tidb topsql 源码

  • 2022-09-19
  • 浏览 (280)

tidb topsql 代码


// Copyright 2021 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package topsql

import (


const (
	// MaxSQLTextSize exports for testing.
	MaxSQLTextSize = 4 * 1024
	// MaxBinaryPlanSize exports for testing.
	MaxBinaryPlanSize = 2 * 1024

var (
	globalTopSQLReport   reporter.TopSQLReporter
	singleTargetDataSink *reporter.SingleTargetDataSink

func init() {
	remoteReporter := reporter.NewRemoteTopSQLReporter(plancodec.DecodeNormalizedPlan, plancodec.Compress)
	globalTopSQLReport = remoteReporter
	singleTargetDataSink = reporter.NewSingleTargetDataSink(remoteReporter)

// SetupTopSQL sets up the top-sql worker.
func SetupTopSQL() {


// SetupTopSQLForTest sets up the global top-sql reporter, it's exporting for test.
func SetupTopSQLForTest(r reporter.TopSQLReporter) {
	globalTopSQLReport = r

// RegisterPubSubServer registers TopSQLPubSubService to the given gRPC server.
func RegisterPubSubServer(s *grpc.Server) {
	if register, ok := globalTopSQLReport.(reporter.DataSinkRegisterer); ok {
		service := reporter.NewTopSQLPubSubService(register)
		tipb.RegisterTopSQLPubSubServer(s, service)

// Close uses to close and release the top sql resource.
func Close() {

// RegisterSQL uses to register SQL information into Top SQL.
func RegisterSQL(normalizedSQL string, sqlDigest *parser.Digest, isInternal bool) {
	if sqlDigest != nil {
		sqlDigestBytes := sqlDigest.Bytes()
		linkSQLTextWithDigest(sqlDigestBytes, normalizedSQL, isInternal)

// RegisterPlan uses to register plan information into Top SQL.
func RegisterPlan(normalizedPlan string, planDigest *parser.Digest) {
	if planDigest != nil {
		planDigestBytes := planDigest.Bytes()
		linkPlanTextWithDigest(planDigestBytes, normalizedPlan)

// AttachAndRegisterSQLInfo attach the sql information into Top SQL and register the SQL meta information.
func AttachAndRegisterSQLInfo(ctx context.Context, normalizedSQL string, sqlDigest *parser.Digest, isInternal bool) context.Context {
	if sqlDigest == nil || len(sqlDigest.Bytes()) == 0 {
		return ctx
	sqlDigestBytes := sqlDigest.Bytes()
	ctx = collector.CtxWithSQLDigest(ctx, sqlDigestBytes)

	linkSQLTextWithDigest(sqlDigestBytes, normalizedSQL, isInternal)

	failpoint.Inject("mockHighLoadForEachSQL", func(val failpoint.Value) {
		// In integration test, some SQL run very fast that Top SQL pprof profile unable to sample data of those SQL,
		// So need mock some high cpu load to make sure pprof profile successfully samples the data of those SQL.
		// Attention: Top SQL pprof profile unable to sample data of those SQL which run very fast, this behavior is expected.
		// The integration test was just want to make sure each type of SQL will be set goroutine labels and and can be collected.
		if val.(bool) {
			sqlPrefixes := []string{"insert", "update", "delete", "load", "replace", "select", "begin",
				"commit", "analyze", "explain", "trace", "create", "set global"}
			if MockHighCPULoad(normalizedSQL, sqlPrefixes, 1) {
				logutil.BgLogger().Info("attach SQL info", zap.String("sql", normalizedSQL))
	return ctx

// AttachSQLAndPlanInfo attach the sql and plan information into Top SQL
func AttachSQLAndPlanInfo(ctx context.Context, sqlDigest *parser.Digest, planDigest *parser.Digest) context.Context {
	if sqlDigest == nil || len(sqlDigest.Bytes()) == 0 {
		return ctx
	var planDigestBytes []byte
	sqlDigestBytes := sqlDigest.Bytes()
	if planDigest != nil {
		planDigestBytes = planDigest.Bytes()
	ctx = collector.CtxWithSQLAndPlanDigest(ctx, sqlDigestBytes, planDigestBytes)

	failpoint.Inject("mockHighLoadForEachPlan", func(val failpoint.Value) {
		// Work like mockHighLoadForEachSQL failpoint.
		if val.(bool) {
			if MockHighCPULoad("", []string{""}, 1) {
				logutil.BgLogger().Info("attach SQL info")
	return ctx

// MockHighCPULoad mocks high cpu load, only use in failpoint test.
func MockHighCPULoad(sql string, sqlPrefixs []string, load int64) bool {
	lowerSQL := strings.ToLower(sql)
	if strings.Contains(lowerSQL, "mysql") && !strings.Contains(lowerSQL, "global_variables") {
		return false
	match := false
	for _, prefix := range sqlPrefixs {
		if strings.HasPrefix(lowerSQL, prefix) {
			match = true
	if !match {
		return false
	start := time.Now()
	for {
		if time.Since(start) > 12*time.Millisecond*time.Duration(load) {
		for i := 0; i < 10e5; i++ {
	return true

func linkSQLTextWithDigest(sqlDigest []byte, normalizedSQL string, isInternal bool) {
	if len(normalizedSQL) > MaxSQLTextSize {
		normalizedSQL = normalizedSQL[:MaxSQLTextSize]

	globalTopSQLReport.RegisterSQL(sqlDigest, normalizedSQL, isInternal)

func linkPlanTextWithDigest(planDigest []byte, normalizedBinaryPlan string) {
	globalTopSQLReport.RegisterPlan(planDigest, normalizedBinaryPlan, len(normalizedBinaryPlan) > MaxBinaryPlanSize)


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