disjunction should not see the effects on
	// y's histogram due to the second child. In other words, DO NOT
	// update histogram buckets for y.

	// Case 2: ((x == 1 AND y== 1) OR (x == 2 AND y == 2))
	// In such scenarios both child predicate operate on both x and y
	// therefore the output of the disjunction for each column should be
	// the union of stats of each predicate being applied separately.
	// In other words, DO update histogram buckets for both x and y.

	CBitSet *non_updateable_bitset = GPOS_NEW(mp) CBitSet(mp);

	const ULONG disj_colid = pred_stats->GetColId();
	if (gpos::ulong_max != disj_colid)
		// disjunction predicate on a single column so all are updatable
		return non_updateable_bitset;

	CBitSet *disj_bitset = GPOS_NEW(mp) CBitSet(mp);
	ULongPtrArray *disjuncts = GPOS_NEW(mp) ULongPtrArray(mp);
	ExtractUsedColIds(mp, disj_bitset, pred_stats, disjuncts);
	const ULONG num_disj_used_col = disjuncts->Size();

	const ULONG arity = pred_stats->GetNumPreds();
	for (ULONG child_index = 0; child_index < arity; child_index++)
		CStatsPred *child_pred_stats = pred_stats->GetPredStats(child_index);
		CBitSet *child_bitset = GPOS_NEW(mp) CBitSet(mp);
		ULongPtrArray *child_colids = GPOS_NEW(mp) ULongPtrArray(mp);
		ExtractUsedColIds(mp, child_bitset, child_pred_stats, child_colids);

		const ULONG length = child_colids->Size();
		GPOS_ASSERT(length <= num_disj_used_col);
		if (length < num_disj_used_col)
			// the child predicate only operates on a subset of all the columns
			// used in the disjunction
			for (ULONG used_colidx = 0; used_colidx < num_disj_used_col;
				ULONG colid = *(*disjuncts)[used_colidx];
				if (!child_bitset->Get(colid))
					(void) non_updateable_bitset->ExchangeSet(colid);

		// clean up

	// clean up

	return non_updateable_bitset;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::AddHistogram
//	@doc:
//		Add histogram to histogram map if not already present.
CStatisticsUtils::AddHistogram(CMemoryPool *mp, ULONG colid,
							   const CHistogram *histogram,
							   UlongToHistogramMap *col_histogram_mapping,
							   BOOL replace_old)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != histogram);

	if (nullptr == col_histogram_mapping->Find(&colid))
		BOOL result GPOS_ASSERTS_ONLY = col_histogram_mapping->Insert(
			GPOS_NEW(mp) ULONG(colid), histogram->CopyHistogram());
	else if (replace_old)
			col_histogram_mapping->Replace(&colid, histogram->CopyHistogram());

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::PrintHistogramMap
//	@doc:
//		Helper method to print the hash map of histograms
CStatisticsUtils::PrintHistogramMap(IOstream &os,
									UlongToHistogramMap *col_histogram_mapping)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != col_histogram_mapping);

	UlongToHistogramMapIter col_hist_mapping(col_histogram_mapping);
	while (col_hist_mapping.Advance())
		ULONG column = *(col_hist_mapping.Key());

		os << "Column Id: " << column << std::endl;
		const CHistogram *histogram = col_hist_mapping.Value();
#endif	// GPOS_DEBUG

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::MergeHistogramMapsForDisjPreds
//	@doc:
//		Create a new hash map of histograms after merging
//		the histograms generated by the child of disjunction
UlongToHistogramMap *
CStatisticsUtils::MergeHistogramMapsForDisjPreds(CMemoryPool *mp,
												 CBitSet *non_updatable_cols,
												 UlongToHistogramMap *hmap1,
												 UlongToHistogramMap *hmap2,
												 CDouble rows1, CDouble rows2)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != non_updatable_cols);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != hmap1);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != hmap2);

	CDouble output_rows(CStatistics::MinRows.Get());

	UlongToHistogramMap *merged_hmap = GPOS_NEW(mp) UlongToHistogramMap(mp);

