greenplumn CBucket 源码

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greenplumn CBucket 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2011 EMC Corp.
//	@filename:
//		CBucket.cpp
//	@doc:
//		Implementation of histogram bucket
#include "naucrates/statistics/CBucket.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "gpos/base.h"

#include "gpopt/base/COptCtxt.h"
#include "naucrates/base/IDatum.h"
#include "naucrates/statistics/CStatistics.h"
#include "naucrates/statistics/CStatisticsUtils.h"

using namespace gpnaucrates;

//	@function:
//		CBucket::CBucket
//	@doc:
//		Ctor
CBucket::CBucket(CPoint *bucket_lower_bound, CPoint *bucket_upper_bound,
				 BOOL is_lower_closed, BOOL is_upper_closed, CDouble frequency,
				 CDouble distinct)
	: m_bucket_lower_bound(bucket_lower_bound),
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != m_bucket_lower_bound);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != m_bucket_upper_bound);
	GPOS_ASSERT(0.0 <= m_frequency && 1.0 >= m_frequency);
	GPOS_ASSERT(0.0 <= m_distinct);

	// singleton bucket lower and upper bound are closed
	GPOS_ASSERT_IMP(IsSingleton(), is_lower_closed && is_upper_closed);

	// null values should be in null fraction of the histogram

//	@function:
//		CBucket::~CBucket
//	@doc:
//		Dtor
	m_bucket_lower_bound = nullptr;
	m_bucket_upper_bound = nullptr;

//	@function:
//		CBucket::Contains
//	@doc:
//		Does bucket contain the point?
CBucket::Contains(const CPoint *point) const
	// special case for singleton bucket
	if (IsSingleton())
		return m_bucket_lower_bound->Equals(point);

	// special case if point equal to lower bound
	if (m_is_lower_closed && m_bucket_lower_bound->Equals(point))
		return true;

	// special case if point equal to upper bound
	if (m_is_upper_closed && m_bucket_upper_bound->Equals(point))
		return true;

	return m_bucket_lower_bound->IsLessThan(point) &&

//	@function:
//		CBucket::IsBefore
//	@doc:
//		Is the point before the lower bound of the bucket
CBucket::IsBefore(const CPoint *point) const
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != point);

	return (m_is_lower_closed && m_bucket_lower_bound->IsGreaterThan(point)) ||
		   (!m_is_lower_closed &&

//	@function:
//		CBucket::IsAfter
//	@doc:
//		Is the point after the upper bound of the bucket
CBucket::IsAfter(const CPoint *point) const
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != point);

	return (
		(m_is_upper_closed && m_bucket_upper_bound->IsLessThan(point)) ||
		(!m_is_upper_closed && m_bucket_upper_bound->IsLessThanOrEqual(point)));

//	@function:
//		CBucket::GetOverlapPercentage
//	@doc:
//		What percentage of the bucket is covered by [lower bound, point]
// 		taking bounds into account
CBucket::GetOverlapPercentage(const CPoint *point, BOOL include_point) const
	// special case of upper bound equal to point
	if ((this->GetUpperBound()->Equals(point) && include_point) ||
		return CDouble(1.0);
	// if point is not contained, then no overlap
	if (!this->Contains(point))
		return CDouble(0.0);

	// special case for singleton bucket
	if (IsSingleton())

		if (include_point)
			return CDouble(1.0);
			return CDouble(0.0);

	// Use NDV to calculate percentage overlap when the overlap spans a single
	// point.
	if (this->m_bucket_lower_bound->Equals(point) && include_point)
		// bucket [0,100], point 0 is basically a lower_bound singleton point.
		return std::min(DOUBLE(1.0), (CDouble(1.0) / m_distinct).Get());
	else if (this->m_bucket_upper_bound->Equals(point) && !include_point)
		// bucket [0,100], point 100 is everthing except upper bound singleton
		// point.
		return CDouble(1.0) -
			   std::min(DOUBLE(1.0), (CDouble(1.0) / m_distinct).Get());

	// general case where your point lies within the bounds of the bucket
	CDouble distance_upper = m_bucket_upper_bound->Width(
		m_bucket_lower_bound, m_is_lower_closed, m_is_upper_closed);
	GPOS_ASSERT(distance_upper > 0.0);
	CDouble distance_middle =
		point->Width(m_bucket_lower_bound, m_is_lower_closed, include_point);
	GPOS_ASSERT(distance_middle >= 0.0);

	CDouble res = 1 / distance_upper;
	res = res * distance_middle;

	return CDouble(std::min(res.Get(), DOUBLE(1.0)));


//	@function:
//		CBucket::OsPrint
//	@doc:
//		Print function
IOstream &
CBucket::OsPrint(IOstream &os) const
	os << "CBucket(";

	if (m_is_lower_closed)
		os << " [";
		os << " (";

	os << ", ";

	if (m_is_upper_closed)
		os << "]";
		os << ")";

	os << " ";
	os << m_frequency << ", " << m_distinct;
	os << ")";

	return os;

