hadoop PathData 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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haddop PathData 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.fs.shell;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathIOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathIsDirectoryException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathIsNotDirectoryException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathNotFoundException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RemoteIterator;

import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.Options.OpenFileOptions.FS_OPTION_OPENFILE_READ_POLICY;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.Options.OpenFileOptions.FS_OPTION_OPENFILE_READ_POLICY_SEQUENTIAL;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.Options.OpenFileOptions.FS_OPTION_OPENFILE_LENGTH;
import static org.apache.hadoop.util.functional.FutureIO.awaitFuture;
import static org.apache.hadoop.util.functional.RemoteIterators.mappingRemoteIterator;

 * Encapsulates a Path (path), its FileStatus (stat), and its FileSystem (fs).
 * PathData ensures that the returned path string will be the same as the
 * one passed in during initialization (unlike Path objects which can
 * modify the path string).
 * The stat field will be null if the path does not exist.

public class PathData implements Comparable<PathData> {
  protected final URI uri;
  public final FileSystem fs;
  public final Path path;
  public FileStatus stat;
  public boolean exists;

  /* True if the URI scheme was not present in the pathString but inferred.
  private boolean inferredSchemeFromPath = false;

   *  Pre-compiled regular expressions to detect path formats.
  private static final Pattern potentialUri =
  private static final Pattern windowsNonUriAbsolutePath1 =
  private static final Pattern windowsNonUriAbsolutePath2 =

   * Creates an object to wrap the given parameters as fields.  The string
   * used to create the path will be recorded since the Path object does not
   * return exactly the same string used to initialize it
   * @param pathString a string for a path
   * @param conf the configuration file
   * @throws IOException if anything goes wrong...
  public PathData(String pathString, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    this(FileSystem.get(stringToUri(pathString), conf), pathString);
   * Creates an object to wrap the given parameters as fields.  The string
   * used to create the path will be recorded since the Path object does not
   * return exactly the same string used to initialize it
   * @param localPath a local URI
   * @param conf the configuration file
   * @throws IOException if anything goes wrong...
  public PathData(URI localPath, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    this(FileSystem.getLocal(conf), localPath.getPath());

   * Looks up the file status for a path.  If the path
   * doesn't exist, then the status will be null
   * @param fs the FileSystem for the path
   * @param pathString a string for a path 
   * @throws IOException if anything goes wrong
  private PathData(FileSystem fs, String pathString) throws IOException {
    this(fs, pathString, lookupStat(fs, pathString, true));

   * Validates the given Windows path.
   * @param pathString a String of the path supplied by the user.
   * @return true if the URI scheme was not present in the pathString but
   * inferred; false, otherwise.
   * @throws IOException if anything goes wrong
  private static boolean checkIfSchemeInferredFromPath(String pathString)
  throws IOException
    if (windowsNonUriAbsolutePath1.matcher(pathString).find()) {
      // Forward slashes disallowed in a backslash-separated path.
      if (pathString.indexOf('/') != -1) {
        throw new IOException("Invalid path string " + pathString);

      return true;

    // Is it a forward slash-separated absolute path?
    if (windowsNonUriAbsolutePath2.matcher(pathString).find()) {
      return true;

    // Does it look like a URI? If so then just leave it alone.
    if (potentialUri.matcher(pathString).find()) {
      return false;

    // Looks like a relative path on Windows.
    return false;

   * Creates an object to wrap the given parameters as fields.  The string
   * used to create the path will be recorded since the Path object does not
   * return exactly the same string used to initialize it.
   * @param fs the FileSystem
   * @param pathString a String of the path
   * @param stat the FileStatus (may be null if the path doesn't exist)
  private PathData(FileSystem fs, String pathString, FileStatus stat)
  throws IOException {
    this.fs = fs;
    this.uri = stringToUri(pathString);
    this.path = fs.makeQualified(new Path(uri));

    if (Path.WINDOWS) {
      inferredSchemeFromPath = checkIfSchemeInferredFromPath(pathString);

  // need a static method for the ctor above
   * Get the FileStatus info
   * @param ignoreFNF if true, stat will be null if the path doesn't exist
   * @return FileStatus for the given path
   * @throws IOException if anything goes wrong
  private static
  FileStatus lookupStat(FileSystem fs, String pathString, boolean ignoreFNF)
  throws IOException {
    FileStatus status = null;
    try {
      status = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(pathString));
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      if (!ignoreFNF) throw new PathNotFoundException(pathString);
    // TODO: should consider wrapping other exceptions into Path*Exceptions
    return status;
  private void setStat(FileStatus stat) {
    this.stat = stat;
    exists = (stat != null);