	// iterate over the new hash map of histograms and only add
	// histograms of columns whose output statistics can be updated
	if (rows2 > CStatistics::Epsilon)
		UlongToHistogramMapIter hmap2_iter(hmap2);
		while (hmap2_iter.Advance())
			ULONG colid = *(hmap2_iter.Key());
			const CHistogram *histogram = hmap2_iter.Value();
			if (!non_updatable_cols->Get(colid))
				AddHistogram(mp, colid, histogram, merged_hmap);

	// iterate over the previously generated histograms and
	// union them with newly created hash map of histograms (if these columns are updatable)
	if (rows1 > CStatistics::Epsilon)
		UlongToHistogramMapIter hmap1_iter(hmap1);
		while (hmap1_iter.Advance())
			ULONG colid = *(hmap1_iter.Key());
			const CHistogram *histogram1 = hmap1_iter.Value();
			if (nullptr != histogram1 && !non_updatable_cols->Get(colid))
				// merge with viable histograms that were added to merged_hmap
				const CHistogram *histogram2 = merged_hmap->Find(&colid);
				if (nullptr != histogram2)
					CHistogram *normalized_union_histogram =
							rows1, histogram2, rows2, &output_rows);

					AddHistogram(mp, colid, normalized_union_histogram,
								 merged_hmap, true /* fReplaceOld */);

					AddHistogram(mp, colid, histogram1, merged_hmap);


	return merged_hmap;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::CopyHistHashMap
//	@doc:
//		Helper method to copy the hash map of histograms
UlongToHistogramMap *
CStatisticsUtils::CopyHistHashMap(CMemoryPool *mp,
								  UlongToHistogramMap *col_histogram_mapping)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != col_histogram_mapping);

	UlongToHistogramMap *histograms_copy = GPOS_NEW(mp) UlongToHistogramMap(mp);

	UlongToHistogramMapIter col_hist_mapping_iter(col_histogram_mapping);
	while (col_hist_mapping_iter.Advance())
		ULONG colid = *(col_hist_mapping_iter.Key());
		const CHistogram *histogram = col_hist_mapping_iter.Value();
		AddHistogram(mp, colid, histogram, histograms_copy);

	return histograms_copy;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::GetColId
//	@doc:
//		Return the column identifier of the filter if the predicate is
// 		on a single column else	return gpos::ulong_max
CStatisticsUtils::GetColId(const CStatsPredPtrArry *pred_stats_array)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pred_stats_array);

	ULONG result_colid = gpos::ulong_max;
	BOOL is_same_col = true;

	const ULONG length = pred_stats_array->Size();
	for (ULONG i = 0; i < length && is_same_col; i++)
		CStatsPred *pred_stats = (*pred_stats_array)[i];
		ULONG colid = pred_stats->GetColId();
		if (gpos::ulong_max == result_colid)
			result_colid = colid;
		is_same_col = (result_colid == colid);

	if (is_same_col)
		return result_colid;

	return gpos::ulong_max;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::DatumNull
//	@doc:
//		Generate a null datum given a column reference
IDatum *
CStatisticsUtils::DatumNull(const CColRef *colref)
	const IMDType *mdtype = colref->RetrieveType();

	IDatum *datum = mdtype->DatumNull();

	return datum;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::DeriveStatsForDynamicScan
//	@doc:
//		Derive statistics of dynamic scan based on the stats of corresponding
//		part-selector in the given map,
//		for a given part table (R) with part selection predicate (,
//		the function assumes a LeftSemiJoin(R,T)_( expression to
//		compute the stats of R after partitions are eliminated based on the
//		condition (
IStatistics *
CStatisticsUtils::DeriveStatsForDynamicScan(CMemoryPool *mp,
											CExpressionHandle &exprhdl,
											ULONG scan_id,
											CPartitionPropagationSpec *pps_reqd)
	// extract part table base stats from passed handle
	IStatistics *base_table_stats = exprhdl.Pstats();
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != base_table_stats);
	if (nullptr == base_table_stats)
		GPOS_RAISE(gpopt::ExmaGPOPT, gpopt::ExmiNoStats,

	if (!GPOS_FTRACE(EopttraceDeriveStatsForDPE))
		// return base stats if stats derivation with dynamic partition
		// elimination is disabled
		return base_table_stats;

	const CBitSet *selector_ids = pps_reqd->SelectorIds(scan_id);
	if (!pps_reqd->Contains(scan_id) || selector_ids->Size() == 0)
		// no corresponding partition selector is present, return base stats
		return base_table_stats;

