greenplumn auth-scram 源码

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greenplumn auth-scram 代码


 * auth-scram.c
 *	  Server-side implementation of the SASL SCRAM-SHA-256 mechanism.
 * See the following RFCs for more details:
 * - RFC 5802:
 * - RFC 5803:
 * - RFC 7677:
 * Here are some differences:
 * - Username from the authentication exchange is not used. The client
 *	 should send an empty string as the username.
 * - If the password isn't valid UTF-8, or contains characters prohibited
 *	 by the SASLprep profile, we skip the SASLprep pre-processing and use
 *	 the raw bytes in calculating the hash.
 * - If channel binding is used, the channel binding type is always
 *	 "tls-server-end-point".  The spec says the default is "tls-unique"
 *	 (RFC 5802, section 6.1. Default Channel Binding), but there are some
 *	 problems with that.  Firstly, not all SSL libraries provide an API to
 *	 get the TLS Finished message, required to use "tls-unique".  Secondly,
 *	 "tls-unique" is not specified for TLS v1.3, and as of this writing,
 *	 it's not clear if there will be a replacement.  We could support both
 *	 "tls-server-end-point" and "tls-unique", but for our use case,
 *	 "tls-unique" doesn't really have any advantages.  The main advantage
 *	 of "tls-unique" would be that it works even if the server doesn't
 *	 have a certificate, but PostgreSQL requires a server certificate
 *	 whenever SSL is used, anyway.
 * The password stored in pg_authid consists of the iteration count, salt,
 * StoredKey and ServerKey.
 * SASLprep usage
 * --------------
 * One notable difference to the SCRAM specification is that while the
 * specification dictates that the password is in UTF-8, and prohibits
 * certain characters, we are more lenient.  If the password isn't a valid
 * UTF-8 string, or contains prohibited characters, the raw bytes are used
 * to calculate the hash instead, without SASLprep processing.  This is
 * because PostgreSQL supports other encodings too, and the encoding being
 * used during authentication is undefined (client_encoding isn't set until
 * after authentication).  In effect, we try to interpret the password as
 * UTF-8 and apply SASLprep processing, but if it looks invalid, we assume
 * that it's in some other encoding.
 * In the worst case, we misinterpret a password that's in a different
 * encoding as being Unicode, because it happens to consists entirely of
 * valid UTF-8 bytes, and we apply Unicode normalization to it.  As long
 * as we do that consistently, that will not lead to failed logins.
 * Fortunately, the UTF-8 byte sequences that are ignored by SASLprep
 * don't correspond to any commonly used characters in any of the other
 * supported encodings, so it should not lead to any significant loss in
 * entropy, even if the normalization is incorrectly applied to a
 * non-UTF-8 password.
 * Error handling
 * --------------
 * Don't reveal user information to an unauthenticated client.  We don't
 * want an attacker to be able to probe whether a particular username is
 * valid.  In SCRAM, the server has to read the salt and iteration count
 * from the user's password verifier, and send it to the client.  To avoid
 * revealing whether a user exists, when the client tries to authenticate
 * with a username that doesn't exist, or doesn't have a valid SCRAM
 * verifier in pg_authid, we create a fake salt and iteration count
 * on-the-fly, and proceed with the authentication with that.  In the end,
 * we'll reject the attempt, as if an incorrect password was given.  When
 * we are performing a "mock" authentication, the 'doomed' flag in
 * scram_state is set.
 * In the error messages, avoid printing strings from the client, unless
 * you check that they are pure ASCII.  We don't want an unauthenticated
 * attacker to be able to spam the logs with characters that are not valid
 * to the encoding being used, whatever that is.  We cannot avoid that in
 * general, after logging in, but let's do what we can here.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * src/backend/libpq/auth-scram.c
#include "postgres.h"

#include <unistd.h>

#include "access/xlog.h"
#include "catalog/pg_authid.h"
#include "catalog/pg_control.h"
#include "common/base64.h"
#include "common/saslprep.h"
#include "common/scram-common.h"
#include "common/sha2.h"
#include "libpq/auth.h"
#include "libpq/crypt.h"
#include "libpq/scram.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/timestamp.h"

 * Status data for a SCRAM authentication exchange.  This should be kept
 * internal to this file.
typedef enum
} scram_state_enum;

typedef struct
	scram_state_enum state;

	const char *username;		/* username from startup packet */

	Port	   *port;
	bool		channel_binding_in_use;

	int			iterations;
	char	   *salt;			/* base64-encoded */
	uint8		StoredKey[SCRAM_KEY_LEN];
	uint8		ServerKey[SCRAM_KEY_LEN];

	/* Fields of the first message from client */
	char		cbind_flag;
	char	   *client_first_message_bare;
	char	   *client_username;
	char	   *client_nonce;

	/* Fields from the last message from client */
	char	   *client_final_message_without_proof;
	char	   *client_final_nonce;
	char		ClientProof[SCRAM_KEY_LEN];