//	@function:
//		CBucket::MakeBucketGreaterThan
//	@doc:
//		Construct new bucket with lower bound greater than given point and
//		the new bucket's upper bound is the upper bound of the current bucket
CBucket *
CBucket::MakeBucketGreaterThan(CMemoryPool *mp, CPoint *point) const

	if (IsSingleton() || GetUpperBound()->Equals(point))
		return nullptr;

	CBucket *result_bucket = nullptr;
	CMDAccessor *md_accessor = COptCtxt::PoctxtFromTLS()->Pmda();
	CPoint *point_new = CStatisticsUtils::NextPoint(mp, md_accessor, point);

	if (nullptr != point_new)
		if (Contains(point_new))
			result_bucket =
				MakeBucketScaleLower(mp, point_new, true /* include_lower */);
		result_bucket =
			MakeBucketScaleLower(mp, point, false /* include_lower */);

	return result_bucket;

//	@function:
//		CBucket::MakeBucketScaleUpper
//	@doc:
//		Create a new bucket that is a scaled down version
//		of this bucket with the upper boundary adjusted.
CBucket *
CBucket::MakeBucketScaleUpper(CMemoryPool *mp, CPoint *point_upper_new,
							  BOOL include_upper) const


	// scaling upper to be same as lower is identical to producing a singleton bucket
	if (this->m_bucket_lower_bound->Equals(point_upper_new) &&
		// invalid bucket, e.g. if bucket is [5,10) and
		// point_upper_new is 5 open, null should be returned
		if (false == include_upper)
			return nullptr;
		// if use_width is true, then scale the singleton based of the
		// width of the bucket instead of the distinct ndvs
		return MakeBucketSingleton(mp, point_upper_new);

	CDouble frequency_new = this->GetFrequency();
	CDouble distinct_new = this->GetNumDistinct();

	if (!this->m_bucket_upper_bound->Equals(point_upper_new) ||
		(this->IsUpperClosed() && !include_upper))
		CDouble overlap =
			this->GetOverlapPercentage(point_upper_new, include_upper);
		frequency_new = frequency_new * overlap;
		distinct_new = distinct_new * overlap;

	// reuse the lower from this bucket

	return GPOS_NEW(mp) CBucket(this->m_bucket_lower_bound, point_upper_new,
								this->m_is_lower_closed, include_upper,
								frequency_new, distinct_new);

//	@function:
//		CBucket::MakeBucketScaleLower
//	@doc:
//		Create a new bucket that is a scaled down version
//		of this bucket with the Lower boundary adjusted
CBucket *
CBucket::MakeBucketScaleLower(CMemoryPool *mp, CPoint *point_lower_new,
							  BOOL include_lower) const


	// scaling lower to be same as upper is identical to producing a singleton bucket
	if (this->m_bucket_upper_bound->Equals(point_lower_new))
		// if use_width is true, then scale the singleton based of the
		// width of the bucket instead of the distinct ndvs
		return MakeBucketSingleton(mp, point_lower_new);

	CDouble frequency_new = this->GetFrequency();
	CDouble distinct_new = this->GetNumDistinct();

	if (!this->GetLowerBound()->Equals(point_lower_new) ||
		(this->IsLowerClosed() && !include_lower))
		// if include_lower = false, then we want to get the overlap percentage of [lower_bound, point_lower_new]
		// so that the new bucket freq and ndv are calculated correctly
		CDouble overlap = CDouble(1.0) - this->GetOverlapPercentage(
											 point_lower_new, !include_lower);
		frequency_new = frequency_new * overlap;
		distinct_new = distinct_new * overlap;

	// reuse the lower from this bucket

	return GPOS_NEW(mp)
		CBucket(point_lower_new, this->m_bucket_upper_bound, include_lower,
				this->m_is_upper_closed, frequency_new, distinct_new);

//	@function:
//		CBucket::MakeBucketSingleton
//	@doc:
//		Create a new bucket that is a scaled down version
//		singleton
CBucket *
CBucket::MakeBucketSingleton(CMemoryPool *mp, CPoint *point_singleton) const

	CDouble frequency_new = m_frequency;
	CDouble distinct_new = m_distinct;

	// if the bucket is not already singleton, scale accordingly
	if (!this->IsSingleton())
		// scale NDV down to 1 (or take the entire NDV if it's less than 1),
		// then scale the frequency by the same ratio
		CDouble ratio = 1 / std::max(1.0, m_distinct.Get());
		// equivalent to m_distinct = std::min(1.0, m_distinct)
		distinct_new = m_distinct * ratio;
		frequency_new = m_frequency * ratio;

	// singleton point is both lower and upper

	return GPOS_NEW(mp)
		CBucket(point_singleton, point_singleton, true /* is_lower_closed */,
				true /* is_upper_closed */, frequency_new, distinct_new);