	GPOS_ASSERT(pps_reqd->SelectorIds(scan_id)->Size() > 0);

	// each Dynamic Scan may have multiple associated PartitionSelectors;
	// for now just use the first one in the list (similar to 6X, which used
	// the PartitionSelector on the top-most Join node)
	// GPDB_12_MERGE_FIXME: combine stats from all associated PartitionSelectors
	const SPartSelectorInfoEntry *part_selector_info = nullptr;
		CBitSetIter it(*selector_ids);
		ULONG selector_id = it.Bit();

		part_selector_info =
		GPOS_ASSERT(part_selector_info != nullptr);

	IStatistics *part_selector_stats = part_selector_info->m_stats;
	CExpression *scalar_expr = part_selector_info->m_filter_expr;

	CColRefSetArray *output_colrefs = GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefSetArray(mp);

	 * It should be OK to pass outer refs as empty ColrefSet since this is being used inside the
	 * ExtractJoinStatsFromJoinPredArray to determine if the Join Predicate has only outer references.
	 * This can never happen for a Dynamic table scan since we need the predicate to contain the
	 * partition key in order to generate the DTS in the first place
	CColRefSet *outer_refs = GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefSet(mp);

	// extract all the conjuncts
	CStatsPred *unsupported_pred_stats = nullptr;
	CStatsPredJoinArray *join_preds_stats =
			mp, scalar_expr, output_colrefs, outer_refs,
			true,  // semi-join

	IStatistics *left_semi_join_stats = base_table_stats->CalcLSJoinStats(
		mp, part_selector_stats, join_preds_stats);

	if (nullptr != unsupported_pred_stats)
		// apply the unsupported join filters as a filter on top of the join results.
		// TODO,  June 13 2014 we currently only cap NDVs for filters
		// (also look at CJoinStatsProcessor::CalcAllJoinStats since most of this code was taken from there)
		IStatistics *stats_after_join_filter =
				mp, dynamic_cast<CStatistics *>(left_semi_join_stats),
				unsupported_pred_stats, false /* do_cap_NDVs */);
		left_semi_join_stats = stats_after_join_filter;


	return left_semi_join_stats;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::DeriveStatsForIndexGet
//	@doc:
//		Derive statistics of (dynamic) index get
IStatistics *
CStatisticsUtils::DeriveStatsForIndexGet(CMemoryPool *mp,
										 CExpressionHandle &expr_handle,
										 IStatisticsArray *stats_contexts)
	COperator::EOperatorId operator_id = expr_handle.Pop()->Eopid();
	GPOS_ASSERT(CLogical::EopLogicalIndexGet == operator_id ||
				CLogical::EopLogicalDynamicIndexGet == operator_id);

	// collect columns used by index conditions and distribution of the table
	// for statistics
	CColRefSet *used_col_refset = GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefSet(mp);

	CTableDescriptor *table_descriptor = nullptr;
	if (CLogical::EopLogicalIndexGet == operator_id)
		CLogicalIndexGet *index_get_op =
		table_descriptor = index_get_op->Ptabdesc();
		if (nullptr != index_get_op->PcrsDist())
		CLogicalDynamicIndexGet *dynamic_index_get_op =
		table_descriptor = dynamic_index_get_op->Ptabdesc();
		if (nullptr != dynamic_index_get_op->PcrsDist())