   * Updates the paths's file status
   * @return the updated FileStatus
   * @throws IOException if anything goes wrong...
  public FileStatus refreshStatus() throws IOException {
    FileStatus status = null;
    try {
      status = lookupStat(fs, toString(), false);
    } finally {
      // always set the status.  the caller must get the correct result
      // if it catches the exception and later interrogates the status
    return status;

  protected enum FileTypeRequirement {

   * Ensure that the file exists and if it is or is not a directory
   * @param typeRequirement Set it to the desired requirement.
   * @throws PathIOException if file doesn't exist or the type does not match
   * what was specified in typeRequirement.
  private void checkIfExists(FileTypeRequirement typeRequirement) 
  throws PathIOException {
    if (!exists) {
      throw new PathNotFoundException(toString());      

    if ((typeRequirement == FileTypeRequirement.SHOULD_BE_DIRECTORY)
       && !stat.isDirectory()) {
      throw new PathIsNotDirectoryException(toString());
    } else if ((typeRequirement == FileTypeRequirement.SHOULD_NOT_BE_DIRECTORY)
              && stat.isDirectory()) {
      throw new PathIsDirectoryException(toString());
   * Returns a new PathData with the given extension.
   * @param extension for the suffix
   * @return PathData
   * @throws IOException shouldn't happen
  public PathData suffix(String extension) throws IOException {
    return new PathData(fs, this+extension);

   * Test if the parent directory exists
   * @return boolean indicating parent exists
   * @throws IOException upon unexpected error
  public boolean parentExists() throws IOException {
    return representsDirectory()
        ? fs.exists(path) : fs.exists(path.getParent());

   * Check if the path represents a directory as determined by the basename
   * being "." or "..", or the path ending with a directory separator 
   * @return boolean if this represents a directory
  public boolean representsDirectory() {
    String uriPath = uri.getPath();
    String name = uriPath.substring(uriPath.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
    // Path will munch off the chars that indicate a dir, so there's no way
    // to perform this test except by examining the raw basename we maintain
    return (name.isEmpty() || name.equals(".") || name.equals(".."));
   * Returns a list of PathData objects of the items contained in the given
   * directory.
   * @return list of PathData objects for its children
   * @throws IOException if anything else goes wrong...
  public PathData[] getDirectoryContents() throws IOException {
    FileStatus[] stats = fs.listStatus(path);
    PathData[] items = new PathData[stats.length];
    for (int i=0; i < stats.length; i++) {
      // preserve relative paths
      String child = getStringForChildPath(stats[i].getPath());
      items[i] = new PathData(fs, child, stats[i]);
    return items;

   * Returns a RemoteIterator for PathData objects of the items contained in the
   * given directory.
   * @return remote iterator of PathData objects for its children
   * @throws IOException if anything else goes wrong...
  public RemoteIterator<PathData> getDirectoryContentsIterator()
      throws IOException {
    final RemoteIterator<FileStatus> stats = this.fs.listStatusIterator(path);
    return mappingRemoteIterator(stats,
        file -> new PathData(fs, getStringForChildPath(file.getPath()), file));

   * Creates a new object for a child entry in this directory
   * @param child the basename will be appended to this object's path
   * @return PathData for the child
   * @throws IOException if this object does not exist or is not a directory
  public PathData getPathDataForChild(PathData child) throws IOException {
    return new PathData(fs, getStringForChildPath(child.path));