//	@function:
//		CBucket::MakeBucketCopy
//	@doc:
//		Copy of bucket. Points are shared.
CBucket *
CBucket::MakeBucketCopy(CMemoryPool *mp)
	// reuse the points

	return GPOS_NEW(mp)
		CBucket(m_bucket_lower_bound, m_bucket_upper_bound, m_is_lower_closed,
				m_is_upper_closed, m_frequency, m_distinct);

CBucket::Equals(const CBucket *bucket) const
	GPOS_ASSERT(bucket != nullptr);
	if (this->GetLowerBound()->Equals(bucket->GetLowerBound()) &&
		this->IsLowerClosed() == bucket->IsLowerClosed() &&
		this->GetUpperBound()->Equals(bucket->GetUpperBound()) &&
		this->IsUpperClosed() == bucket->IsUpperClosed() &&
		this->GetFrequency() == bucket->GetFrequency() &&
		this->GetNumDistinct() == bucket->GetNumDistinct())
		return true;
	return false;

//	@function:
//		CBucket::MakeBucketUpdateFrequency
//	@doc:
//		Create copy of bucket with a copy of the bucket with updated frequency
//		based on the new total number of rows
CBucket *
CBucket::MakeBucketUpdateFrequency(CMemoryPool *mp, CDouble rows_old,
								   CDouble rows_new)
	// reuse the points

	CDouble frequency_new = (this->m_frequency * rows_old) / rows_new;

	return GPOS_NEW(mp)
		CBucket(m_bucket_lower_bound, m_bucket_upper_bound, m_is_lower_closed,
				m_is_upper_closed, frequency_new, m_distinct);

//	@function:
//		CBucket::CompareLowerBounds
//	@doc:
//		Compare lower bounds of the buckets, return 0 if they match, 1 if
//		lb of bucket1 is greater than lb of bucket2 and -1 otherwise.
CBucket::CompareLowerBounds(const CBucket *bucket1, const CBucket *bucket2)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != bucket1);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != bucket2);

	CPoint *point1 = bucket1->GetLowerBound();
	CPoint *point2 = bucket2->GetLowerBound();

	BOOL is_closed_point1 = bucket1->IsLowerClosed();
	BOOL is_closed_point2 = bucket2->IsLowerClosed();

	if (point1->Equals(point2))
		if (is_closed_point1 == is_closed_point2)
			return 0;

		if (is_closed_point1)
			// bucket1 contains the lower bound (lb), while bucket2 contain all
			// values between (lb + delta) and upper bound (ub)
			return -1;

		return 1;

	if (point1->IsLessThan(point2))
		return -1;

	return 1;

//	@function:
//		CBucket::CompareLowerBoundToUpperBound
//	@doc:
//		Compare lb of the first bucket to the ub of the second bucket,
//		return 0 if they match, 1 if lb of bucket1 is greater
//		than ub of bucket2 and -1 otherwise.
CBucket::CompareLowerBoundToUpperBound(const CBucket *bucket1,
									   const CBucket *bucket2)
	CPoint *lower_bound_first = bucket1->GetLowerBound();
	CPoint *upper_bound_second = bucket2->GetUpperBound();

	if (lower_bound_first->IsGreaterThan(upper_bound_second))
		return 1;

	if (lower_bound_first->IsLessThan(upper_bound_second))
		return -1;

	// equal
	if (bucket1->IsLowerClosed() && bucket2->IsUpperClosed())
		return 0;

	return 1;  // points not comparable

//	@function:
//		CBucket::CompareUpperBounds
//	@doc:
//		Compare upper bounds of the buckets, return 0 if they match, 1 if
//		ub of bucket1 is greater than that of bucket2 and -1 otherwise.
CBucket::CompareUpperBounds(const CBucket *bucket1, const CBucket *bucket2)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != bucket1);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != bucket2);

	CPoint *point1 = bucket1->GetUpperBound();
	CPoint *point2 = bucket2->GetUpperBound();

	BOOL is_closed_point1 = bucket1->IsUpperClosed();
	BOOL is_closed_point2 = bucket2->IsUpperClosed();

	if (point1->Equals(point2))
		if (is_closed_point1 == is_closed_point2)
			return 0;

		if (is_closed_point1)
			// bucket2 contains all values less than upper bound not including upper bound point
			// therefore bucket1 upper bound greater than bucket2 upper bound
			return 1;

		return -1;

	if (point1->IsLessThan(point2))
		return -1;

	return 1;

//	@function:
//		CBucket::Intersects
//	@doc:
//		Does this bucket intersect with another?
CBucket::Intersects(const CBucket *bucket) const
	if (this->IsSingleton() && bucket->IsSingleton())
		return GetLowerBound()->Equals(bucket->GetLowerBound());

	if (this->IsSingleton())
		return bucket->Contains(GetLowerBound());

	if (bucket->IsSingleton())
		return Contains(bucket->GetLowerBound());

	if (this->Subsumes(bucket) || bucket->Subsumes(this))
		return true;

	if (0 >= CompareLowerBounds(this, bucket))
		// current bucket starts before the other bucket
		if (0 >= CompareLowerBoundToUpperBound(bucket, this))
			// other bucket starts before current bucket ends
			return true;

		return false;

	if (0 >= CompareLowerBoundToUpperBound(this, bucket))
		// current bucket starts before the other bucket ends
		return true;

	return false;

