greenplumn CXformExploration 源码

  • 2022-08-18
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greenplumn CXformExploration 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2011 EMC Corp.
//	@filename:
//		CXformExploration.h
//	@doc:
//		Base class for exploration transforms
#ifndef GPOPT_CXformExploration_H
#define GPOPT_CXformExploration_H

#include "gpos/base.h"

#include "gpopt/xforms/CXform.h"

namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;

//	@class:
//		CXformExploration
//	@doc:
//		Base class for all explorations
class CXformExploration : public CXform
	CXformExploration(const CXformExploration &) = delete;

	// ctor
	explicit CXformExploration(CExpression *pexpr);

	// dtor
	~CXformExploration() override;

	// type of operator
	FExploration() const override
		GPOS_ASSERT(!FSubstitution() && !FImplementation());
		return true;

	// is transformation a subquery unnesting (Subquery To Apply) xform?
	virtual BOOL
	FSubqueryUnnesting() const
		return false;

	// is transformation an Apply decorrelation (Apply To Join) xform?
	virtual BOOL
	FApplyDecorrelating() const
		return false;

	// do stats need to be computed before applying xform?
	virtual BOOL
	FNeedsStats() const
		return false;

	// conversion function
	static CXformExploration *
	Pxformexp(CXform *pxform)
		GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pxform);

		return dynamic_cast<CXformExploration *>(pxform);

};	// class CXformExploration

}  // namespace gpopt

#endif	// !GPOPT_CXformExploration_H

// EOF


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