	CExpression *scalar_expr =
		expr_handle.PexprScalarRepChild(0 /*ulChidIndex*/);
	CExpression *local_expr = nullptr;
	CExpression *outer_refs_expr = nullptr;

	// get outer references from expression handle
	CColRefSet *outer_col_refset = expr_handle.DeriveOuterReferences();

	CPredicateUtils::SeparateOuterRefs(mp, scalar_expr, outer_col_refset,
									   &local_expr, &outer_refs_expr);


	// filter out outer references in used columns

	IStatistics *base_table_stats = CLogical::PstatsBaseTable(
		mp, expr_handle, table_descriptor, used_col_refset);

	IStatistics *stats = CFilterStatsProcessor::MakeStatsFilterForScalarExpr(
		mp, expr_handle, base_table_stats, local_expr, outer_refs_expr,


	return stats;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::PstatsBitmapGet
//	@doc:
//		Derive statistics of bitmap table get
IStatistics *
CStatisticsUtils::DeriveStatsForBitmapTableGet(CMemoryPool *mp,
											   CExpressionHandle &expr_handle,
											   IStatisticsArray *stats_contexts)
	GPOS_ASSERT(CLogical::EopLogicalBitmapTableGet ==
					expr_handle.Pop()->Eopid() ||
				CLogical::EopLogicalDynamicBitmapTableGet ==
	CTableDescriptor *table_descriptor = expr_handle.DeriveTableDescriptor();

	// the index of the condition
	ULONG child_cond_index = 0;

	// get outer references from expression handle
	CColRefSet *outer_col_refset = expr_handle.DeriveOuterReferences();
	CExpression *local_expr = nullptr;
	CExpression *outer_refs_expr = nullptr;
	CExpression *scalar_expr =
	CPredicateUtils::SeparateOuterRefs(mp, scalar_expr, outer_col_refset,
									   &local_expr, &outer_refs_expr);

	// collect columns used by the index
	CColRefSet *used_col_refset = GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefSet(mp);
	IStatistics *base_table_stats = CLogical::PstatsBaseTable(
		mp, expr_handle, table_descriptor, used_col_refset);
	IStatistics *stats = CFilterStatsProcessor::MakeStatsFilterForScalarExpr(
		mp, expr_handle, base_table_stats, local_expr, outer_refs_expr,


	return stats;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::GetGrpColIdToUpperBoundNDVIdxMap
//	@doc:
//		Return the mapping between the table column used for grouping to the
//	    logical operator id where it was defined. If the grouping column is
//      not a table column then the logical op id is initialized to gpos::ulong_max
UlongToUlongPtrArrayMap *
	CMemoryPool *mp, CStatistics *stats, const CColRefSet *grp_cols_refset,
	CBitSet *keys  // keys derived during optimization
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != grp_cols_refset);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != stats);

	UlongToUlongPtrArrayMap *grp_colid_upper_bound_ndv_idx_map =
		GPOS_NEW(mp) UlongToUlongPtrArrayMap(mp);

	CColumnFactory *col_factory = COptCtxt::PoctxtFromTLS()->Pcf();

	// iterate over grouping columns
	CColRefSetIter col_refset_iter(*grp_cols_refset);
	while (col_refset_iter.Advance())
		CColRef *grouping_colref = col_refset_iter.Pcr();
		ULONG colid = grouping_colref->Id();
		if (nullptr == keys || keys->Get(colid))
			// if keys are available then only consider grouping columns defined as
			// key columns else consider all grouping columns
			const CColRef *grouping_colref = col_factory->LookupColRef(colid);
			const ULONG upper_bound_ndv_idx =
			const ULongPtrArray *ndv_colid =
			if (nullptr == ndv_colid)
				ULongPtrArray *colids_new = GPOS_NEW(mp) ULongPtrArray(mp);
				colids_new->Append(GPOS_NEW(mp) ULONG(colid));
						GPOS_NEW(mp) ULONG(upper_bound_ndv_idx), colids_new);
				(const_cast<ULongPtrArray *>(ndv_colid))
					->Append(GPOS_NEW(mp) ULONG(colid));