//	@function:
//		CBucket::Subsumes
//	@doc:
//		Does this bucket subsume another?
CBucket::Subsumes(const CBucket *bucket) const
	// both are singletons
	if (this->IsSingleton() && bucket->IsSingleton())
		return GetLowerBound()->Equals(bucket->GetLowerBound());

	// other one is a singleton
	if (bucket->IsSingleton())
		return this->Contains(bucket->GetLowerBound());

	INT lower_bounds_comparison = CompareLowerBounds(this, bucket);
	INT upper_bounds_comparison = CompareUpperBounds(this, bucket);

	return (0 >= lower_bounds_comparison && 0 <= upper_bounds_comparison);

//	@function:
//		CBucket::MakeBucketIntersect
//	@doc:
//		Create a new bucket by intersecting with another
//		and return the percentage of each of the buckets that intersect.
// 		Points will be shared
//		We can think of this method as looking at the cartesian product of
//		two histograms, with "this" being a bucket from histogram 1 and
//		and "bucket" being from histogram 2.
//		The goal is to build a histogram that reflects the diagonal of
//		the cartesian product, where the two values are equal, which is
//		the result of the equi-join.
//		To do this, we take the overlapping rectangles from the original
//		buckets and form new "squares" such that their corners lie on
//		the diagonal. This method will take two overlapping buckets and
//		return one such result bucket.
//		Example (shown below): this = [10, 14], bucket = [8,16]
//		The result will be [10,14] in this example, since "this"
//		is fully contained in "bucket".
//		                                       diagonal
//		                                          V
//		               +----------------------------------+
//		 histogram 1   |       |              |  /        |
//		               |                       /          |
//		               |       |             /|           |
//		      +-->  14 *- - - - - -+-------* - - - - - - -|
//		      |        |       |   |     / |  |           |
//		   "this"      |           |   /   |              |
//		      |        |       |   | /     |  |           |
//		      +-->  10 *- - - -+---*-------+ - - - - - - -|
//		               |       | / |          |           |
//		             8 |       *---+                      |
//		               |     / |              |           |
//		               |   /                               |
//		               | /     |              |           |
//		               +-------+---*-------*--+-----------+
//		                       8  10      14  16
//		                       +-- "bucket" --+
//		                                    histogram 2
//		The reason why we show this as a two-dimensional picture here instead
//		of just two overlapping intervals is because of how we compute the frequency
//		of this resulting square:
//		This is done by applying the general cardinality formula for
//		equi-joins: | R join S on R.a = S.b | = |R| * |S| / max(NDV(R.a), NDV(S.b))
//		The join of the two tables is the union of the join of each of the
//		squares we produce, so we apply the formula to each generated square
//		(bucket of the join histogram).
//		Note that there are no equi-join results outside of these squares that
//		overlay the diagonal.
CBucket *
CBucket::MakeBucketIntersect(CMemoryPool *mp, CBucket *bucket,
							 CDouble *result_freq_intersect1,
							 CDouble *result_freq_intersect2) const
	// should only be called on intersecting bucket

	CPoint *lower_new =
		CPoint::MaxPoint(this->GetLowerBound(), bucket->GetLowerBound());
	CPoint *upper_new =
		CPoint::MinPoint(this->GetUpperBound(), bucket->GetUpperBound());

	BOOL lower_new_is_closed = true;
	BOOL upper_new_is_closed = true;

	CDouble ratio1(0.0);
	CDouble ratio2(0.0);
	// edge case
	if (IsSingleton() && bucket->IsSingleton())
		ratio1 = CDouble(1.0);
		ratio2 = CDouble(1.0);
		CDouble distance_new = 1.0;
		if (!lower_new->Equals(upper_new))
			lower_new_is_closed = this->m_is_lower_closed;
			upper_new_is_closed = this->m_is_upper_closed;

			if (lower_new->Equals(bucket->GetLowerBound()))
				lower_new_is_closed = bucket->IsLowerClosed();
				if (lower_new->Equals(this->GetLowerBound()))
					lower_new_is_closed =
						this->IsLowerClosed() && bucket->IsLowerClosed();

			if (upper_new->Equals(bucket->GetUpperBound()))
				upper_new_is_closed = bucket->IsUpperClosed();
				if (upper_new->Equals(this->GetUpperBound()))
					upper_new_is_closed =
						this->IsUpperClosed() && bucket->IsUpperClosed();

			distance_new = upper_new->Distance(lower_new);

		// TODO: , May 1 2013, distance function for data types such as bpchar/varchar
		// that require binary comparison
		GPOS_ASSERT(distance_new <= Width());
		GPOS_ASSERT(distance_new <= bucket->Width());