	/* Fields generated in the server */
	char	   *server_first_message;
	char	   *server_nonce;

	 * If something goes wrong during the authentication, or we are performing
	 * a "mock" authentication (see comments at top of file), the 'doomed'
	 * flag is set.  A reason for the failure, for the server log, is put in
	 * 'logdetail'.
	bool		doomed;
	char	   *logdetail;
} scram_state;

static void read_client_first_message(scram_state *state, const char *input);
static void read_client_final_message(scram_state *state, const char *input);
static char *build_server_first_message(scram_state *state);
static char *build_server_final_message(scram_state *state);
static bool verify_client_proof(scram_state *state);
static bool verify_final_nonce(scram_state *state);
static void mock_scram_verifier(const char *username, int *iterations,
								char **salt, uint8 *stored_key, uint8 *server_key);
static bool is_scram_printable(char *p);
static char *sanitize_char(char c);
static char *sanitize_str(const char *s);
static char *scram_mock_salt(const char *username);

 * pg_be_scram_get_mechanisms
 * Get a list of SASL mechanisms that this module supports.
 * For the convenience of building the FE/BE packet that lists the
 * mechanisms, the names are appended to the given StringInfo buffer,
 * separated by '\0' bytes.
pg_be_scram_get_mechanisms(Port *port, StringInfo buf)
	 * Advertise the mechanisms in decreasing order of importance.  So the
	 * channel-binding variants go first, if they are supported.  Channel
	 * binding is only supported with SSL, and only if the SSL implementation
	 * has a function to get the certificate's hash.
	if (port->ssl_in_use)
		appendStringInfoString(buf, SCRAM_SHA_256_PLUS_NAME);
		appendStringInfoChar(buf, '\0');
	appendStringInfoString(buf, SCRAM_SHA_256_NAME);
	appendStringInfoChar(buf, '\0');

 * pg_be_scram_init
 * Initialize a new SCRAM authentication exchange status tracker.  This
 * needs to be called before doing any exchange.  It will be filled later
 * after the beginning of the exchange with verifier data.
 * 'selected_mech' identifies the SASL mechanism that the client selected.
 * It should be one of the mechanisms that we support, as returned by
 * pg_be_scram_get_mechanisms().
 * 'shadow_pass' is the role's password verifier, from pg_authid.rolpassword.
 * The username was provided by the client in the startup message, and is
 * available in port->user_name.  If 'shadow_pass' is NULL, we still perform
 * an authentication exchange, but it will fail, as if an incorrect password
 * was given.
void *
pg_be_scram_init(Port *port,
				 const char *selected_mech,
				 const char *shadow_pass)
	scram_state *state;
	bool		got_verifier;

	state = (scram_state *) palloc0(sizeof(scram_state));
	state->port = port;
	state->state = SCRAM_AUTH_INIT;

	 * Parse the selected mechanism.
	 * Note that if we don't support channel binding, either because the SSL
	 * implementation doesn't support it or we're not using SSL at all, we
	 * would not have advertised the PLUS variant in the first place.  If the
	 * client nevertheless tries to select it, it's a protocol violation like
	 * selecting any other SASL mechanism we don't support.
	if (strcmp(selected_mech, SCRAM_SHA_256_PLUS_NAME) == 0 && port->ssl_in_use)
		state->channel_binding_in_use = true;
	if (strcmp(selected_mech, SCRAM_SHA_256_NAME) == 0)
		state->channel_binding_in_use = false;
				 errmsg("client selected an invalid SASL authentication mechanism")));

	 * Parse the stored password verifier.
	if (shadow_pass)
		int			password_type = get_password_type(shadow_pass);

		if (password_type == PASSWORD_TYPE_SCRAM_SHA_256)
			if (parse_scram_verifier(shadow_pass, &state->iterations, &state->salt,
									 state->StoredKey, state->ServerKey))
				got_verifier = true;
				 * The password looked like a SCRAM verifier, but could not be
				 * parsed.
						(errmsg("invalid SCRAM verifier for user \"%s\"",
				got_verifier = false;
			 * The user doesn't have SCRAM verifier. (You cannot do SCRAM
			 * authentication with an MD5 hash.)
			state->logdetail = psprintf(_("User \"%s\" does not have a valid SCRAM verifier."),
			got_verifier = false;
		 * The caller requested us to perform a dummy authentication.  This is
		 * considered normal, since the caller requested it, so don't set log
		 * detail.
		got_verifier = false;

	 * If the user did not have a valid SCRAM verifier, we still go through
	 * the motions with a mock one, and fail as if the client supplied an
	 * incorrect password.  This is to avoid revealing information to an
	 * attacker.
	if (!got_verifier)
		mock_scram_verifier(state->port->user_name, &state->iterations,
							&state->salt, state->StoredKey, state->ServerKey);
		state->doomed = true;

	return state;