	return grp_colid_upper_bound_ndv_idx_map;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::AddNdvForAllGrpCols
//	@doc:
//		Add the NDV for all of the grouping columns
	CMemoryPool *mp, const CStatistics *input_stats,
	const ULongPtrArray
		*grouping_columns,	   // array of grouping column ids from a source
	CDoubleArray *output_ndvs  // output array of ndvs
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != grouping_columns);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != input_stats);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != output_ndvs);

	const ULONG num_cols = grouping_columns->Size();
	// iterate over grouping columns
	for (ULONG i = 0; i < num_cols; i++)
		ULONG colid = (*(*grouping_columns)[i]);

		CDouble distinct_vals =
		const CHistogram *histogram = input_stats->GetHistogram(colid);
		if (nullptr != histogram)
			distinct_vals = histogram->GetNumDistinct();
			if (histogram->IsEmpty())
				distinct_vals = DefaultDistinctVals(input_stats->Rows());
		output_ndvs->Append(GPOS_NEW(mp) CDouble(distinct_vals));

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::ExtractNDVForGrpCols
//	@doc:
//		Extract NDVs for the given array of grouping columns. If one or more
//      of the grouping columns' NDV have been capped, table has been filtered,
//      then we add the maximum NDV only for computing the cardinality of
//      the group by. The logic is that number of groups cannot be greater
//		than the card of filter table. Else we add the NDVs for all grouping
//      columns as is.
CDoubleArray *
	CMemoryPool *mp, const CStatisticsConfig *stats_config,
	const IStatistics *stats, CColRefSet *grp_cols_refset,
	CBitSet *keys  // keys derived during optimization
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != stats);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != grp_cols_refset);

	CStatistics *input_stats =
		CStatistics::CastStats(const_cast<IStatistics *>(stats));

	CDoubleArray *ndvs = GPOS_NEW(mp) CDoubleArray(mp);

	UlongToUlongPtrArrayMap *grp_colid_upper_bound_ndv_idx_map =
		GetGrpColIdToUpperBoundNDVIdxMap(mp, input_stats, grp_cols_refset,
	UlongToUlongPtrArrayMapIter map_iter(grp_colid_upper_bound_ndv_idx_map);
	while (map_iter.Advance())
		ULONG source_id = *(map_iter.Key());
		const ULongPtrArray *src_grouping_cols = map_iter.Value();

		if (gpos::ulong_max == source_id)
			// this array of grouping columns represents computed columns.
			// Since we currently do not cap computed columns, we add all of their NDVs as is
			AddNdvForAllGrpCols(mp, input_stats, src_grouping_cols, ndvs);
			// compute the maximum number of groups when aggregated on columns from the given source
			CDouble max_grps_per_src = MaxNumGroupsForGivenSrcGprCols(
				mp, stats_config, input_stats, src_grouping_cols);
			ndvs->Append(GPOS_NEW(mp) CDouble(max_grps_per_src));

	// clean up

	return ndvs;

//	@function:
//       CStatisticsUtils::CappedGrpColExists
//  @doc:
//       Check to see if any one of the grouping columns has been capped
CStatisticsUtils::CappedGrpColExists(const CStatistics *stats,
									 const ULongPtrArray *grouping_columns)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != stats);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != grouping_columns);

	const ULONG num_cols = grouping_columns->Size();
	for (ULONG i = 0; i < num_cols; i++)
		ULONG colid = (*(*grouping_columns)[i]);
		const CHistogram *histogram = stats->GetHistogram(colid);

		if (nullptr != histogram && histogram->WereNDVsScaled())
			return true;

	return false;

//	@function:
//      CStatisticsUtils::MaxNdv
//  @doc:
//      Return the maximum NDV given an array of grouping columns
CStatisticsUtils::MaxNdv(const CStatistics *stats,
						 const ULongPtrArray *grouping_columns)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != stats);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != grouping_columns);

	const ULONG num_grp_cols = grouping_columns->Size();