		// assume the values are equally distributed in the old buckets, so allocate a
		// proportional value of NDVs to the new bucket
		ratio1 = distance_new / Width();
		ratio2 = distance_new / bucket->Width();

	// we are assuming an equi-join, so the side with the fewest NDVs determines the
	// NDV of the join, any values on one side that don't match the other side are
	// discarded
	CDouble distinct_new(std::min(ratio1.Get() * m_distinct.Get(),
								  ratio2.Get() * bucket->m_distinct.Get()));

	// Based on Ramakrishnan and Gehrke, "Database Management Systems, Third Ed", page 484
	// the cardinality of an equality join is the product of the base table cardinalities
	// divided by the MAX of the number of distinct values in each of the inputs
	// Note that we use frequencies here instead of cardinalities, and the resulting frequency
	// is a fraction of the cardinality of the cartesian product

	CDouble freq_intersect1 = ratio1 * m_frequency;
	CDouble freq_intersect2 = ratio2 * bucket->m_frequency;

	CDouble distinct_max(
		std::max(ratio1.Get() * m_distinct.Get(),
				 ratio2.Get() * bucket->GetNumDistinct().Get()));
	CDouble frequency_new(distinct_max == CDouble(0)
							  ? 0
							  : freq_intersect1 * freq_intersect2 *
									DOUBLE(1.0) / distinct_max);


	*result_freq_intersect1 = freq_intersect1;
	*result_freq_intersect2 = freq_intersect2;

	return GPOS_NEW(mp)
		CBucket(lower_new, upper_new, lower_new_is_closed, upper_new_is_closed,
				frequency_new, distinct_new);

//	@function:
//		CBucket::Width
//	@doc:
//		Width of bucket
CBucket::Width() const
	if (IsSingleton())
		return CDouble(1.0);
		return m_bucket_upper_bound->Distance(m_bucket_lower_bound);

//	@function:
//		CBucket::Difference
//	@doc:
//		Remove a bucket range. This produces an upper and lower split either
//		of which may be NULL.
CBucket::Difference(CMemoryPool *mp, CBucket *bucket_other,
					CBucket **result_bucket_lower,
					CBucket **result_bucket_upper)
	// we shouldn't be overwriting anything important
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr == *result_bucket_lower);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr == *result_bucket_upper);

	// if other bucket subsumes this bucket, then result is NULL, NULL
	if (bucket_other->Subsumes(this))
		*result_bucket_lower = nullptr;
		*result_bucket_upper = nullptr;

	// if this bucket is below the other bucket, then return this, NULL
	if (this->IsBefore(bucket_other))
		*result_bucket_lower = this->MakeBucketCopy(mp);
		*result_bucket_upper = nullptr;

	// if other bucket is "below" this bucket, then return NULL, this
	if (bucket_other->IsBefore(this))
		*result_bucket_lower = nullptr;
		*result_bucket_upper = this->MakeBucketCopy(mp);

	// if other bucket's LB is after this bucket's LB, then we get a valid first split
	if (this->GetLowerBound()->IsLessThan(bucket_other->GetLowerBound()))
		*result_bucket_lower = this->MakeBucketScaleUpper(
			mp, bucket_other->GetLowerBound(), !bucket_other->IsLowerClosed());

	// if other bucket's UB is lesser than this bucket's LB, then we get a valid split
	if (bucket_other->GetUpperBound()->IsLessThan(this->GetUpperBound()))
		*result_bucket_upper = this->MakeBucketScaleLower(
			mp, bucket_other->GetUpperBound(), !bucket_other->IsUpperClosed());


//	@function:
//		CBucket::IsBefore
//	@doc:
//		Does this bucket occur before other? E.g. [1,2) is before [3,4)
CBucket::IsBefore(const CBucket *bucket) const
	if (this->Intersects(bucket))
		return false;

	return this->GetUpperBound()->IsLessThanOrEqual(bucket->GetLowerBound());

//	@function:
//		CBucket::IsAfter
//	@doc:
//		Does this bucket occur after other? E.g. [2,4) is after [1,2)
CBucket::IsAfter(const CBucket *bucket) const
	if (this->Intersects(bucket))
		return false;

	return this->GetLowerBound()->IsGreaterThanOrEqual(bucket->GetUpperBound());