   * Given a child of this directory, use the directory's path and the child's
   * basename to construct the string to the child.  This preserves relative
   * paths since Path will fully qualify.
   * @param childPath a path contained within this directory
   * @return String of the path relative to this directory
  private String getStringForChildPath(Path childPath) {
    String basename = childPath.getName();
    if (Path.CUR_DIR.equals(toString())) {
      return basename;
    // check getPath() so scheme slashes aren't considered part of the path
    String separator = uri.getPath().endsWith(Path.SEPARATOR)
        ? "" : Path.SEPARATOR;
    return uriToString(uri, inferredSchemeFromPath) + separator + basename;
   * Expand the given path as a glob pattern.  Non-existent paths do not
   * throw an exception because creation commands like touch and mkdir need
   * to create them.  The "stat" field will be null if the path does not
   * exist.
   * @param pattern the pattern to expand as a glob
   * @param conf the hadoop configuration
   * @return list of {@link PathData} objects.  if the pattern is not a glob,
   * and does not exist, the list will contain a single PathData with a null
   * stat 
   * @throws IOException anything else goes wrong...
  public static PathData[] expandAsGlob(String pattern, Configuration conf)
  throws IOException {
    Path globPath = new Path(pattern);
    FileSystem fs = globPath.getFileSystem(conf);    
    FileStatus[] stats = fs.globStatus(globPath);
    PathData[] items = null;
    if (stats == null) {
      // remove any quoting in the glob pattern
      pattern = pattern.replaceAll("\\\\(.)", "$1");
      // not a glob & file not found, so add the path with a null stat
      items = new PathData[]{ new PathData(fs, pattern, null) };
    } else {
      // figure out what type of glob path was given, will convert globbed
      // paths to match the type to preserve relativity
      PathType globType;
      URI globUri = globPath.toUri();
      if (globUri.getScheme() != null) {
        globType = PathType.HAS_SCHEME;
      } else if (!globUri.getPath().isEmpty() &&
                 new Path(globUri.getPath()).isAbsolute()) {
        globType = PathType.SCHEMELESS_ABSOLUTE;
      } else {
        globType = PathType.RELATIVE;

      // convert stats to PathData
      items = new PathData[stats.length];
      int i=0;
      for (FileStatus stat : stats) {
        URI matchUri = stat.getPath().toUri();
        String globMatch = null;
        switch (globType) {
          case HAS_SCHEME: // use as-is, but remove authority if necessary
            if (globUri.getAuthority() == null) {
              matchUri = removeAuthority(matchUri);
            globMatch = uriToString(matchUri, false);
          case SCHEMELESS_ABSOLUTE: // take just the uri's path
            globMatch = matchUri.getPath();
          case RELATIVE: // make it relative to the current working dir
            URI cwdUri = fs.getWorkingDirectory().toUri();
            globMatch = relativize(cwdUri, matchUri, stat.isDirectory());
        items[i++] = new PathData(fs, globMatch, stat);
    return items;

  private static URI removeAuthority(URI uri) {
    try {
      uri = new URI(
          uri.getScheme(), "",
          uri.getPath(), uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment()
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getLocalizedMessage());
    return uri;
  private static String relativize(URI cwdUri, URI srcUri, boolean isDir) {
    String uriPath = srcUri.getPath();
    String cwdPath = cwdUri.getPath();
    if (cwdPath.equals(uriPath)) {
      return Path.CUR_DIR;

    // find common ancestor
    int lastSep = findLongestDirPrefix(cwdPath, uriPath, isDir);
    StringBuilder relPath = new StringBuilder();    
    // take the remaining path fragment after the ancestor
    if (lastSep < uriPath.length()) {

    // if cwd has a path fragment after the ancestor, convert them to ".."
    if (lastSep < cwdPath.length()) {
      while (lastSep != -1) {
        if (relPath.length() != 0) relPath.insert(0, Path.SEPARATOR);
        relPath.insert(0, "..");
        lastSep = cwdPath.indexOf(Path.SEPARATOR, lastSep+1);
    return relPath.toString();

  private static int findLongestDirPrefix(String cwd, String path, boolean isDir) {
    // add the path separator to dirs to simplify finding the longest match
    if (!cwd.endsWith(Path.SEPARATOR)) {
      cwd += Path.SEPARATOR;
    if (isDir && !path.endsWith(Path.SEPARATOR)) {
      path += Path.SEPARATOR;

    // find longest directory prefix 
    int len = Math.min(cwd.length(), path.length());
    int lastSep = -1;
    for (int i=0; i < len; i++) {
      if (cwd.charAt(i) != path.charAt(i)) break;
      if (cwd.charAt(i) == Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR) lastSep = i;
    return lastSep;
   * Returns the printable version of the path that is either the path
   * as given on the commandline, or the full path
   * @return String of the path
  public String toString() {
    return uriToString(uri, inferredSchemeFromPath);
  private static String uriToString(URI uri, boolean inferredSchemeFromPath) {
    String scheme = uri.getScheme();
    // No interpretation of symbols. Just decode % escaped chars.
    String decodedRemainder = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart();