	CDouble ndv_max(1.0);
	for (ULONG i = 0; i < num_grp_cols; i++)
		CDouble ndv = CStatisticsUtils::DefaultDistinctVals(stats->Rows());

		ULONG colid = (*(*grouping_columns)[i]);
		const CHistogram *histogram = stats->GetHistogram(colid);
		if (nullptr != histogram)
			ndv = histogram->GetNumDistinct();
			if (histogram->IsEmpty())
				ndv = CStatisticsUtils::DefaultDistinctVals(stats->Rows());

		if (ndv_max < ndv)
			ndv_max = ndv;

	return ndv_max;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::MaxNumGroupsForGivenSrcGprCols
//	@doc:
//		Compute max number of groups when grouping on columns from the given source
	CMemoryPool *mp, const CStatisticsConfig *stats_config,
	CStatistics *input_stats, const ULongPtrArray *src_grouping_cols)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != input_stats);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != src_grouping_cols);
	GPOS_ASSERT(0 < src_grouping_cols->Size());

	CDouble input_rows = input_stats->Rows();

	CColumnFactory *col_factory = COptCtxt::PoctxtFromTLS()->Pcf();
	CColRef *first_colref = col_factory->LookupColRef(*(*src_grouping_cols)[0]);
	CDouble upper_bound_ndvs = input_stats->GetColUpperBoundNDVs(first_colref);

	CDoubleArray *ndvs = GPOS_NEW(mp) CDoubleArray(mp);
	AddNdvForAllGrpCols(mp, input_stats, src_grouping_cols, ndvs);

	// take the minimum of (a) the estimated number of groups from the columns of this source,
	// (b) input rows, and (c) cardinality upper bound for the given source in the
	// input statistics object

	// DNumOfDistVal internally damps the number of columns with our formula.
	// (a) For columns from the same table, they will be damped based on the formula in DNumOfDistVal
	// (b) If the group by has columns from multiple tables, they will again be damped by the formula
	// in DNumOfDistVal when we compute the final group by cardinality
	CDouble groups =
						  GetCumulativeNDVs(stats_config, ndvs).Get()),
				 std::min(input_rows.Get(), upper_bound_ndvs.Get()));

	return groups;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::Groups
//	@doc:
//		Compute the cumulative number of groups for the given set of grouping columns
CStatisticsUtils::Groups(CMemoryPool *mp, IStatistics *stats,
						 const CStatisticsConfig *stats_config,
						 ULongPtrArray *grouping_cols,
						 CBitSet *keys	// keys derived during optimization
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != stats);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != stats_config);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != grouping_cols);

	CColRefSet *computed_groupby_cols = GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefSet(mp);
	CColRefSet *grp_col_for_stats =
		MakeGroupByColsForStats(mp, grouping_cols, computed_groupby_cols);

	CDoubleArray *ndvs =
		ExtractNDVForGrpCols(mp, stats_config, stats, grp_col_for_stats, keys);
	CDouble groups =
						  GetCumulativeNDVs(stats_config, ndvs).Get()),

	// clean up

	return groups;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::GetCumulativeNDVs
//	@doc:
//		Compute the total number of groups of the group by operator
//		from the array of NDVs of the individual grouping columns
CStatisticsUtils::GetCumulativeNDVs(const CStatisticsConfig *stats_config,
									CDoubleArray *ndvs)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != stats_config);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != ndvs);

	CScaleFactorUtils::SortScalingFactor(ndvs, true /* fDescending */);
	const ULONG ndv_size = ndvs->Size();

	if (0 == ndv_size)
		return CDouble(1.0);

	CDouble cumulative_ndv = *(*ndvs)[0];
	for (ULONG idx = 1; idx < ndv_size; idx++)
		CDouble ndv = *(*ndvs)[idx];
		CDouble ndv_damped =
					 (ndv * CScaleFactorUtils::DampedGroupByScaleFactor(
								stats_config, idx))
		cumulative_ndv = cumulative_ndv * ndv_damped;

	return cumulative_ndv;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::AddGrpColStats
//	@doc:
//		Add the statistics (histogram and width) of the grouping columns
CStatisticsUtils::AddGrpColStats(CMemoryPool *mp,
								 const CStatistics *input_stats,
								 CColRefSet *grp_cols_refset,
								 UlongToHistogramMap *output_histograms,
								 UlongToDoubleMap *output_col_widths)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != input_stats);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != grp_cols_refset);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != output_histograms);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != output_col_widths);