// SplitAndMergeBuckets works in tandem with MakeUnionHistogramNormalize/
// MakeUnionAllHistogramNormalize which takes two histogram bucket arrays and
// combines it into a one merged histogram bucket array.
// Given two incoming buckets, this function only returns a merged bucket
// if the incoming buckets have the same lower bound. Otherwise, it returns
// the lowest bucket to be added to the final histogram buckets array.
// Example 1:
// bucket 1        |-------------|
// bucket 2                 |-------------|
// The lower bounds do not match, so we break down the lower bucket
//   return        |--------| (all from bucket 1)
//   bucket_new1            |----| (all from bucket 1)
//   bucket_new2            |-------------| (the original bucket 2)
// Example 2:
// bucket 1        |----|
// bucket 2        |-------------|
// The lower bounds do match, so we merge the information from both buckets
// and return the leftover in the corresponding bucket
//   return        |----| (merged results from bucket 1 and bucket 2)
//   bucket_new1       NULL
//   bucket_new2        |-------| (all from bucket 2)
//                                          return    bucket_new1  bucket_new2
//  merge of [1,100) and [50,150) produces  [1, 50)   [50,100)     [50, 150)
//  merge of [1,100) and [50,75)  produces  [1, 50)   [50,100)     [50, 75)
//  merge of [1,1)   and [1,1)    produces  [1,1)     NULL         NULL
//  merge of [1,100) and [1,50)   produces  [1, 50)   [50,100)     NULL
//  merge of [5,50)  and [1,50)   produces  [1, 5)    [5,50)       [5,50)
//  merge of [1,1]   and [1,50)   produces  [1,1]     NULL         (1, 50)
//  merge of [1,5]   and [1,20)   produces  [1,5)     NULL         [5, 20)
//  merge of [1,5]   and [1,5)    produces  [1,5)     [5,5]        NULL
//  merge of [1,5]   and (1,5)    produces  [1,1]     (1,5]        (1,5)
// When creating splitting/creating new buckets, this method defaults to closed
// lower bounds and open upper bounds.
// Assumption: For frequency calculation of merged buckets, we assume that the rows in each table
// are distinct. We also assume that one of the tables is a subset of the other.

CBucket *
	CMemoryPool *mp, CBucket *bucket_other,
	CDouble rows,			// total rows coming in for this histogram
	CDouble rows_other,		// total rows coming in for the other histogram
	CBucket **bucket_new1,	// return value: the residual from this bucket
	CBucket **bucket_new2,	// return value: the residual from bucket_other
	CDouble *
		result_rows,  // return value: output rows used to calculate merge bucket freq
	BOOL is_union_all)
	// should only be called on intersecting bucket

	// we shouldn't be overwriting anything important
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr == *bucket_new1);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr == *bucket_new2);

	// Given something like this, we calculate minLower, maxLower, minUpper, maxUpper
	// this            |-------------|
	// bucket_other             |-------------|
	// will turn into:
	//   lower         |--------|
	//             minLower   maxLower
	//   mid                    |----|
	//                    maxLower   minUpper
	//   upper                       |--------|
	//                           minUpper    maxUpper

	CPoint *minLower = CPoint::MinPoint(
		this->GetLowerBound(), bucket_other->GetLowerBound());	// lowest point
	CPoint *maxLower =
		CPoint::MaxPoint(this->GetLowerBound(), bucket_other->GetLowerBound());
	CPoint *minUpper =
		CPoint::MinPoint(this->GetUpperBound(), bucket_other->GetUpperBound());
	CPoint *maxUpper = CPoint::MaxPoint(
		this->GetUpperBound(), bucket_other->GetUpperBound());	// highest point

	BOOL this_singleton = this->IsSingleton();
	BOOL other_singleton = bucket_other->IsSingleton();

	CDouble this_bucket_rows = this->GetFrequency() * rows;
	CDouble bucket_other_rows = bucket_other->GetFrequency() * rows_other;
	CDouble total_rows = std::max(rows, rows_other);

	if (is_union_all)
		total_rows = rows + rows_other;

	// special case when both are singleton
	if (this_singleton && other_singleton)
		CDouble freq =
			std::max(this_bucket_rows, bucket_other_rows) / total_rows;
		if (is_union_all)
			freq =
						 (this_bucket_rows + bucket_other_rows) / total_rows);

		*result_rows = total_rows;
		return GPOS_NEW(mp)
			CBucket(minLower, maxUpper, true, true, freq, CDouble(1.0) /*ndv*/);

	CBucket *lower_third = nullptr;
	// if the two lower bounds are not the same, or the two bounds have the
	// same value but both are not closed/open, then return the lower bucket
	if (!minLower->Equals(maxLower) ||
		(minLower->Equals(maxLower) &&
		 this->IsLowerClosed() != bucket_other->IsLowerClosed()))
		BOOL include_upper = false;
		if (minLower->Equals(maxLower))
			// cases like [1,5) & (1,5) ==> [1,1] & (1,5)
			include_upper = true;
		// [1,5] & [5,5] ==> [1,5) & [5,5]
		// or [1, 10) & [5, 20) ==> [1,5) & [5,10) & [10,20)
		// return [1,5) as a residual
		if ((!minLower->Equals(maxLower) &&
			 this->GetLowerBound()->Equals(minLower)) ||
			(minLower->Equals(maxLower) && this->IsLowerClosed()))
			CDouble lower_percent =
				this->GetOverlapPercentage(maxLower, false /*include_point*/);
			*result_rows = rows;
			CDouble lower_freq = this->GetFrequency() * lower_percent;
			CDouble lower_ndv = this->GetNumDistinct() * lower_percent;
			if (is_union_all)
				lower_freq = (lower_freq * rows) / total_rows;
				*result_rows = total_rows;

			lower_third = GPOS_NEW(mp)
				CBucket(this->GetLowerBound(), maxLower, this->IsLowerClosed(),
						include_upper, lower_freq, lower_ndv);