 * Continue a SCRAM authentication exchange.
 * 'input' is the SCRAM payload sent by the client.  On the first call,
 * 'input' contains the "Initial Client Response" that the client sent as
 * part of the SASLInitialResponse message, or NULL if no Initial Client
 * Response was given.  (The SASL specification distinguishes between an
 * empty response and non-existing one.)  On subsequent calls, 'input'
 * cannot be NULL.  For convenience in this function, the caller must
 * ensure that there is a null terminator at input[inputlen].
 * The next message to send to client is saved in 'output', for a length
 * of 'outputlen'.  In the case of an error, optionally store a palloc'd
 * string at *logdetail that will be sent to the postmaster log (but not
 * the client).
pg_be_scram_exchange(void *opaq, const char *input, int inputlen,
					 char **output, int *outputlen, char **logdetail)
	scram_state *state = (scram_state *) opaq;
	int			result;

	*output = NULL;

	 * If the client didn't include an "Initial Client Response" in the
	 * SASLInitialResponse message, send an empty challenge, to which the
	 * client will respond with the same data that usually comes in the
	 * Initial Client Response.
	if (input == NULL)
		Assert(state->state == SCRAM_AUTH_INIT);

		*output = pstrdup("");
		*outputlen = 0;

	 * Check that the input length agrees with the string length of the input.
	 * We can ignore inputlen after this.
	if (inputlen == 0)
				 errmsg("malformed SCRAM message"),
				 errdetail("The message is empty.")));
	if (inputlen != strlen(input))
				 errmsg("malformed SCRAM message"),
				 errdetail("Message length does not match input length.")));

	switch (state->state)

			 * Initialization phase.  Receive the first message from client
			 * and be sure that it parsed correctly.  Then send the challenge
			 * to the client.
			read_client_first_message(state, input);

			/* prepare message to send challenge */
			*output = build_server_first_message(state);

			state->state = SCRAM_AUTH_SALT_SENT;


			 * Final phase for the server.  Receive the response to the
			 * challenge previously sent, verify, and let the client know that
			 * everything went well (or not).
			read_client_final_message(state, input);

			if (!verify_final_nonce(state))
						 errmsg("invalid SCRAM response"),
						 errdetail("Nonce does not match.")));

			 * Now check the final nonce and the client proof.
			 * If we performed a "mock" authentication that we knew would fail
			 * from the get go, this is where we fail.
			 * The SCRAM specification includes an error code,
			 * "invalid-proof", for authentication failure, but it also allows
			 * erroring out in an application-specific way.  We choose to do
			 * the latter, so that the error message for invalid password is
			 * the same for all authentication methods.  The caller will call
			 * ereport(), when we return SASL_EXCHANGE_FAILURE with no output.
			 * NB: the order of these checks is intentional.  We calculate the
			 * client proof even in a mock authentication, even though it's
			 * bound to fail, to thwart timing attacks to determine if a role
			 * with the given name exists or not.
			if (!verify_client_proof(state) || state->doomed)

			/* Build final message for client */
			*output = build_server_final_message(state);

			/* Success! */
			state->state = SCRAM_AUTH_FINISHED;

			elog(ERROR, "invalid SCRAM exchange state");

	if (result == SASL_EXCHANGE_FAILURE && state->logdetail && logdetail)
		*logdetail = state->logdetail;

	if (*output)
		*outputlen = strlen(*output);

	return result;

 * Construct a verifier string for SCRAM, stored in pg_authid.rolpassword.
 * The result is palloc'd, so caller is responsible for freeing it.
char *
pg_be_scram_build_verifier(const char *password)
	char	   *prep_password;
	pg_saslprep_rc rc;
	char		saltbuf[SCRAM_DEFAULT_SALT_LEN];
	char	   *result;

	 * Normalize the password with SASLprep.  If that doesn't work, because
	 * the password isn't valid UTF-8 or contains prohibited characters, just
	 * proceed with the original password.  (See comments at top of file.)
	rc = pg_saslprep(password, &prep_password);
		password = (const char *) prep_password;

	/* Generate random salt */
	if (!pg_strong_random(saltbuf, SCRAM_DEFAULT_SALT_LEN))
				 errmsg("could not generate random salt")));

	result = scram_build_verifier(saltbuf, SCRAM_DEFAULT_SALT_LEN,
								  SCRAM_DEFAULT_ITERATIONS, password);

	if (prep_password)

	return result;