	// iterate over grouping columns
	CColRefSetIter grp_col_refset_iter(*grp_cols_refset);
	while (grp_col_refset_iter.Advance())
		CColRef *colref = grp_col_refset_iter.Pcr();
		ULONG grp_colid = colref->Id();

		CDouble num_distinct_vals(CHistogram::MinDistinct);
		const CHistogram *histogram = input_stats->GetHistogram(grp_colid);
		if (nullptr != histogram)
			CHistogram *result_histogram =
			if (histogram->WereNDVsScaled())
			AddHistogram(mp, grp_colid, result_histogram, output_histograms);

		const CDouble *width = input_stats->GetWidth(grp_colid);
		if (nullptr != width)
			output_col_widths->Insert(GPOS_NEW(mp) ULONG(grp_colid),
									  GPOS_NEW(mp) CDouble(*width));

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::MakeGroupByColsForStats
//	@doc:
//		Return the set of grouping columns for statistics computation.
//		If the grouping column (c) is a computed column, for example c = f(a,b),
//		then we include columns a and b as the grouping column instead of c.
CColRefSet *
CStatisticsUtils::MakeGroupByColsForStats(CMemoryPool *mp,
										  const ULongPtrArray *grouping_columns,
										  CColRefSet *computed_groupby_cols)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != grouping_columns);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != computed_groupby_cols);

	CColumnFactory *col_factory = COptCtxt::PoctxtFromTLS()->Pcf();

	CColRefSet *grp_col_for_stats = GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefSet(mp);

	const ULONG ulGrpCols = grouping_columns->Size();

	// iterate over grouping columns
	for (ULONG i = 0; i < ulGrpCols; i++)
		ULONG colid = *(*grouping_columns)[i];
		CColRef *grp_col_ref = col_factory->LookupColRef(colid);
		GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != grp_col_ref);

		// check to see if the grouping column is a computed attribute
		const CColRefSet *used_col_refset =
		if (nullptr == used_col_refset || 0 == used_col_refset->Size())
			(void) grp_col_for_stats->Include(grp_col_ref);
			(void) grp_col_for_stats->Union(used_col_refset);
			(void) computed_groupby_cols->Include(grp_col_ref);

	return grp_col_for_stats;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::GetNumDistinct
//	@doc:
//		Sum of number of distinct values in the given array of buckets
CStatisticsUtils::GetNumDistinct(const CBucketArray *histogram_buckets)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != histogram_buckets);

	CDouble distinct = CDouble(0.0);
	const ULONG num_of_buckets = histogram_buckets->Size();
	for (ULONG bucket_index = 0; bucket_index < num_of_buckets; bucket_index++)
		CBucket *bucket = (*histogram_buckets)[bucket_index];
		distinct = distinct + bucket->GetNumDistinct();

	return distinct;

//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::GetFrequency
//	@doc:
//		Sum of the frequencies of buckets in the given array of buckets
CStatisticsUtils::GetFrequency(const CBucketArray *histogram_buckets)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != histogram_buckets);

	CDouble freq = CDouble(0.0);
	const ULONG num_of_buckets = histogram_buckets->Size();
	for (ULONG bucket_index = 0; bucket_index < num_of_buckets; bucket_index++)
		CBucket *bucket = (*histogram_buckets)[bucket_index];
		freq = freq + bucket->GetFrequency();

	return freq;

CStatisticsUtils::IsStatsCmpTypeNdvEq(CStatsPred::EStatsCmpType stats_cmp_type)
	return (CStatsPred::EstatscmptEqNDV == stats_cmp_type);
//	@function:
//		CStatisticsUtils::FIncreasesRisk
//	@doc:
//		Return true if the given operator increases the risk of cardinality
//		misestimation.