			// use the width the scale the buckets down instead of using
			// the default ndv
			*bucket_new1 = this->MakeBucketScaleLower(
				mp, maxLower, !include_upper /*include_lower*/);
			*bucket_new2 = bucket_other->MakeBucketCopy(mp);
			return lower_third;
			CDouble lower_percent = bucket_other->GetOverlapPercentage(
				maxLower, false /*include_point*/);
			*result_rows = rows_other;
			CDouble lower_freq = bucket_other->GetFrequency() * lower_percent;
			CDouble lower_ndv = bucket_other->GetNumDistinct() * lower_percent;
			if (is_union_all)
				lower_freq = (lower_freq * rows_other) / total_rows;
				*result_rows = total_rows;

			lower_third =
				GPOS_NEW(mp) CBucket(bucket_other->GetLowerBound(), maxLower,
									 include_upper, lower_freq, lower_ndv);

			*bucket_new2 = bucket_other->MakeBucketScaleLower(
				mp, maxLower, !include_upper /*include_lower*/);
			*bucket_new1 = this->MakeBucketCopy(mp);
			return lower_third;

	// if we reach here, then the two lower bounds must be the same
	GPOS_ASSERT(this->IsLowerClosed() == bucket_other->IsLowerClosed());
	// one bucket will always be completely encapsulated by the other
	CDouble this_overlap(1.0);
	CDouble bucket_other_overlap(1.0);
	CBucket *upper_third = nullptr;
	if (!minUpper->Equals(maxUpper))
		// [1,1] & [1,5) ==> [1,1] & (1,5)
		// return (1,5) as upper_third
		// [3,3] & [3, 5) ==> [3,3] & (3,5)
		// return (3,5) as upper_third
		if (this_singleton)
			upper_third = bucket_other->MakeBucketScaleLower(
				mp, minUpper, false /*include_lower*/);
			bucket_other_overlap = bucket_other->GetOverlapPercentage(
				minUpper, true /*include_point*/);
		else if (other_singleton)
			upper_third = this->MakeBucketScaleLower(mp, minUpper,
													 false /*include_lower*/);
			this_overlap =
				this->GetOverlapPercentage(minUpper, true /*include_point*/);

		// [1, 10) & [1, 20) ==> [1,10) & [10,20)
		// return [10,20) as upper_third
		else if (this->GetUpperBound()->Equals(maxUpper))
			upper_third = this->MakeBucketScaleLower(mp, minUpper,
													 true /*include_lower*/);
			this_overlap =
				this->GetOverlapPercentage(minUpper, false /*include_point*/);
			GPOS_ASSERT(this_overlap * this->GetFrequency() +
							upper_third->GetFrequency() <=
						this->GetFrequency() + CStatistics::Epsilon);
			upper_third = bucket_other->MakeBucketScaleLower(
				mp, minUpper, true /*include_lower*/);
			bucket_other_overlap = bucket_other->GetOverlapPercentage(
				minUpper, false /*include_point*/);
			GPOS_ASSERT(bucket_other_overlap * bucket_other->GetFrequency() +
							upper_third->GetFrequency() <=
						bucket_other->GetFrequency() + CStatistics::Epsilon);
		// the buckets have the same bounds, now check for closed bounds
		// to determine the upper_third bucket
		// [1,5] & [1,5)
		if (this->IsUpperClosed() && !bucket_other->IsUpperClosed())
			upper_third = this->MakeBucketScaleLower(mp, minUpper,
													 true /*include_lower*/);
			this_overlap =
				this->GetOverlapPercentage(minUpper, false /*include_point*/);
			GPOS_ASSERT(this_overlap * this->GetFrequency() +
							upper_third->GetFrequency() <=
						this->GetFrequency() + CStatistics::Epsilon);
		else if (bucket_other->IsUpperClosed() && !this->IsUpperClosed())
			upper_third = bucket_other->MakeBucketScaleLower(
				mp, minUpper, true /*include_lower*/);
			bucket_other_overlap = bucket_other->GetOverlapPercentage(
				minUpper, false /*include_point*/);
			GPOS_ASSERT(bucket_other_overlap * bucket_other->GetFrequency() +
							upper_third->GetFrequency() <=
						bucket_other->GetFrequency() + CStatistics::Epsilon);
		// the buckets are completely identical
		// [1,5) & [1,5) OR (1,5] & (1,5] OR [1,5] & [1,5]
			GPOS_ASSERT(this->IsLowerClosed() == bucket_other->IsLowerClosed());
			GPOS_ASSERT(this->IsUpperClosed() == bucket_other->IsUpperClosed());

