go issue49276 源码

  • 2022-07-15
  • 浏览 (741)

golang issue49276 代码


// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package p

import "unsafe"

type S /* ERROR illegal cycle in declaration of S */ struct {
	_ [unsafe.Sizeof(s)]byte

var s S

// Since f is a pointer, this case could be valid.
// But it's pathological and not worth the expense.
type T struct {
	f *[unsafe.Sizeof(T /* ERROR illegal cycle in type declaration */ {})]int

// a mutually recursive case using unsafe.Sizeof
type (
	A1 struct {
		_ [unsafe.Sizeof(B1{})]int

	B1 struct {
		_ [unsafe.Sizeof(A1 /* ERROR illegal cycle in type declaration */ {})]int

// a mutually recursive case using len
type (
	A2 struct {
		f [len(B2{}.f)]int

	B2 struct {
		f [len(A2 /* ERROR illegal cycle in type declaration */ {}.f)]int

// test case from issue
type a struct {
	_ [42 - unsafe.Sizeof(a /* ERROR illegal cycle in type declaration */ {})]byte


go 源码目录


go issue20583 源码

go issue23203a 源码

go issue23203b 源码

go issue25838 源码

go issue26390 源码

go issue28251 源码

go issue39634 源码

go issue39664 源码

go issue39680 源码

go issue39693 源码

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