 * Verify a plaintext password against a SCRAM verifier.  This is used when
 * performing plaintext password authentication for a user that has a SCRAM
 * verifier stored in pg_authid.
scram_verify_plain_password(const char *username, const char *password,
							const char *verifier)
	char	   *encoded_salt;
	char	   *salt;
	int			saltlen;
	int			iterations;
	uint8		salted_password[SCRAM_KEY_LEN];
	uint8		stored_key[SCRAM_KEY_LEN];
	uint8		server_key[SCRAM_KEY_LEN];
	uint8		computed_key[SCRAM_KEY_LEN];
	char	   *prep_password;
	pg_saslprep_rc rc;

	if (!parse_scram_verifier(verifier, &iterations, &encoded_salt,
							  stored_key, server_key))
		 * The password looked like a SCRAM verifier, but could not be parsed.
				(errmsg("invalid SCRAM verifier for user \"%s\"", username)));
		return false;

	salt = palloc(pg_b64_dec_len(strlen(encoded_salt)));
	saltlen = pg_b64_decode(encoded_salt, strlen(encoded_salt), salt);
	if (saltlen == -1)
				(errmsg("invalid SCRAM verifier for user \"%s\"", username)));
		return false;

	/* Normalize the password */
	rc = pg_saslprep(password, &prep_password);
		password = prep_password;

	/* Compute Server Key based on the user-supplied plaintext password */
	scram_SaltedPassword(password, salt, saltlen, iterations, salted_password);
	scram_ServerKey(salted_password, computed_key);

	if (prep_password)

	 * Compare the verifier's Server Key with the one computed from the
	 * user-supplied password.
	return memcmp(computed_key, server_key, SCRAM_KEY_LEN) == 0;

 * Parse and validate format of given SCRAM verifier.
 * On success, the iteration count, salt, stored key, and server key are
 * extracted from the verifier, and returned to the caller.  For 'stored_key'
 * and 'server_key', the caller must pass pre-allocated buffers of size
 * SCRAM_KEY_LEN.  Salt is returned as a base64-encoded, null-terminated
 * string.  The buffer for the salt is palloc'd by this function.
 * Returns true if the SCRAM verifier has been parsed, and false otherwise.
parse_scram_verifier(const char *verifier, int *iterations, char **salt,
					 uint8 *stored_key, uint8 *server_key)
	char	   *v;
	char	   *p;
	char	   *scheme_str;
	char	   *salt_str;
	char	   *iterations_str;
	char	   *storedkey_str;
	char	   *serverkey_str;
	int			decoded_len;
	char	   *decoded_salt_buf;
	char	   *decoded_stored_buf;
	char	   *decoded_server_buf;

	 * The verifier is of form:
	 * SCRAM-SHA-256$<iterations>:<salt>$<storedkey>:<serverkey>
	v = pstrdup(verifier);
	if ((scheme_str = strtok(v, "$")) == NULL)
		goto invalid_verifier;
	if ((iterations_str = strtok(NULL, ":")) == NULL)
		goto invalid_verifier;
	if ((salt_str = strtok(NULL, "$")) == NULL)
		goto invalid_verifier;
	if ((storedkey_str = strtok(NULL, ":")) == NULL)
		goto invalid_verifier;
	if ((serverkey_str = strtok(NULL, "")) == NULL)
		goto invalid_verifier;

	/* Parse the fields */
	if (strcmp(scheme_str, "SCRAM-SHA-256") != 0)
		goto invalid_verifier;

	errno = 0;
	*iterations = strtol(iterations_str, &p, 10);
	if (*p || errno != 0)
		goto invalid_verifier;

	 * Verify that the salt is in Base64-encoded format, by decoding it,
	 * although we return the encoded version to the caller.
	decoded_salt_buf = palloc(pg_b64_dec_len(strlen(salt_str)));
	decoded_len = pg_b64_decode(salt_str, strlen(salt_str),
	if (decoded_len < 0)
		goto invalid_verifier;
	*salt = pstrdup(salt_str);

	 * Decode StoredKey and ServerKey.
	decoded_stored_buf = palloc(pg_b64_dec_len(strlen(storedkey_str)));
	decoded_len = pg_b64_decode(storedkey_str, strlen(storedkey_str),
	if (decoded_len != SCRAM_KEY_LEN)
		goto invalid_verifier;
	memcpy(stored_key, decoded_stored_buf, SCRAM_KEY_LEN);

	decoded_server_buf = palloc(pg_b64_dec_len(strlen(serverkey_str)));
	decoded_len = pg_b64_decode(serverkey_str, strlen(serverkey_str),
	if (decoded_len != SCRAM_KEY_LEN)
		goto invalid_verifier;
	memcpy(server_key, decoded_server_buf, SCRAM_KEY_LEN);

	return true;

	*salt = NULL;
	return false;

 * Generate plausible SCRAM verifier parameters for mock authentication.
 * In a normal authentication, these are extracted from the verifier
 * stored in the server.  This function generates values that look
 * realistic, for when there is no stored verifier.
 * Like in parse_scram_verifier(), for 'stored_key' and 'server_key', the
 * caller must pass pre-allocated buffers of size SCRAM_KEY_LEN, and
 * the buffer for the salt is palloc'd by this function.
static void
mock_scram_verifier(const char *username, int *iterations, char **salt,
					uint8 *stored_key, uint8 *server_key)
	char	   *raw_salt;
	char	   *encoded_salt;
	int			encoded_len;