	// Calculate merged which is a combination from both buckets
	// [1, 10) & [1, 20) ==> [1,10) & [10,20)
	// create the merged [1,10) bucket
	// [1, 10) & [1, 10] ==> [1,10) & [10,10]
	CBucket *middle_third = nullptr;
	CDouble merged_rows_this = this_bucket_rows * this_overlap;
	CDouble merged_rows_other = bucket_other_rows * bucket_other_overlap;
	CDouble merged_ndv_this = this->GetNumDistinct() * this_overlap;
	CDouble merged_ndv_other =
		bucket_other->GetNumDistinct() * bucket_other_overlap;

	// combine the two (and deal with union all)
	CDouble merged_freq(0.0);
	CDouble merged_ndv(0.0);

	// union all freq:
	if (is_union_all)
		GPOS_ASSERT(merged_rows_this + merged_rows_other <= total_rows);
		merged_freq = std::min(
			CDouble(1.0), (merged_rows_this + merged_rows_other) / total_rows);
		merged_freq = std::min(
			std::max(merged_rows_this, merged_rows_other) / total_rows);

	BOOL isLowerClosed = this->IsLowerClosed() || bucket_other->IsLowerClosed();
	BOOL isUpperClosed = false;
	// here we assume that there is no overlap between the two ndvs
	CDouble merged_ndv_high = merged_ndv_this + merged_ndv_other;
	// if the bucket is double mappable, then there could be any number
	// of distinct values regardless of size of bucket
	CDouble max_merged_ndv = (CDouble) gpos::ulong_max;
	if (minUpper->GetDatum()->IsDatumMappableToLINT())
		// if it is lint mappable the max ndv value is the width
		// of the new bucket
		max_merged_ndv =
			minUpper->Width(maxLower, isLowerClosed, isUpperClosed);
	merged_ndv = std::min(max_merged_ndv, merged_ndv_high);

	// if we are recreating a singleton bucket with new stats, update the upper bound
	if (this_singleton || other_singleton)
		isUpperClosed = true;
		merged_ndv = CDouble(1.0);

	// create the merged bucket
	middle_third = GPOS_NEW(mp) CBucket(maxLower, minUpper, isLowerClosed,
										isUpperClosed, merged_freq, merged_ndv);

	if (nullptr != upper_third)
		if (upper_third->GetUpperBound()->Equals(this->GetUpperBound()) &&
			upper_third->IsUpperClosed() == this->IsUpperClosed())
			*bucket_new1 = upper_third;

			// FIXME: These asserts currently trigger for some queries,
			// such as TPC-DS query 72
			// GPOS_ASSERT_IMP(is_union_all,
			//				middle_third->GetFrequency() * total_rows +
			//						upper_third->GetFrequency() * rows <=
			//					this_bucket_rows + bucket_other_rows +
			//						CStatistics::Epsilon);
			*bucket_new2 = upper_third;

			// FIXME: These asserts currently trigger for some queries,
			// such as TPC-DS query 72
			// GPOS_ASSERT_IMP(is_union_all,
			//				middle_third->GetFrequency() * total_rows +
			//						upper_third->GetFrequency() * rows_other <=
			//					this_bucket_rows + bucket_other_rows +
			//						CStatistics::Epsilon);
		// there is only one bucket
		GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr == upper_third);
			middle_third->GetFrequency() * total_rows <=
				this_bucket_rows + bucket_other_rows + CStatistics::Epsilon);

	*result_rows = total_rows;
	return middle_third;

//	@function:
//		CBucket::GetSample
//	@doc:
//		Generate a random data point within bucket boundaries
CBucket::GetSample(ULONG *seed) const

	DOUBLE lower_val = m_bucket_lower_bound->GetDatum()->GetValAsDouble().Get();
	if (IsSingleton())
		return CDouble(lower_val);

	DOUBLE upper_val = m_bucket_upper_bound->GetDatum()->GetValAsDouble().Get();
	DOUBLE rand_val = ((DOUBLE) clib::Rand(seed)) / RAND_MAX;

	return CDouble(lower_val + rand_val * (upper_val - lower_val));

//	@function:
//		CBucket::MakeBucketSingleton
//	@doc:
//		Create a new singleton bucket with the given datum as it lower
//		and upper bounds
CBucket *
CBucket::MakeBucketSingleton(CMemoryPool *mp, IDatum *datum)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != datum);


	return GPOS_NEW(mp)
		CBucket(GPOS_NEW(mp) CPoint(datum), GPOS_NEW(mp) CPoint(datum),
				true /* is_lower_closed */, true /* is_upper_closed */,
				CDouble(1.0), CDouble(1.0));

// EOF


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn CFilterStatsProcessor 源码

greenplumn CGroupByStatsProcessor 源码

greenplumn CHistogram 源码

greenplumn CInnerJoinStatsProcessor 源码

greenplumn CJoinStatsProcessor 源码

greenplumn CLeftAntiSemiJoinStatsProcessor 源码

greenplumn CLeftOuterJoinStatsProcessor 源码

greenplumn CLeftSemiJoinStatsProcessor 源码

greenplumn CLimitStatsProcessor 源码

greenplumn CPoint 源码

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