    // Drop the scheme if it was inferred to ensure fidelity between
    // the input and output path strings.
    if ((scheme == null) || (inferredSchemeFromPath)) {
      if (Path.isWindowsAbsolutePath(decodedRemainder, true)) {
        // Strip the leading '/' added in stringToUri so users see a valid
        // Windows path.
        decodedRemainder = decodedRemainder.substring(1);
      return decodedRemainder;
    } else {
      StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
      return buffer.toString();
   * Get the path to a local file
   * @return File representing the local path
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if this.fs is not the LocalFileSystem
  public File toFile() {
    if (!(fs instanceof LocalFileSystem)) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a local path: " + path);
    return ((LocalFileSystem)fs).pathToFile(path);

  /** Normalize the given Windows path string. This does the following:
   *    1. Adds "file:" scheme for absolute paths.
   *    2. Ensures the scheme-specific part starts with '/' per RFC2396.
   *    3. Replaces backslash path separators with forward slashes.
   *    @param pathString Path string supplied by the user.
   *    @return normalized absolute path string. Returns the input string
   *            if it is not a Windows absolute path.
  private static String normalizeWindowsPath(String pathString)
  throws IOException
    if (!Path.WINDOWS) {
      return pathString;

    boolean slashed =
        ((pathString.length() >= 1) && (pathString.charAt(0) == '/'));

    // Is it a backslash-separated absolute path?
    if (windowsNonUriAbsolutePath1.matcher(pathString).find()) {
      // Forward slashes disallowed in a backslash-separated path.
      if (pathString.indexOf('/') != -1) {
        throw new IOException("Invalid path string " + pathString);

      pathString = pathString.replace('\\', '/');
      return "file:" + (slashed ? "" : "/") + pathString;

    // Is it a forward slash-separated absolute path?
    if (windowsNonUriAbsolutePath2.matcher(pathString).find()) {
      return "file:" + (slashed ? "" : "/") + pathString;

    // Is it a backslash-separated relative file path (no scheme and
    // no drive-letter specifier)?
    if ((pathString.indexOf(':') == -1) && (pathString.indexOf('\\') != -1)) {
      pathString = pathString.replace('\\', '/');

    return pathString;

  /** Construct a URI from a String with unescaped special characters
   *  that have non-standard semantics. e.g. /, ?, #. A custom parsing
   *  is needed to prevent misbehavior.
   *  @param pathString The input path in string form
   *  @return URI
  private static URI stringToUri(String pathString) throws IOException {
    // We can't use 'new URI(String)' directly. Since it doesn't do quoting
    // internally, the internal parser may fail or break the string at wrong
    // places. Use of multi-argument ctors will quote those chars for us,
    // but we need to do our own parsing and assembly.
    // parse uri components
    String scheme = null;
    String authority = null;
    int start = 0;

    pathString = normalizeWindowsPath(pathString);

    // parse uri scheme, if any
    int colon = pathString.indexOf(':');
    int slash = pathString.indexOf('/');
    if (colon > 0 && (slash == colon +1)) {
      // has a non zero-length scheme
      scheme = pathString.substring(0, colon);
      start = colon + 1;

    // parse uri authority, if any
    if (pathString.startsWith("//", start) &&
        (pathString.length()-start > 2)) {
      start += 2;
      int nextSlash = pathString.indexOf('/', start);
      int authEnd = nextSlash > 0 ? nextSlash : pathString.length();
      authority = pathString.substring(start, authEnd);
      start = authEnd;
    // uri path is the rest of the string. ? or # are not interpreted,
    // but any occurrence of them will be quoted by the URI ctor.
    String path = pathString.substring(start, pathString.length());

    // Construct the URI
    try {
      return new URI(scheme, authority, path, null, null);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);

  public int compareTo(PathData o) {
    return path.compareTo(o.path);
  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    return (o != null) &&
           (o instanceof PathData) &&
  public int hashCode() {
    return path.hashCode();

   * Open a file for sequential IO.
   * <p>
   * This uses FileSystem.openFile() to request sequential IO;
   * the file status is also passed in.
   * Filesystems may use to optimize their IO.
   * </p>
   * @return an input stream
   * @throws IOException failure
  protected FSDataInputStream openForSequentialIO()
      throws IOException {

   * Open a file.
   * @param policy fadvise policy.
   * @return an input stream
   * @throws IOException failure
  protected FSDataInputStream openFile(final String policy) throws IOException {
    return awaitFuture(fs.openFile(path)
            stat.getLen())   // file length hint for object stores


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