	/* Generate deterministic salt */
	raw_salt = scram_mock_salt(username);

	encoded_salt = (char *) palloc(pg_b64_enc_len(SCRAM_DEFAULT_SALT_LEN) + 1);
	encoded_len = pg_b64_encode(raw_salt, SCRAM_DEFAULT_SALT_LEN, encoded_salt);
	encoded_salt[encoded_len] = '\0';

	*salt = encoded_salt;

	/* StoredKey and ServerKey are not used in a doomed authentication */
	memset(stored_key, 0, SCRAM_KEY_LEN);
	memset(server_key, 0, SCRAM_KEY_LEN);

 * Read the value in a given SCRAM exchange message for given attribute.
static char *
read_attr_value(char **input, char attr)
	char	   *begin = *input;
	char	   *end;

	if (*begin != attr)
				 errmsg("malformed SCRAM message"),
				 errdetail("Expected attribute \"%c\" but found \"%s\".",
						   attr, sanitize_char(*begin))));

	if (*begin != '=')
				 errmsg("malformed SCRAM message"),
				 errdetail("Expected character \"=\" for attribute \"%c\".", attr)));

	end = begin;
	while (*end && *end != ',')

	if (*end)
		*end = '\0';
		*input = end + 1;
		*input = end;

	return begin;

static bool
is_scram_printable(char *p)
	 * Printable characters, as defined by SCRAM spec: (RFC 5802)
	 *	printable		= %x21-2B / %x2D-7E
	 *					  ;; Printable ASCII except ",".
	 *					  ;; Note that any "printable" is also
	 *					  ;; a valid "value".
	for (; *p; p++)
		if (*p < 0x21 || *p > 0x7E || *p == 0x2C /* comma */ )
			return false;
	return true;

 * Convert an arbitrary byte to printable form.  For error messages.
 * If it's a printable ASCII character, print it as a single character.
 * otherwise, print it in hex.
 * The returned pointer points to a static buffer.
static char *
sanitize_char(char c)
	static char buf[5];

	if (c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7E)
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "'%c'", c);
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "0x%02x", (unsigned char) c);
	return buf;

 * Convert an arbitrary string to printable form, for error messages.
 * Anything that's not a printable ASCII character is replaced with
 * '?', and the string is truncated at 30 characters.
 * The returned pointer points to a static buffer.
static char *
sanitize_str(const char *s)
	static char buf[30 + 1];
	int			i;

	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(buf) - 1; i++)
		char		c = s[i];

		if (c == '\0')

		if (c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7E)
			buf[i] = c;
			buf[i] = '?';
	buf[i] = '\0';
	return buf;

 * Read the next attribute and value in a SCRAM exchange message.
 * Returns NULL if there is attribute.
static char *
read_any_attr(char **input, char *attr_p)
	char	   *begin = *input;
	char	   *end;
	char		attr = *begin;

	 * attr-val		   = ALPHA "=" value
	 *					 ;; Generic syntax of any attribute sent
	 *					 ;; by server or client
	if (!((attr >= 'A' && attr <= 'Z') ||
		  (attr >= 'a' && attr <= 'z')))
				 errmsg("malformed SCRAM message"),
				 errdetail("Attribute expected, but found invalid character \"%s\".",
	if (attr_p)
		*attr_p = attr;

	if (*begin != '=')
				 errmsg("malformed SCRAM message"),
				 errdetail("Expected character \"=\" for attribute \"%c\".", attr)));

	end = begin;
	while (*end && *end != ',')

	if (*end)
		*end = '\0';
		*input = end + 1;
		*input = end;

	return begin;

 * Read and parse the first message from client in the context of a SCRAM
 * authentication exchange message.
 * At this stage, any errors will be reported directly with ereport(ERROR).
static void
read_client_first_message(scram_state *state, const char *input)
	char	   *p = pstrdup(input);
	char	   *channel_binding_type;