CStatisticsUtils::IncreasesRisk(CLogical *logical_op)
	if (logical_op->FSelectionOp())
		// operators that perform filters (e.g. joins, select) increase the risk
		return true;

	static COperator::EOperatorId grouping_and_semi_join_opid_array[] = {
		COperator::EopLogicalGbAgg,		   COperator::EopLogicalIntersect,
		COperator::EopLogicalIntersectAll, COperator::EopLogicalUnion,
		COperator::EopLogicalDifference,   COperator::EopLogicalDifferenceAll};

	COperator::EOperatorId operator_id = logical_op->Eopid();
	for (ULONG i = 0; i < GPOS_ARRAY_SIZE(grouping_and_semi_join_opid_array);
		if (grouping_and_semi_join_opid_array[i] == operator_id)
			return true;

	return false;

//     @function:
//             CStatisticsUtils::DefaultColumnWidth
//     @doc:
//             Return the default column width
CStatisticsUtils::DefaultColumnWidth(const IMDType *mdtype)
	CDouble width(CStatistics::DefaultColumnWidth);
	if (mdtype->IsFixedLength())
		width = CDouble(mdtype->Length());

	return width;

//	add width information
CStatisticsUtils::AddWidthInfo(CMemoryPool *mp, UlongToDoubleMap *src_width,
							   UlongToDoubleMap *dest_width)
	UlongToDoubleMapIter col_width_map_iterator(src_width);
	while (col_width_map_iterator.Advance())
		ULONG colid = *(col_width_map_iterator.Key());
		BOOL is_present = (nullptr != dest_width->Find(&colid));
		if (!is_present)
			const CDouble *width = col_width_map_iterator.Value();
			CDouble *width_copy = GPOS_NEW(mp) CDouble(*width);
			dest_width->Insert(GPOS_NEW(mp) ULONG(colid), width_copy);


//	for the output statistics object, compute its upper bound cardinality
// 	mapping based on the bounding method estimated output cardinality
//  and information maintained in the current statistics object
	CMemoryPool *mp, const CStatistics *input_stats,
		*output_stats,	  // output statistics object that is to be updated
	CDouble rows_output,  // estimated output cardinality of the operator
		card_bounding_method  // technique used to estimate max source cardinality in the output stats object
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != output_stats);
	GPOS_ASSERT(CStatistics::EcbmSentinel != card_bounding_method);

	const CUpperBoundNDVPtrArray *input_stats_ndv_upper_bound =
	ULONG length = input_stats_ndv_upper_bound->Size();
	for (ULONG i = 0; i < length; i++)
		const CUpperBoundNDVs *upper_bound_NDVs =
		CDouble upper_bound_ndv_input = upper_bound_NDVs->UpperBoundNDVs();
		CDouble upper_bound_ndv_output = rows_output;
		if (CStatistics::EcbmInputSourceMaxCard == card_bounding_method)
			upper_bound_ndv_output = upper_bound_ndv_input;
		else if (CStatistics::EcbmMin == card_bounding_method)
			upper_bound_ndv_output =
				std::min(upper_bound_ndv_input.Get(), rows_output.Get());

		CUpperBoundNDVs *upper_bound_NDVs_copy =
			upper_bound_NDVs->CopyUpperBoundNDVs(mp, upper_bound_ndv_output);

// EOF


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn CBucket 源码

greenplumn CFilterStatsProcessor 源码

greenplumn CGroupByStatsProcessor 源码

greenplumn CHistogram 源码

greenplumn CInnerJoinStatsProcessor 源码

greenplumn CJoinStatsProcessor 源码

greenplumn CLeftAntiSemiJoinStatsProcessor 源码

greenplumn CLeftOuterJoinStatsProcessor 源码

greenplumn CLeftSemiJoinStatsProcessor 源码

greenplumn CLimitStatsProcessor 源码

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