	 * The syntax for the client-first-message is: (RFC 5802)
	 * saslname		   = 1*(value-safe-char / "=2C" / "=3D")
	 *					 ;; Conforms to <value>.
	 * authzid		   = "a=" saslname
	 *					 ;; Protocol specific.
	 * cb-name		   = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / "." / "-")
	 *					  ;; See RFC 5056, Section 7.
	 *					  ;; E.g., "tls-server-end-point" or
	 *					  ;; "tls-unique".
	 * gs2-cbind-flag  = ("p=" cb-name) / "n" / "y"
	 *					 ;; "n" -> client doesn't support channel binding.
	 *					 ;; "y" -> client does support channel binding
	 *					 ;;		   but thinks the server does not.
	 *					 ;; "p" -> client requires channel binding.
	 *					 ;; The selected channel binding follows "p=".
	 * gs2-header	   = gs2-cbind-flag "," [ authzid ] ","
	 *					 ;; GS2 header for SCRAM
	 *					 ;; (the actual GS2 header includes an optional
	 *					 ;; flag to indicate that the GSS mechanism is not
	 *					 ;; "standard", but since SCRAM is "standard", we
	 *					 ;; don't include that flag).
	 * username		   = "n=" saslname
	 *					 ;; Usernames are prepared using SASLprep.
	 * reserved-mext  = "m=" 1*(value-char)
	 *					 ;; Reserved for signaling mandatory extensions.
	 *					 ;; The exact syntax will be defined in
	 *					 ;; the future.
	 * nonce		   = "r=" c-nonce [s-nonce]
	 *					 ;; Second part provided by server.
	 * c-nonce		   = printable
	 * client-first-message-bare =
	 *					 [reserved-mext ","]
	 *					 username "," nonce ["," extensions]
	 * client-first-message =
	 *					 gs2-header client-first-message-bare
	 * For example:
	 * n,,n=user,r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL
	 * The "n,," in the beginning means that the client doesn't support
	 * channel binding, and no authzid is given.  "n=user" is the username.
	 * However, in PostgreSQL the username is sent in the startup packet, and
	 * the username in the SCRAM exchange is ignored.  libpq always sends it
	 * as an empty string.  The last part, "r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL" is
	 * the client nonce.

	 * Read gs2-cbind-flag.  (For details see also RFC 5802 Section 6 "Channel
	 * Binding".)
	state->cbind_flag = *p;
	switch (*p)
		case 'n':

			 * The client does not support channel binding or has simply
			 * decided to not use it.  In that case just let it go.
			if (state->channel_binding_in_use)
						 errmsg("malformed SCRAM message"),
						 errdetail("The client selected SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS, but the SCRAM message does not include channel binding data.")));

			if (*p != ',')
						 errmsg("malformed SCRAM message"),
						 errdetail("Comma expected, but found character \"%s\".",
		case 'y':

			 * The client supports channel binding and thinks that the server
			 * does not.  In this case, the server must fail authentication if
			 * it supports channel binding.
			if (state->channel_binding_in_use)
						 errmsg("malformed SCRAM message"),
						 errdetail("The client selected SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS, but the SCRAM message does not include channel binding data.")));

			if (state->port->ssl_in_use)
						 errmsg("SCRAM channel binding negotiation error"),
						 errdetail("The client supports SCRAM channel binding but thinks the server does not.  "
								   "However, this server does support channel binding.")));
			if (*p != ',')
						 errmsg("malformed SCRAM message"),
						 errdetail("Comma expected, but found character \"%s\".",
		case 'p':

			 * The client requires channel binding.  Channel binding type
			 * follows, e.g., "p=tls-server-end-point".
			if (!state->channel_binding_in_use)
						 errmsg("malformed SCRAM message"),
						 errdetail("The client selected SCRAM-SHA-256 without channel binding, but the SCRAM message includes channel binding data.")));

			channel_binding_type = read_attr_value(&p, 'p');

			 * The only channel binding type we support is
			 * tls-server-end-point.
			if (strcmp(channel_binding_type, "tls-server-end-point") != 0)
						 (errmsg("unsupported SCRAM channel-binding type \"%s\"",
					 errmsg("malformed SCRAM message"),
					 errdetail("Unexpected channel-binding flag \"%s\".",

	 * Forbid optional authzid (authorization identity).  We don't support it.
	if (*p == 'a')
				 errmsg("client uses authorization identity, but it is not supported")));
	if (*p != ',')
				 errmsg("malformed SCRAM message"),
				 errdetail("Unexpected attribute \"%s\" in client-first-message.",

	state->client_first_message_bare = pstrdup(p);

	 * Any mandatory extensions would go here.  We don't support any.
	 * RFC 5802 specifies error code "e=extensions-not-supported" for this,
	 * but it can only be sent in the server-final message.  We prefer to fail
	 * immediately (which the RFC also allows).
	if (*p == 'm')
				 errmsg("client requires an unsupported SCRAM extension")));

	 * Read username.  Note: this is ignored.  We use the username from the
	 * startup message instead, still it is kept around if provided as it
	 * proves to be useful for debugging purposes.
	state->client_username = read_attr_value(&p, 'n');

	/* read nonce and check that it is made of only printable characters */
	state->client_nonce = read_attr_value(&p, 'r');
	if (!is_scram_printable(state->client_nonce))
				 errmsg("non-printable characters in SCRAM nonce")));

	 * There can be any number of optional extensions after this.  We don't
	 * support any extensions, so ignore them.
	while (*p != '\0')
		read_any_attr(&p, NULL);

	/* success! */

 * Verify the final nonce contained in the last message received from
 * client in an exchange.
static bool
verify_final_nonce(scram_state *state)
	int			client_nonce_len = strlen(state->client_nonce);
	int			server_nonce_len = strlen(state->server_nonce);
	int			final_nonce_len = strlen(state->client_final_nonce);

	if (final_nonce_len != client_nonce_len + server_nonce_len)
		return false;
	if (memcmp(state->client_final_nonce, state->client_nonce, client_nonce_len) != 0)
		return false;
	if (memcmp(state->client_final_nonce + client_nonce_len, state->server_nonce, server_nonce_len) != 0)
		return false;

	return true;

 * Verify the client proof contained in the last message received from
 * client in an exchange.
static bool
verify_client_proof(scram_state *state)
	uint8		ClientSignature[SCRAM_KEY_LEN];
	uint8		ClientKey[SCRAM_KEY_LEN];
	uint8		client_StoredKey[SCRAM_KEY_LEN];
	scram_HMAC_ctx ctx;
	int			i;

	/* calculate ClientSignature */
	scram_HMAC_init(&ctx, state->StoredKey, SCRAM_KEY_LEN);
	scram_HMAC_update(&ctx, ",", 1);
	scram_HMAC_update(&ctx, ",", 1);
	scram_HMAC_final(ClientSignature, &ctx);

	/* Extract the ClientKey that the client calculated from the proof */
	for (i = 0; i < SCRAM_KEY_LEN; i++)
		ClientKey[i] = state->ClientProof[i] ^ ClientSignature[i];

	/* Hash it one more time, and compare with StoredKey */
	scram_H(ClientKey, SCRAM_KEY_LEN, client_StoredKey);

	if (memcmp(client_StoredKey, state->StoredKey, SCRAM_KEY_LEN) != 0)
		return false;

	return true;

 * Build the first server-side message sent to the client in a SCRAM
 * communication exchange.
static char *
build_server_first_message(scram_state *state)
	 * The syntax for the server-first-message is: (RFC 5802)
	 * server-first-message =
	 *					 [reserved-mext ","] nonce "," salt ","
	 *					 iteration-count ["," extensions]
	 * nonce		   = "r=" c-nonce [s-nonce]
	 *					 ;; Second part provided by server.
	 * c-nonce		   = printable
	 * s-nonce		   = printable
	 * salt			   = "s=" base64
	 * iteration-count = "i=" posit-number
	 *					 ;; A positive number.
	 * Example:
	 * r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL3rfcNHYJY1ZVvWVs7j,s=QSXCR+Q6sek8bf92,i=4096

	 * Per the spec, the nonce may consist of any printable ASCII characters.
	 * For convenience, however, we don't use the whole range available,
	 * rather, we generate some random bytes, and base64 encode them.
	char		raw_nonce[SCRAM_RAW_NONCE_LEN];
	int			encoded_len;

	if (!pg_strong_random(raw_nonce, SCRAM_RAW_NONCE_LEN))
				 errmsg("could not generate random nonce")));

	state->server_nonce = palloc(pg_b64_enc_len(SCRAM_RAW_NONCE_LEN) + 1);
	encoded_len = pg_b64_encode(raw_nonce, SCRAM_RAW_NONCE_LEN, state->server_nonce);
	state->server_nonce[encoded_len] = '\0';

	state->server_first_message =
				 state->client_nonce, state->server_nonce,
				 state->salt, state->iterations);

	return pstrdup(state->server_first_message);

 * Read and parse the final message received from client.
static void
read_client_final_message(scram_state *state, const char *input)
	char		attr;
	char	   *channel_binding;
	char	   *value;
	char	   *begin,
	char	   *p;
	char	   *client_proof;

	begin = p = pstrdup(input);

	 * The syntax for the server-first-message is: (RFC 5802)
	 * gs2-header	   = gs2-cbind-flag "," [ authzid ] ","
	 *					 ;; GS2 header for SCRAM
	 *					 ;; (the actual GS2 header includes an optional
	 *					 ;; flag to indicate that the GSS mechanism is not
	 *					 ;; "standard", but since SCRAM is "standard", we
	 *					 ;; don't include that flag).
	 * cbind-input	 = gs2-header [ cbind-data ]
	 *					 ;; cbind-data MUST be present for
	 *					 ;; gs2-cbind-flag of "p" and MUST be absent
	 *					 ;; for "y" or "n".
	 * channel-binding = "c=" base64
	 *					 ;; base64 encoding of cbind-input.
	 * proof		   = "p=" base64
	 * client-final-message-without-proof =
	 *					 channel-binding "," nonce [","
	 *					 extensions]
	 * client-final-message =
	 *					 client-final-message-without-proof "," proof

	 * Read channel binding.  This repeats the channel-binding flags and is
	 * then followed by the actual binding data depending on the type.
	channel_binding = read_attr_value(&p, 'c');
	if (state->channel_binding_in_use)
		const char *cbind_data = NULL;
		size_t		cbind_data_len = 0;
		size_t		cbind_header_len;
		char	   *cbind_input;
		size_t		cbind_input_len;
		char	   *b64_message;
		int			b64_message_len;

		Assert(state->cbind_flag == 'p');

		/* Fetch hash data of server's SSL certificate */
		cbind_data = be_tls_get_certificate_hash(state->port,

		/* should not happen */
		if (cbind_data == NULL || cbind_data_len == 0)
			elog(ERROR, "could not get server certificate hash");

		cbind_header_len = strlen("p=tls-server-end-point,,");	/* p=type,, */
		cbind_input_len = cbind_header_len + cbind_data_len;
		cbind_input = palloc(cbind_input_len);
		snprintf(cbind_input, cbind_input_len, "p=tls-server-end-point,,");
		memcpy(cbind_input + cbind_header_len, cbind_data, cbind_data_len);

		b64_message = palloc(pg_b64_enc_len(cbind_input_len) + 1);
		b64_message_len = pg_b64_encode(cbind_input, cbind_input_len,
		b64_message[b64_message_len] = '\0';

		 * Compare the value sent by the client with the value expected by the
		 * server.
		if (strcmp(channel_binding, b64_message) != 0)
					 (errmsg("SCRAM channel binding check failed"))));
		/* shouldn't happen, because we checked this earlier already */
		elog(ERROR, "channel binding not supported by this build");
		 * If we are not using channel binding, the binding data is expected
		 * to always be "biws", which is "n,," base64-encoded, or "eSws",
		 * which is "y,,".  We also have to check whether the flag is the same
		 * one that the client originally sent.
		if (!(strcmp(channel_binding, "biws") == 0 && state->cbind_flag == 'n') &&
			!(strcmp(channel_binding, "eSws") == 0 && state->cbind_flag == 'y'))
					 (errmsg("unexpected SCRAM channel-binding attribute in client-final-message"))));

	state->client_final_nonce = read_attr_value(&p, 'r');

	/* ignore optional extensions */
		proof = p - 1;
		value = read_any_attr(&p, &attr);
	} while (attr != 'p');

	client_proof = palloc(pg_b64_dec_len(strlen(value)));
	if (pg_b64_decode(value, strlen(value), client_proof) != SCRAM_KEY_LEN)
				 errmsg("malformed SCRAM message"),
				 errdetail("Malformed proof in client-final-message.")));
	memcpy(state->ClientProof, client_proof, SCRAM_KEY_LEN);

	if (*p != '\0')
				 errmsg("malformed SCRAM message"),
				 errdetail("Garbage found at the end of client-final-message.")));

	state->client_final_message_without_proof = palloc(proof - begin + 1);
	memcpy(state->client_final_message_without_proof, input, proof - begin);
	state->client_final_message_without_proof[proof - begin] = '\0';

 * Build the final server-side message of an exchange.
static char *
build_server_final_message(scram_state *state)
	uint8		ServerSignature[SCRAM_KEY_LEN];
	char	   *server_signature_base64;
	int			siglen;
	scram_HMAC_ctx ctx;

	/* calculate ServerSignature */
	scram_HMAC_init(&ctx, state->ServerKey, SCRAM_KEY_LEN);
	scram_HMAC_update(&ctx, ",", 1);
	scram_HMAC_update(&ctx, ",", 1);
	scram_HMAC_final(ServerSignature, &ctx);

	server_signature_base64 = palloc(pg_b64_enc_len(SCRAM_KEY_LEN) + 1);
	siglen = pg_b64_encode((const char *) ServerSignature,
						   SCRAM_KEY_LEN, server_signature_base64);
	server_signature_base64[siglen] = '\0';

	 * The syntax for the server-final-message is: (RFC 5802)
	 * verifier		   = "v=" base64
	 *					 ;; base-64 encoded ServerSignature.
	 * server-final-message = (server-error / verifier)
	 *					 ["," extensions]
	return psprintf("v=%s", server_signature_base64);

 * Deterministically generate salt for mock authentication, using a SHA256
 * hash based on the username and a cluster-level secret key.  Returns a
 * pointer to a static buffer of size SCRAM_DEFAULT_SALT_LEN.
static char *
scram_mock_salt(const char *username)
	pg_sha256_ctx ctx;
	static uint8 sha_digest[PG_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
	char	   *mock_auth_nonce = GetMockAuthenticationNonce();

	 * Generate salt using a SHA256 hash of the username and the cluster's
	 * mock authentication nonce.  (This works as long as the salt length is
	 * not larger the SHA256 digest length. If the salt is smaller, the caller
	 * will just ignore the extra data.)
					 "salt length greater than SHA256 digest length");

	pg_sha256_update(&ctx, (uint8 *) username, strlen(username));
	pg_sha256_update(&ctx, (uint8 *) mock_auth_nonce, MOCK_AUTH_NONCE_LEN);
	pg_sha256_final(&ctx, sha_digest);

	return (char *) sha_digest;


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn auth 源码

greenplumn be-fsstubs 源码

greenplumn be-gssapi-common 源码

greenplumn be-secure-common 源码

greenplumn be-secure-gssapi 源码

greenplumn be-secure-openssl 源码

greenplumn be-secure 源码

greenplumn crypt 源码

greenplumn hba 源码

greenplumn ifaddr 源码

0  赞